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Thanks GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten.
GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten:在风景如画的多瑙河上游坐落着西格玛林根市,但是,位于老城东北入口的卡尔斯广场(Karlsplatz)却饱受来自车辆交通的影响。该广场介于前皇家马厩和城堡之间,是与其他城市广场形成连接的末端缺口。
GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten:The city of Sigmaringen is located in a picturesque setting of Upper Danube valley. However, Karlsplatz, the northeastern entrance to the old town, is heavily affected by vehicular traffic. Situated between the former royal stables and the castle, it fails to become a final link to other city squares.
▼曾被交通阻隔的广场区域变成了连接的纽带 The Karlsplatz square area once blocked by traffic has become a connecting link

The new design, envisages Karlplatz as the middle ground connecting the heritage castle, Prinzen garden and the Danube meadows. Relocation of Fürst-Wilhelm-Street in front of the historic stable enables creation of a spacious and high quality square. Proposed pedestrian connections ensure a strong connection to the old town in the west.
▼新的广场空间 New square

▼广场铺装细节 Paving details

Historic value of the green area in front of stable has been reinterpreted and it’s relation to the adjacent parks has been retained. Row of cherry trees along the new street creates a permeable edge and maintains green connection to surrounding open spaces.
▼广场夜色 Square at night

▼喷泉 Fountain

项目位置:德国 西格玛林根市
景观/建筑设计公司:GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten Hubertus Schäfer + Markus Pieper PartG mbB
主创建筑师:Hubertus Schäfer, Markus Pieper
设计团队:Jenny Keval, Natalie Janisch
客户:Stadt Sigmaringen
图片来源:Nikolai Benner,Kassel
Project name: Karlsplatz Sigmaringen
Completion Year: 2017
Size: 1,14 ha
Project location: Sigmaringen
Landscape/Architecture Firm:
GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten Hubertus Schäfer + Markus Pieper PartG mbB
Website: www.greenbox.la
Contact e-mail: info@greenbox.la
Lead Architects: Hubertus Schäfer, Markus Pieper
Design Team: Jenny Keval, Natalie Janisch
Clients: Stadt Sigmaringen
Photo credits: Nikolai Benner, Kassel
Photographer’s website: www.nikolaibenner.de
“ 曾被交通阻隔的城市广场经过新的定位和设计,成为了一处开敞的高品质街头休闲空间。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: GREENBOX Landschaftsarchitekten