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Thanks Beeeed Atelier for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Beeeed Atelier.
东维建筑: 花海帐亭位于杭州余杭径山,以禅茶和山林闻名,其设计的出发点正是思考人与自然的原始关系,因此初始意向是简单且开放的。为了塑造一种原始的空间感,花海帐亭选择悬垂屋面的形式,舒展的骨架和表皮形式自然而然的产生,正如径山的茶山上随处可见的茶叶遮阳棚一样简单而直接。
Beeeed Atelier: The Flower Sea Tent Pavilion is located in Jingshan, which is famous for its tea culture, forests landscape and buddhist mood. So, the design started from the thinking of the original relationship between humans and nature, with the initial intention which was simple and open. In order to create a primitive sense, we chose the form of a suspended roof, and the stretching skeleton and skin form naturally emerge, just like the simple tea sunshades that can be seen everywhere on the Tea Mountain in Jingshan.
▽花海帐亭鸟瞰-走入原野,直面自然 Aerial view – Into the wilderness, face nature

Hangzhou is cold in winter and hot in summer. It is uncomfortable to travel outdoors during that time and there are no flowers in the Flower Sea Park. Therefore, the Tent Pavilion will be used mainly in spring and autumn. By providing simple meals, tea drinks and coffee, Tent Pavilion is also an open-space for children’s flower cognition courses.
▽花海帐亭鸟瞰-初始意向是简单且开放的 Aerial view – The initial intent is simple and open

▽花海帐亭整体 Flower sea tent pavilion whole

▽使用中的帐亭-简餐、茶饮、咖啡、研学 Tent kiosk in use – simple meals, tea, coffee, research

Based on such seasonal characteristics and flexible usage, the Tent Pavilion does not have a fixed climate boundary, but instead creates an open space, gently propped up like a tent floating on the flower sea land.
▽花海帐亭如帐篷或者吊床一样轻轻被撑起的开放空间 An open space gently raised like a tent or hammock

▽材料和形式皆来源于场地诉说出的自然、原始、轻盈的意象 The material and form are derived from the natural, primitive and light image expressed by the site

▽以毛石为台基,搭设不同标高的就餐区 The dining area with different elevations is set up on the base of rubble stone

空间体验——场地中心的锚固点 Anchoring in the center of the flat land
The plan is made up by modulus of 6 × 6m and 6 ×3m, forming activity areas and service areas. Four sets of tents enclosed a central space for ceremonies or small performances. The modularity method facilitates the design of structural units and simplifies the form of roofs. Layers of roofs exhibit a state of floating. The upper ends of the columns embed in the interior corners of the roof and the junction nodes are hidden from view, creating an infinite sense of space under the roof. The pillars are distributed randomly under the wooden “curtains”, making people passing through them as if strolling through the forest. The thin pillars supporting the roof gradually disappear from the roof to the ground, and the natural form lifts up a quietly space for visitors.
▽多重悬垂屋面呈现出错落漂浮的状态 Multiple overhanging roofs appear scattered floating state

▽错落漂浮的多重悬垂屋面 Multiple overhanging roofs scattered and floating

▽丛林般的内部空间-柱子以看似随机的形态错落分布于木制“帷幔”之下 The jungle-like interior – columns are scattered in a seemingly random pattern under wooden “valances”

▽悬垂屋面的柔软、被包裹的感觉 The soft, enveloped feel of the overhanging roof

大地之上——力与形的结合 The combination of force and form
For the implementation of “rigid suspended roof”, the initial idea was similar to a suspension bridge, that is to use steel cables to pass through wooden bars and make the roof rigid through post tensioning. However, there are many problems such as weak compressive strength of wood and difficulty in operating high-altitude post tensioning of continuous curved roofs. Therefore, a flexible steel wood combination form was adopted in the deepening design phase. Wooden prefabricated shell units are placed on top of 4-6 hanging steel strips suspended between each two portal steel frames. Curved cylindrical shells ignore their out-plane stiffness and only consider their in-plane stiffness as elastic membranes to transmit roof loads. The self-weight and external forces (wind, snow) are applied to the steel strip from the wooden shell and transmitted to the crossbeam on the top of portal steel frames. The form of the crossbeam follows the shape of the roof ridge. The angle between the roof slopes also makes the trusses as folded rigid trusses with bending resistance and shear stiffness.
▽初期结构单元推敲概念模型(类似吊桥的悬挂方式)& 深化后结构推敲概念模型(屋脊桁架+钢板带+预制筒壳) Initial structural unit conceptual model (similar to suspension bridge) & Further structural conceptual model (ridge truss + steel belt + prefabricated shell)
©东维建筑 ©东维建筑 ▽前期采用钢索+木条悬挂 & 深化中采用钢板带+预制全木弧形板 &最终实施采用钢龙骨+上下覆板 In the early stage, steel cable + wood strip suspension was used & steel belt + prefabricated all-wood arc plate was used in deepening & steel keel + upper and lower cladding plate was used in the final implementation
©东维建筑 ©东维建筑 ©东维建筑 ▽入口内部空间 Entrance interior space
▽中央向内围合出可以举行仪式或是小型演出的小空间 The center encloses a small space for ceremonies or small performances

悬垂曲线、屋脊梁与柱 Overhang curves, ridges beams and columns
The Tent Pavilion is an open single story weak roof system, with steel columns act as flexible cantilever rod. It is difficult to bear significant pressure and lateral forces for single columns and the single span structure also lacks redundancy. Therefore, we increased the number of columns in key areas and combine them through a three-dimensional steel frame at the ridge, forming a strong lateral unit with the ability to balance the load of the ceiling. At the same time, these seemingly randomly distributed steel columns also fit with the “jungle-like space” pursued by the architectural concept.
▽花海帐亭高台,端部及中间关键部分的钢柱加密,形成看似随机分布的“柱丛林感” Flower tent pavilion high platform, end and middle key parts of the steel column encryption, forming a seemingly random distribution of the “column jungle”

▽悬垂屋面:一种原始的空间感 Overhanging roof: a sense of original space

For the middle span, the tension of the steel strip can basically achieve self-balancing. But for the side span, the eaves at the end always bear unbalanced unilateral tension. They do not have the double slope ridges which exist in the middle span so can’t form the bending stiffness. For corner columns the situation is the same. To deal with the unbalanced force, we add steel columns in the middle of the side span, and all set a certain reverse camber angle for the columns of the side span so that the inclined tension of the roof is more transformed into the axial force of the micro inclined column.
▽结构部分:端跨预倾斜可在长期荷载下抵消[准永久组合下水平变形抵消预倾斜,约1-100H] Structural part: end span pretilt can be offset under long-term load [horizontal deformation to offset pretilt under quasi-permanent combination, about 1-100H]
©张冲冲 ▽结构部分:最不利积雪荷载况下的跨中最大竖向挠度值约11mm,相对6m跨度比约为1:545 Structural part: Under the most unfavorable snow load condition, the maximum vertical deflection value in the span is about 11mm, and the span ratio relative to 6m is about 1:545
©张冲冲 ▽结构部分:最终结构模型——边跨预变形(对边跨的柱子设置一定的反向朝外倾角,使得屋面斜拉力更多的转化为微斜柱的轴向力,当屋面安装完毕,边柱将会被拉直至竖直位置) Structural part: the final structural model — predeformation of the side span (set a certain reverse camber Angle for the side span column, so that the inclined pull of the roof will be more transformed into the axial force of the slightly inclined column. When the roof is installed, the side column will be pulled to the vertical position)
©张冲冲 ▽最终结构模型(曲面钢格栅) Final structure model (curved steel grille)
©张冲冲 ▽建筑模型 Architectural model
意外的反复 Unexpected repetition
Due to cost constraints, the previously envisagedized glued wood of the shell can only be replaced with the conventional eucalyptus wood. Although the original design thickness of the wooden shell panel reached 100mm, the shell size of 6m ×6m will still make it difficult to bear its own weight during the lifting process. Therefore, it was decided to adopt customized curved grid light steel keel instead of wooden keel in the construction phase. This modification changed the flexible steel belt + wooden cylinder shell system to curved steel grid with certain rigidity + wooden panel skin. The steel grid and the wood panel laid in the straight direction form a stable in-plane structure and the rigidity of the shell is improved both inside and outside of the surface. In addition, the original steel strips at the bottom of wooden shell have been removed due to the application of the steel grid keel. Without the shielding of the steel strips, the presentation of the internal surface of the wooden suspension shell has become mush pure.
▽屋面筒壳安装过程(预制筒壳两端的钢骨架未覆盖木板,便于吊装,并为下一步焊接屋脊折面钢构件预留操作空间)Roof shell installation process (the steel skeleton at both ends of the prefabricated shell is not covered with wood, which is easy to lift and leaves room for the next step of welding the roof ridge folding steel members)

▽屋面筒壳吊装过程(筒壳吊装过程中以钢龙骨作为吊挂固定点)Lifting process of the roof shell (steel keel is used as the fixed point in the lifting process of the shell)

▽总平面图 Plan

▽一层平面 Ground level

▽1-1剖面 Section

▽2-2剖面 Section

▽3-3剖面 Section

▽西立面 West elevation

▽北立面 North elevation

▽南立面 South elevation

项目名称: 径山花海帐亭
设计单位:浙江农林大学园林设计院 + 东维建筑
事务所网站: www.beeeed.cn
主创建筑师: 黄广龙
摄影师网站: www.beeeed.cn (东维建筑)
Project name: Jingshan Flower Sea Tent Pavilion
Project location: Long Huang Road, Jingshan, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Design: Zhejiang A&F University Landscape Architecture Institute + Beeeed Atelier
Website: www.beeeed.cn
Leader designer & Team:
Leader Designer:Guanglong Huang
Design team:Liwei Yang\ Li Wu\ Miaoling Zheng\ Chao Fang\ Xi Chen\ Qili Zhang\ Zihang Xu\ Yunzhong Cai\ Huijin Li\ Yicheng Xu
Structural Consultant: Chongchong Zhang
Planning: Xiaohua Wu (Zhejiang A&F University Landscape Architecture Institute)
Landscape designer: Xiaohua Wu (Zhejiang A&F University Landscape Architecture Institute)
Water Supply & Drainage/Electrical engineers: Xiangrong Dong\ Shengqing Luo (Zhejiang A&F University Landscape Architecture Institute)
Contact e-mail: beeeed_arch@126.com
Clients: Hangzhou Yuhang Tourism Group Company
Project Cost: 2 million RMB
Project Phase: Finished
Design year: 03/2020-07/2020
Completion Year:10/2020
Gross built area: 700㎡
Materials: Steel\ Wood (Eucalyptus willow)\ Corrugated Metal Roof (Aluminum Magnesium Manganese)
Photo credit: Zoomlab/ Beeeed Atelier (Liwei Yang/ Mingpeng Li/ Peidong Cai)/ Weijie Lu
Photographer website: www.beeeed.cn (东维建筑)
“ 设计以花海帐亭来阐述人与自然的原始关系,塑造一种原始的空间感。”
更多read more about: 东维建筑