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S K U L L studio:受疫情影响,原定于2020年举行的第17届国际建筑展推迟到2021年举行。matj Hájek和Tereza Kučerová首次受邀参加由哈希姆·萨基斯(Hashim Sarkis)策划的第17届国际建筑展-威尼斯双年展,他们是捷克共和国在这一著名当代建筑展览上的唯一代表。围绕本届双年展的主题“我们如何共同生活”(How will we live together?),他们在“我们如何一起玩?”(How will we play together?)单元展示了装置作品“OFF FENCE”。
S K U L L studio:For the first time are participants Matěj Hájek and Tereza Kučerová invited to the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia curated by Hashim Sarkis. They are the sole representatives of the Czech Republic at this prestigious exhibition of contemporary architecture, on this year’s theme of How will we live together? In the section How will we play together?, in the freely accessible Forte Marghera, they present the installation OFF FENCE.

A fence is a symbol of separation. Throughout all historical developments, society has been divided by various forms of walls, either physically, geographically, culturally or socially. If we ask ourselves the question How will we live together?, it is necessary first of all to realise what divides us. What stands between us and the state we are striving to achieve?

OFF FENCE装置被安放在一个具有深意的位置,它横穿现有的碎石路,在形式上体现了分隔的状态。作者雕塑家Matěj Hájek说:“我们选择了一种对抗性的态度,用装置横切道路。我们设想把障碍物转化为动力,一种诱使改变的力量。”
The installation OFF FENCE is place in a radical location, cutting across the existing gravel path, thereby manifesting the phenomenon of separation. “We choose a confrontational tone. We cut across the path. We transform an obstacle into an impulse. An impulse for change,” states the author, the sculptor Matěj Hájek.
▽手绘概念草图 Sketches
▽平面设计图纸 Plan situation
An obstacle is placed in the path for visitors to the Architecture Biennale – a wooden fence. If visitors wish to continue on their way, they are forced to address the situation. They have the option of giving up and turning back, or walking round the obstacle, or going through the installation. Within the context we have formulated, this physical act takes on a symbolic meaning: it enables visitors to enter the obstacle, and thereby to enter the problem. “Through the medium of play we take a bold step. We drive the dynamo of change through our own initiative. The game is an initiation of change. By entering the physical body of the obstacle, visitors overcome themselves,” describes Hájek.

Tereza Kučerová补充道:“在城市里,孩子们没有足够的机会自由活动,游乐场往往被设计成为他们唯一的游戏场所。对我们这个作品来说,划分儿童游乐场的栅栏就是这种缺陷的具体象征。它将儿童与城市环境的其他部分隔离开来。而真正考虑儿童需求的城市设计中,这样的围栏是没有必要的。”
Tereza Kučerová adds: “In cities there aren’t enough opportunities for the free movement of children. Playgrounds are often designed as the only places for playing. For us, the fence demarcating children’s playgrounds is a symbol of this deficiency. It separates children from the remainder of the urban environment. In cities designed with the needs of children taken into account, such fences aren’t necessary.”
“The spatial composition of the play element is based on the application of knowledge from the field of neuroscience. Motion along the inclined surfaces of platforms brings about a stimulation of the physical apparatus, and thereby also an increase of the educational potential of the game,” adds the author, who focuses on the broader relationships of play elements in his research within his dissertation thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.

The lateral walls of the construction are created from larch wood profiles (60 x 120 cm), which are mutually interconnected, and also connected to the supporting construction made of galvanised steel, with the aid of threaded rods, forming the ensemble of the installation. Along the entire length of the wooden “fences” are horizontal HEA profiles, which are located beneath the terrain, together forming a single spatial unit. The sloping platforms which fill the fields between the fences are formed with the aid of larch wood prisms, and sheathed in plywood with a coloured, anti-slip coating. The access ladders are made of galvanised steel.

项目地点:威尼斯 玛格拉堡
总建筑面积:34 平方米
尺寸:10 x 3.4 x 4.2 m / 34 m2 / 135 m3
设计工作室:S K U L L studio,MOLO Architekti
作者:Matěj Hájek [SKULL studio]、Tereza Kučerová [MOLO architekti]
设计团队:TAROS NOVA,www.taros-nova.cz、Patrik Zamazal [MOLO 建筑师]
摄影师:Bet Orten,www.betorten.com,bet@skullstudio.net;BoysPlayNice,www.boysplaynice.com,info@boysplaynice.com
钢结构生产:JJ-konstrukt, www.jj-konstrukt.cz
木制部件生产:Doby Constep
装配:Matěj Hájek、Patrik Zamazal、Doby Constep、Jakub Kačmařík
制作:Kateřina Sedláková、Helena Znamenaná
PSN, www.psn.cz
SFS Group CZ, www.sfsintec.biz
Česká centra, www.czechcentres.cz
BoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com
LINKA, www.linka.news
Project Name: OFF FENCE
Project location: Forte Marghera, Venice
Project country: Italy
Project year: 2020–2021
Completion year: 2021
Gross Floor Area: 34 m²
Dimensions: 10 x 3.4 x 4.2 m / 34 m2 / 135 m3
Studio: SKULL studio, MOLO architekti
Author: Matěj Hájek [SKULL studio], Tereza Kučerová [MOLO architekti]
Contact E-mail: play@skullstudio.net
Website: www.skullstudio.net
Social media: www.instagram.com/skull_studio_prague
Studio address: SKULL studio, Na Maninách 22, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
MOLO architekti, Přístavní 1, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Design team: TAROS NOVA, www.taros-nova.cz
Patrik Zamazal [MOLO architekti]
Client’s e-mail: Press Office La Biennale di Venezia
Project website: www.labiennale.org
Photographer: Bet Orten, www.betorten.com, bet@skullstudio.net, BoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com, info@boysplaynice.com
Production of steel construction: JJ-konstrukt, www.jj-konstrukt.cz
Production of wooden components: Doby Constep
Assembly: Matěj Hájek, Patrik Zamazal, Doby Constep, Jakub Kačmařík
Production: Kateřina Sedláková, Helena Znamenaná
With additional support of:
PSN, www.psn.cz
SFS Group CZ, www.sfsintec.biz
Česká centra, www.czechcentres.cz
BoysPlayNice, www.boysplaynice.com
LINKA, www.linka.news
“ 人们被生活中各种形式的‘围栏’困于其中,无论是在物理上、地理上、文化上还是社会上,该隐喻性的装置设计暗示着人们,只有勇敢直面问题,才可能获得改变。”
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