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Thanks Inessa Hansch Architecte for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Inessa Hansch Architecte.


Inessa Hansch Architecte该项目位于凡尔赛索城大道的轴线上,场地是一个被挡土墙环绕的历史悠久的池塘。这个池塘以前是为协助凡尔赛宫喷泉的供水而建造的,不过很久之前就废弃了,它的周围被一片小树林所环绕。如今Etangs Gobert花园就在池塘场地中,是一个设置在场地凹陷处的公共花园。花园家具放置在这个封闭空间的中心位置,受益于这种内向的环境,有助于我们为场地营造出一种聚合的、亲密的氛围。

Inessa Hansch ArchitecteLocated in the axis of the Avenue de Sceaux in Versailles, this project is inserted in the particular context of a historic pond surrounded by retaining walls. This technical construction was previously built to supply the fountains of the Palace of Versailles. Abandoned long ago, a small wood grew up around it. Today it contains the garden of the Étangs Gobert, a public garden laid out in a hollow. The garden furniture has been installed at the heart of this enclosed space, inspired precisely by this inward-looking situation, conducive to an ambiance that is both collective and intimate.


▼全长90米的花园家具装置  Extending for a total of 90 linear meters.

© Inessa Hansch



The project’s point of reference is this large closed rectangle in which a clearing has been created. The clearing is laid out in a broad lawn in relation to a few groves of trees. The furniture is designed specifically for this particular scale and horizontality. Barely emerging from the ground, the single line of an immense bench closes in a slightly breached loop. It defines an imaginary outdoor room materialized by these very low contours. The basic configuration simultaneously creates an obvious interior and exterior. The double orientation coupled with the concentric aspect of the location invites a wide variety of postures and activities.


© Maxime Delvaux


不规则的封闭长凳在双重方向上凹进又突出,并且向心围合,吸引人们到此开展多样的活动  The double orientation coupled with the concentric aspect of the location invites a wide variety of postures and activities.

© Maxime Delvaux



The sinuous bench plays with the nearby woods, which offer unexpected hiding places. Lawn, edges, ledges, facets, bushes and flat areas provide a broad range of surfaces for feet, hands, elbows, children’s games, table cloths, knees, etc. Possibilities for relations between people are numerous, depending on the orientation and distance between individuals who, through the position of their bodies express their desire for exchange, to meet each other, to play or just be alone.


© Inessa Hansch
© Maxime Delvaux


这个有趣的户外家具全长90米,将日常活动聚集在花园的中心,自由延展的长凳由56块预制白色混凝土构件并置而形成了边界清晰的几何形。这一设计还赢得了2014年帕尔马雷斯CAUE 78e奖。

Extending for a total of 90 linear meters, this playful piece of furniture focuses life at the center of the garden. A juxtaposition of 56 prefabricated pieces made of white concrete, the free-form bench is comprised of precise geometric elements. This design won the Palmarès CAUE 78e prized in 2014.


© Maxime Delvaux




Year: 2012
Programme: Public space
Location: France
Design team: IHA Inessa Hansch Architecte, Michel Desvigne Paysagiste, Bollinger & Grohmann, Ville de Versailles



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