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Thanks Sher Maker for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Sher Maker.
Sher Maker:KINTO 是一个日本的餐具和咖啡设备品牌,以设计精美、简洁实用的产品而闻名。这些产品与日常生活完美融合,可用于各种场合。2023 年,KINTO 泰国公司计划在 The Circle Ratchapruek 项目中创建一个临时的弹出式销售空间。该临时销售空间没有搭设在建筑物内部,而是位于景观花园的中央,使之成为项目的一大特色。
Sher Maker:KINTO is a Japanese brand of tableware and coffee equipment known for its beautifully designed, yet simple and functional products. These items seamlessly fit into everyday life and can be used in various settings. In 2023, KINTO Thailand plans to create a temporary pop-up sales space at The Circle Ratchapruek project. Rather than being inside a building, the pop-up space will be situated in the middle of a landscape garden, which is a defining context of this project.
▽项目视频 The Video

Circle Ratchaphruek 是一个位于住宅区内的户外社区购物中心,主要面向以家庭为单位的客户,提供宠物友好花园、瑜伽和特殊课程等活动。最初,这里是人们遛狗或等待孩子完成活动时的休闲放松场所。后来,我们打算优化设计这个临时的空间,使其保持对现有顾客友好的同时,不影响他们的使用习惯。新的建筑在高度上类似于一个长凳,旨在融入景观,同时保留户外家具。
The Circle Ratchaphruek is an outdoor community mall located in a residential area that caters to families with activities such as pet-friendly gardens, yoga, and special classes. Originally, the area was a place for people to relax while walking their pets or waiting for their children to finish activities. We intends to design the pop-up space to be friendly to existing customers and not disrupt their usage habits. The building will be similar in height to a bench, designed to fit into the landscape while maintaining outdoor furniture.

The building will feature numerous openings for sitting, relaxing, and showcasing products, and it will be accessible from multiple directions from the original circulation line of the area. The building’s shape and position of opening will evade depend the will alternate accordingly the original tree position. It can turn to be multi- activity spaces in upcoming future.

Because this pop-up space is a temporary structure, its exterior shell will be basicly painted in white. This shell can be painted over or use as a display or mapping wall art.

Inside wall material is normal asia plywood clad over with waterproofing that we intend to use ordinary materials that are often overlooked but possess and reveal interesting textures, which we will highlight to add interest to the space.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目地点:泰国 曼谷
客户:KINTO – Thailand
设计公司:Sher Maker
主要设计师:Patcharada Inplang、Thongchai Chansamak、 Nat Tangchonlatip
结构工程师:Thunywat Chaichomboo
施工团队:Paper Dance studio
图片来源:Rungkit charoenwat
材料:胶合板(Compass Plywood)
Project name: KINTO
Project location: Bangkok, Thailand
Building Type: Pop-up Space
Completion Year: 2023
Area: 70 sq.m.
Client: KINTO – Thailand
Company name: Sher Maker
Website: www.shermaker.com
E-mail: shermakers@gmail.com
Lead Architect: Patcharada Inplang, Thongchai Chansamak, Nat Tangchonlatip
Structure Engineer: Thunyawat Chaichompoo
Builder Team: Paper Dance studio
Photo credits: Rungkit charoenwat
Materialization: Plywood (Compass Plywood)
“ KINTO 品牌户外临时展销空间设计在提升社区空间品质的同时,没有影响居民的使用习惯,巧妙地融入了社区生活。”
更多 Read more about:Sher Maker