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Thanks Fabian Knecht for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Fabian Knecht.
Fabian Knecht:“隔离”系列装置是围绕一块矩形土地建造而成的白色立方体画廊空间,装置设施同时也是大地肖像的摄影作。
Fabian Knecht: ‘Isolation’ series has involved white-cube gallery spaces built up around a rectangular swatch of land, installations that double as a photographic portrait studio for the ground-as-figure.
▽“隔离2019”:柏林近郊湿地森林内的白盒展览空间 Isolation 2019- A white cube exhibition space installed inside a swampy forest near Berlin

Beginning with a truncated fragment of a landscape, the logic of this ubiquitous framing device echoes outwards—the structure built around it, the frame of the camera viewfinder, leading to a photograph of its interior; the frame of the photograph (with its own reflective glass surface) now hanging on the white wall of a gallery whose form is repeated ad nauseum in the temporary architecture of the art world, from fairs and biennales to museum shows. The boxed scenes of these installations vary and trick the eye. A luscious field of wildflowers once receded into infinity in perfect one-point perspective.

2019年,艺术家Fabian knecht最大的“隔离”装置以三个相连的画廊,共同将德国Märkische Schweiz自然公园内的180平方米土地围合起来。
Fabian knecht’s newest and largest variation of ‘isolation’ comprises three connected galleries which together enclose 180 square meters of land within germany’s märkische schweiz national park.

The once boundless landscape is now rendered as a figural composition, remaining fully isolated within the gallery walls and further enclosed by the fourth wall of photographic representation. the work lends the contradictory experience that is the picturesque charm of discovering nature in its untouched state within the fluorescent white box. when viewing the work, visitors are first blindfolded and then dropped into the architecturally framed landscape without having seen the structure or its surroundings from the outside.

▽装置外环境 Exterior

▽建造过程 Construction process

▽“隔离2020”:水渠上的白盒子 Isolation 2020- A white cube on a water ditch

▽建造过程 Construction process

▽“隔离2020”:野花草甸上的白盒子 Isolation 2020- A white cube on a wildflower meadow

项目名称:隔离 2019
建筑设计:Ivy Lee Fiebig, Andre Simonow 和 Marcel Schnabel
照片来源:Studio Fabian Knecht, 2019
由 Studio Fabian Knecht & alexanderlevy提供, 2022年
项目名称:隔离 2020
建筑设计:Marcel Schnabel
照片来源:Studio Fabian Knecht, 2020
由 Studio Fabian Knecht & alexanderlevy提供, 2022年
Project name: Isolation 2019
Architecural design: Ivy Lee Fiebig, Andre Simonow and Marcel Schnabel
Photos: Studio Fabian Knecht, 2019
Courtesy Studio Fabian Knecht & alexanderlevy, 2022
Project name: Isolation 2020
Architecural design: Marcel Schnabel
Photos: Studio Fabian Knecht, 2020
Courtesy Studio Fabian Knecht & alexanderlevy, 2022
“ 白色立方体画廊盒子将湿地森林、水渠、野花草甸框入盒子内部,形成一个亲自然的体验型展示空间。”
审稿编辑: Hongyu
更多 Read more about: Fabian Knecht