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HID翰地景观:景到随机,得景随形,高低曲折,随势生机。——计成 <园冶>

HID:Scene to Random, The scenery follows the form, High and low twists and turns, With the trend of vitality.


▽项目视频 video





The project is located in a corner of Liuquan Lake Park, the largest comprehensive park in Yichang City, and is one of the ten themed recreational spaces around Liuquan Lake. Legend has it that there are six springs under the water of Liuquan Lake, which artesian into a lake, from which Liuquan Lake gets its name. The park is very close to the city, and it is a 10-minute drive from the high-rise city area of Xiaoting City to this waterfront area surrounded by mountains and forests, and the two completely different scenery can be freely switched in minutes. Liuquan Lake, surrounded by clear mountains and rivers and deep valleys, has become the city’s natural oxygen bar, and has gradually become a tourist and leisure destination for Xiaoting people and even Yichang people on weekends and holidays.

At the beginning of 2024, we were commissioned by the owner to carry out a comprehensive design of the Liuquan Lake Children’s Park, and the owner hopes that the Liuquan Lake will have a fun and attractive children’s playground among the green mountains and green waters.


▽六泉湖儿童乐园设计范围 Liuquan Lake children’s playground design scope


-场地现状-Site Analysis



According to Google Maps imagery, this was once a foothill on the bank of a pond, a part of the mountain slope where the surrounding flat land meets, and it is a topographical transition zone from the mountain to the waterbank. Although the mountainous terrain had become a landslide prone to fragmentation due to the development of the area at that time, the trend of the ridgeline extending gracefully to the waterfront can still be read from satellite imagery.

With the development of Liuquan Lake Park, the adjacent pond was filled with earthwork to become a stadium, and the landslide was rebuilt with slope protection works to ensure the safety of the foothills. The ridgeline that originally gracefully extended to the lake has disappeared, and the diversified space of the foothill zone brought about by the intersection of the ridgeline and the col line has been smoothed out, and the only thing that remains unchanged is the shore breeze, sunrise and sunset, and light and shadow changes on the shore of Liuquan Lake surrounded by hills and foothills.


▽场地的沧海桑田 The great changes of the site


-设计原则-Design Principle




To construct a children’s play park at such a site, we sorted out three design principles:

01. Re-establish a connection with the foothills.

We were able to place some larger, urban-themed equipment related to the Xiaoting on the site’s existing gentle slopes, but we lost the opportunity to reconnect with the foothills. If we are facing the col space of 20 or even 30 years ago, we will not simply place a stylized instrument to solve the problem, after all, the ridge line and the col line in the foothill zone at that time were staggered, and the space was rich and changeable. In such a space, it can be especially interesting for children to throw a piece of wood, drop a slide, and climb a net. Therefore, we want to reconnect with this foothill terrain and let children re-experience the joy of play brought by the diversity of the terrain.


▽与山麓地形重新建立链接 Re-establishing links with the foothills




02. Give the city a playful space with endless possibilities for exploration.

After making it clear that this is a playground with the foothills as the background, we also need to think about what kind of playground content we will build here. If it is mainly powered amusement equipment, it is not suitable due to the limitations of cost, management and operation and construction scale, and it is more suitable for non-powered equipment to be easier to integrate with the foothill terrain. We wanted this to be a non-powered playground with endless possibilities for exploration, with crawling as the core gameplay. There needs to be more possibilities for exploring in a variety of combinations; Adults, big kids, little kids, little kids can all find something to play with here; Best of all, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


▽有着无限探索可能性的嬉戏空间 A playful space with endless exploration possibilities


03. 构建独属于此地的场景主题。


03. Create a theme that is unique to this place.

Such a space with unique venue genes should have a unique venue super symbol. As the most influential public space in the future, it is expected to have some symbols that can represent the Xiaoting. Legend has it that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ancient craftsmen built a pavilion by the river, Yidu Taishou Zhang Fei inspected here, saw a thing carved on the pavilion pillar, like a tiger but not a tiger, the eyes were open angrily, and the back spread the wings. Zhang Fei was curious and asked what it was, and the craftsman replied: This is an angry tiger, called XIAO. So, the name of Xiaoting District . It can be seen that the Xiaoting itself has a unique sense of picture and symbol.


▽构建独属于此地的场景主题“猇” Create a unique scene theme “Xiao”


-设计策略-Design Strategy

01.如何与山重新建立联系? ——山麓线的缝合


01. How do you reconnect with the mountain? – Stitching of the foothill line

The foothill terrain that has changed several times has long since lost traces of the changeable nature of the past, so the foothill line here can only be artificially stitched and cannot be completely returned. We hope to artificially reconstruct the richness of the foothill line here, so that the playground seems to grow naturally from the mountains, and carries the play space with rich terrain undulations, space opening and closing, and soft and hard integration. As a result, the ridgeline that continues from the hills, like an ancient beast that came out of the mountain forest, continues to hover in the space of the site with an unending trend for thousands of years, becoming a unique hilly valley in the playground.


▽山麓线的缝合 Stitching of the piedmont line


02.如何构建一个可以无限游乐的嬉戏空间? ——山麓无限探险环的构建


02. How to build a playspace where you can play infinitely? ——The construction of the infinite exploration ring in the foothills

In order to make the stitched foothill zone more interesting, we constructed a foothill ring in the shape of a water drop at a clearance position 4 meters higher than the lowest part of the col, a ridge ring that connects natural ridges and artificial ridges at an altitude of 4 meters, and a ridge ring that can connect all the amusement content in series. Under the effect of this ring, the entire amusement space has become a three-dimensional space, and the amusement line is disrupted and distorted in the three-dimensional space, and users of any age can lose time in exploration, which is an infinite adventure ring in a sense in the foothills.


▽山麓无限探险环的构建 The construction of the Foothills Unlimited Adventure Ring


03.给场地赋予一个什么样的场景主题? ——“猇”

猇,为啸,虎啸之意;猇,为上古神兽禺猇,其身如虎,背展飞翼。如果猇从山林踏着薄雾而出,来到此地,也必然是虎虎 生威、虎笑山麓、充满生机甚至有点可爱萌萌哒。我们构建了一个“猇”主题的乐园,禺猇来到这里也会因为孩子的可爱化成有趣的滑梯,变成丘林山谷的独特肌理、化身这个场地的游乐符号。

03. What kind of scene theme should be given to the venue? – “Xiao”

XIAO, for the roar, the meaning of the tiger’s roar; It is an ancient mythical beast, with a body like a tiger and wings spread on its back. If Xiao come out of the mist from the mountains and forests and come here, it must be full of vitality and even a little cute and cute. We have built a “Xiao” theme park, and Xiao will also turn into an interesting slide because of the cuteness of children, become a unique texture of the hill valley, and become an amusement symbol of this venue.


▽上古神兽“猇“化身场地的游乐符号 The ancient god beast “Xiao” incarnates the amusement symbol of the venue


-空间构成-Space Design


The entire site can be deconstructed into four levels using a thousand layer pie chart: from bottom to top, there are hilly and foothill terrain, Xiao themed patterns, foothill infinite exploration ring, and sixteen types of amusement equipment.


▽场地千层饼图 Thousand-layer pie map of the site




The first layer, hilly foothill terrain

As described in the strategy, the long-cut ridgeline is extended back into the site, and the hills, plains, mountains, ridges, cols, and hills within the site are reconstructed, and these complex and varied terrains provide a diverse foundation for the construction of the playground. The original site itself has the function of collecting water as a watershed, and we use the topography to reorganize the natural mountain edge to collect the mountain water around the site, and finally flow into Liuquan Lake.


▽丘陵山麓湖畔间的儿童活动场所 A children’s playground in the foothills of the lake

▽山脊线重新延伸回场地内部 The ridgeline reextends back into the site

▽地形多样性重构之后的活动空间 Activity space after terrain diversity reconstruction

▽山麓湖畔的六泉湖儿童乐园 Six Springs Lake children’s playground at the foot of the lake




The second layer, the theme pattern of Xiao

No one has ever seen the color of the ancient Xiao, but since it is a tiger with wings, let’s pull the pattern to make the earth, so that the pattern becomes the unique skin color of the mountains and hills, so the terrain of the hills and foothills has a playful atmosphere.


▽独属于此地的禹猇纹 The Woo Xiao is unique here

▽禹猇纹不仅在山丘上还在爬网上 Xiao wen is not only on the hill but also climbing the net

▽形成了独特的场地肌理 Formed a unique site texture

▽禹猇纹覆盖下的人造丘陵在夕阳下有着独特的神秘感 The artificial hills covered by Xiao have a unique sense of mystery in the setting sun

▽丘陵地形的游乐场所覆盖上猇的图案 Hilly terrain playgrounds are covered with Xiao




The third layer, the foothills of the infinite adventure ring

The Foothill Infinite Adventure Ring is a semi-web ring in the form of a water droplet. It is not only a simple loop, but also connects six water drop platforms in series and carries 16 kinds of amusement equipment. Each water drop platform has the function of vertical up and down, the tiger’s den hanging net, the mountain top ring and the long ring of the jumping net are connected by the mountain stream climbing net moving line, and the water drop platform on the mountain and the infinite exploration ring at the foot of the mountain face each other in the air. The endless possibilities allow children to find endless combinations of ways to play.


▽水滴状的山麓无限探险环 The dripping foothills of the infinite Adventure Ring

▽探险环串联了水滴平台 The adventure loop connects the water drop platform

▽形成了无限游戏空间 An infinite game space is formed

▽比场地高4米的探险环让空间更为多元 The adventure ring, 4 meters higher than the site, makes the space more diverse

▽山麓间的垂直爬网让孩子有无穷的探索乐趣 The vertical climbing net between the foothills gives children endless fun to explore




The fourth layer, there are sixteen kinds of amusement equipment and countless ways to play

Based on the adventure ring and hilly terrain, it organically integrates 16 kinds of amusement equipment, including mountain stream crawling nets, vertical climbing nets, spiral staircases, expanding cloud steps, tiger slides, tiger trampolines, water drop seats, mountain peak slides, water drop slides, mountain top climbing nets, mountain col sand pits, tiger’s den hanging nets, tiger tail microphones, swings under the corridor, rotating claws and claws, and big adventure slides. There is a limit to the number of machines, but creative kids can develop countless ways to play on hills, adventure rings, and machines.


▽每个孩子都能在这里找到自己喜欢的游乐方式 Every child can find their favorite way to play here

▽横向钻网 Cross drill net

▽链接爬网的丘陵本身也是有趣的攀爬空间 The hills of the link climbing net are also interesting climbing Spaces in themselves

▽变成滑梯的虎猇是刚从山里出来的萌仔 The tiger that turns into a slide 猇 is a cub that just came out of the mountain

▽谁不喜欢在丘陵间攀着秋千做一回皮猴 Who doesn’t like to be a monkey on a swing in the hills

▽虎虎吊网里有着无穷的乐趣 There’s a lot of fun in the net

▽快到只剩下残影 So fast that only a shadow remains

▽丘陵间也是追逐躲藏的好地方 The hills are also good places to chase and hide

▽山坳间的沙坑连上了两个滑梯 The sandpit between the coves is connected to two slides

▽大冒险滑梯是大孩子最喜欢去的地方 The Great Adventure slide is a favorite place for older kids

▽蹬着25度的坡一口气从探险环冲下来也很刺激 It’s also exciting to ride down the Adventure Ring at 25 degrees

▽垂直爬网 Vertical climbing net

▽水滴平台间的钻网,可以不走寻常路爬一爬 Water drop platform between the drill net, you can take an unusual way to climb

▽编织爬网地形间玩耍嬉戏 Weave and crawl and play among the terrain




The playground follows the terrain of the mountain and is built against the mountain. The construction of the tiger’s posture of rushing down the mountain in “Xiao Riding on the Mist from the Mountain Forest” requires a large amount of earthwork to fill the foothill terrain on the tiger’s back, which was originally destroyed. The balance of the earthwork was achieved through the excavation of the foundation in the site and the spoil in the grass skiing area of the original site, and the original damaged foothill line was restored. The three-dimensional foothill infinite adventure ring is used as the core amusement experience space, and the site topography, construction structure, and amusement equipment are naturally integrated with it in elevation. In the design process, a variety of software tools are used to scrutinize and optimize the site model, and the refined design of the site model is realized.


▽3D打印模型推敲场地地形 The 3D printed model explores the terrain of the site




EPDM venue color

The color matching of the site originates from the refinement of the texture of the “ancient Xiao” pattern, after the design determines that the pattern color is composed of five primary colors, the EPDM aggregate is mixed for the ratio experiment, and the sample color under different proportions is repeatedly observed. After screening and determining the design samples, a small range of proofing is carried out on site to further confirm the appearance texture, color, color contrast, flatness, hardness, slip resistance and other indicators.


▽EPDM场地配色平面图 EPDM site color plan

▽EPDM骨料颗粒配比 EPDM aggregate particle ratio




Foothills Infinite Adventure Ring

The adventure ring is located at the foot of the mountain, and the project site was originally a water body.With the overall development and construction of Liuquan Lake, a large amount of earthwork has been backfilled in the project area,Combined with the geological exploration situation, the geological stability is poor, and the cushion needs to be replaced for foundation treatment, and the foundation form is finally in the form of raft foundation under the column.The main body of the expedition ring is designed with a steel structure, the main body of the structure is exposed, and white fluorocarbon paint is used as the main color of the exterior finish of the expedition ring.


▽山麓无限探险环深化设计图 Piedmont Unlimited Adventure loop deepening design

▽山麓无限探险环施工过程 The construction process of the Piedmont Infinity Adventure Ring




Tiger Slide

The shape of the tiger is composed of triangular surfaces of different sizes, that is, the abstract shape of the concrete entity of the tiger is shaped, and the difficulty of making and processing the hyperboloid surface is also avoided as much as possible. Each triangular steel plate needs to be delicately numbered and seamlessly welded, and each steel plate represents a unique body part of the tiger, using the tiger’s internal cavity and the tandem of the tiger’s claws to build a slide, with a total length of about 11 meters and a height difference of 3.9 meters.


▽虎猇滑梯拆解编号图 Tiger Slide disassembly numbering diagram

▽虎猇滑梯钢板开模图 Tiger Slide steel plate opening drawing

▽虎猇滑梯HASA工厂制作过程 TTiger Slide HASA factory production process




We are delighted to have the opportunity to do such a challenging play on the shores of the foothills where the mountains and lakes meet, and we tried to respond to the unique topography of the site in the design, and use this to re-give the playground more diversity than just the equipment. This diversity comes from the “high and low twists” of the site itself, and then a series of constructions, whether it is the construction of the infinite adventure ring of the foothills or the addition of the theme of Xiao, all respond to the “vitality with the situation” described in Ji Cheng’s Yuanye. Everything is reasonable, and it seems to have fallen into the unexpected, giving this foothill, this lakeside, and this city a happy venue.


▽平面图 Plan

▽剖面图 Section





Project Name: Liuquan Lake Children’s Park
Project location: Yichang, Hubei
Design period: January 2024 – April 2024
Completion: July 2024
Design area: about 15,000 square meters
Construction unit: Yichang Jinxiao Chengfa Group
Construction unit: Hubei Guangsheng Construction Group
Landscape Design: HID Landscape Architecture
Design team: Wu Hao, Zhang Lu, He Yujiang, Shang Yukun, Shen Huashu, Xu Xiaozhen, Zheng Shiyu, Chen Ying, Yang Binbin, Cai Peiqi, Gao Yuewen
Deepening and Fabrication of Amusement Equipment: HASA Installation Art
Project Photography: IMA



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: HID翰地景观