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Thanks Zhang Jin Video Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Zhang Jin Video Studio.
Zhang Jin Video Studio:Beijing Shangdi U-shaped Road is a renovated street. The whole street is fashionable and innovative. The warm street and the rest space are everywhere. In the afterglow of the sunset, it looks very quiet and comfortable. It creates a warm home bypass for the workers who work and work overtime, and also makes it a landscape under the camera!

01 项目概览 Project Overview
Shangdi U-shaped Road is located in Shangdi Street in Shangdi Information Industry Base, Haidian District, Beijing. The design range is from Shangdi 10th Street in the north to Shangdi 9th Street in the south, including Kaifeng North Road and Chuangye North Road, a total of five roads. The main shooting content is the pedestrian part on both sides of the road and the green space.

02 设计理念 Design Concept
设计以U-STREET为设计理念,“U”是道路本身形态的特征,也代表URBAN STREET城市的街道。设计希望通过改造将U型路打造为舒适慢行、科技时尚的未来创新街区典范。
The design takes U-STREET as the design concept. “U” is the characteristic of the road itself and also represents the street of URBAN STREET city. The design hopes to transform the U-shaped road into a model of comfortable, slow-moving, high-tech and fashionable future innovation block.

03 项目特色 Project Features
一、构建慢行网络、享受步行空间 Build slow-moving network and enjoy walking space
The design reshapes the existing road order, replants street trees and ground cover plants at the same time, increases nightscape lighting, gives priority to the passage of walking and cycling, and brings a good experience to people’s walking space.

二、增加休闲配套、完善城市功能 Increase leisure facilities and improve urban functions
The street is designed with interspersed communication space, and the green space with larger site scale is selected to set up a rest area, which adds a pocket space for the street to stay and reappears the street view temperature.
▽折线挡墙与坐凳形成的收放空间 Folding retaining wall and seating space formed

▽景观廊架 Landscape gallery

▽趣味休息区 Fun rest area

三、展示科技形象,融入时尚文化 Display scientific and technological image and integrate into fashion culture
In order to enhance the recognition of the horizontal road, the design sets eye-catching yellow signs at the intersection, and forms the image of the street corner together with the rich green plants.
▽门户形象 Portal image

The east entrance of Shangdi 10th Street connects with the Xierqi subway station. It is designed to open the space of the corner square and play a greater role in pedestrian passing and distribution. The “rising place and innovation city” on the landscape wall shows the image of Shangdi’s portal and emphasizes the sense of arrival.
▽形象LOGO景墙 Image LOGO view wall

Project Name: Landscape renewal of U-shaped Road in Shangdi, Beijing
Project area: Landscape area is about 2 hectares
Project location: Haidian District, Beijing
Design Company: ECOLAND
Photographer: Zhang Jin Video Studio
“ 改造更新的街道,是一条温暖的归家支路,更是摄影师镜头下的一抹风景!”
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