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JL Design:In May, 2023, at the beginning of summer, we stepped into Jing’an Impression, where we were delighted to see people “feel at ease” in the peaceful environment. It was at that moment that we understood all our efforts to introduce a relaxing and quality lifestyle finally paid off.



PART 1  一个人的轻雅 Moment of Solitude


初夏的气息在空气中弥, 细腻的阳光透过乌桕洒落到这一方水院之中,光影斑驳。抬高的叠水一层层如山涧溪流般汩汩而下,树形优美树冠宽大而蓬松的乌桕撑起了整个小院的绿意盎然。我们希望这春夏观景遮荫、秋观叶、冬观形的乌桕,能在不同季节带给人们不同的惊喜。

Everything goes at its own pace. Just relax and enjoy the moment.

The breath of early summer permeated the air, and the sun cast shadows of the Chinese tallow in the water yard. The trees formed such a dense canopy that all beneath was a small waterfall cascading down like a stream. We hope the trees, which provide shades in spring and summer, colorful leaves in autumn and elegant gestures in winter, can always bring people surprises in all seasons.




Light and shadow along the corridor change as day alternates with night, bringing different experiences to people at any time.


▽景观长廊 Landscape gallery



In the busy modern life, we are increasingly longing for a space of solitude. Thus at dawn and dusk, tranquility of the yard comes just as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life.


▽户外会客厅 Outdoor meeting room


PART 2 两个人的欢愉 Joy of Companionship



 Back early after school, the children try, to fly the kites in eastern breeze.—Rural Life By Gao Ding of Qing Dynasty

We happened to see two lovely girls wandering around the garden like two little bees. They sometimes stopped by the flower bed observing or ran wild on the lawn, enjoying themselves and filling the space with joy and vitality. Right in the morning, there were neighbors accompanying each other to exercise together and enjoy the warm early summer time of Shanghai.



PART 3 三个人的恬实 Happiness of Family Time



 Quiet or bustling, every moment matters. Just let it be.

Along the four meters wide road home, a square is built against the wall for fire fight. Here the pavement is skillfully designed to integrate the waterfront areas; the lawn rolls and the wave-like pond shines in the center, allowing children to run around for fun and providing more possibilities for people.




The corridor serves as a ship floating in the sea, sheltering people from wind and rain. Its eaves protrude elegantly and hide themselves in the trees.




In the mild early summer when the sunlight is warm and comfortable, sitting on the extra-wide benches is just like floating in a boat, with the whole scene unfolding like a landscape painting.


▽社区里的生活氛围 The atmosphere of life in the community



“What at after a long daynap can I do with pleasure? I only watch the kids catch willow down at leisure.” The lines by the poet Yang Wanli just describe the typical scene of early summer, when adults enjoy beautiful views while children play and explore. Their laughter fills the air and lingers in the early summer time.


▽儿童活动空间 Children’s activity space



Jing’an Impression by SUNAC Shanghai is featured in our first issue of “Almost Always”. In May, 2023, we walked into the community, recorded people’s true life, and interpreted the project from our own experience.





PROJECT: Jing’an Impression, Shanghai (Public Area)
Location: Jing’an District, Shanghai
Size: approximately 26,175 m2
Time of Design: April, 2022
Time of Completion: October, 2022
Landscape Design: JL Design
Design Director: Zhang Zhang
Concept Design: Zhang Zhang, Xu Li, Luo Juan, Shao Guangchen
Detail Design: Zhang Jianhua, Liu Shan, Zhou Xiaoli, Li Yiran, Xiang Hui, Jiang Yuan, Zhang Xiaomin, Wu Ying, Liu Manyi, Guo Xiaoyan
Landscape Photos by: Westsouth Photo



审稿编辑: Maggie

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