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Thanks Z+T Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Z+T Studio.
Z+T Studio: The site is in Chunmuyuan Town, Heyuan City, Guangdong. Sitting at a river valley, it is a natural oxygen bar with high forest coverage rate by surrounded mountains, woods, and rivers. As the valley extends from east to west, the original terrain shifts from flat to steep, and the river meanders and wriggles through the valleys and tropical forest. After the research and study of the regional geology of Archeorganism,tropical vegetation and evolution, we proposed a schematic concept for an experimental tour from Art of Nature to Wilderness Exploration based on the diverse landscape design elements.
▽项目视频 Video

▽规划阶段概念手绘 Conceptual sketches

The site is a 2.5-hectare narrow strip sitting at the southern bank of the river, with steep slope hillside and existing village along the south boundary. As a pilot demonstration development at the entrance, the client expects a recreational wonderland for children with inspiration and creation.
▽龙骨乐园设计平面 Masterplan of the park
▽龙骨乐园鸟瞰 Bird’s eye view of the park

Heyuan has the Class I water resource in Guangdong Province. It’s famous of archaeology with large amount of dinosaur egg fossils in the world. We use water and the archeorganism for the narrative of our inspiration from these site characters. One stream is introduced parallel to the existing river, through a set of elevation changes and transforms into various water features and interactive fountains. The installations on site are inspired by this ancient field creature: dinosaurs. The design language is related with the field contour lines of the dinosaur era, planting design with the ancient ferns, and pavement with dinosaur footprints. We use dinosaurs shaped interactive installations for archaeological exploration, dinosaur spine structures, and benches.
The design is to create a place for people completely relaxing. Whether to take a vacation from office or school, visitors could release their pressure, enjoy fresh air and water, and have a moment of their own. There are jungle gyms, slides and swings for kids. And families could go to either paddle, hiking, or lie on the lawn, watch the clouds, and have a conversation to the colossal creatures from ancient times……
▽龙骨乐园概念阶段手绘 Conceptual sketches

1.曲溪Stream under woods
▽入口LOGO由“龙骨乐园”四个字拆解成互动戏水装置 The entrance logo was interpreted from the four Chinese characters of ‘Longgu Paradise’ into the interactive water installations.

▽林下曲溪Meandering stream under the woods

2.恐龙脚印戏水场Dinosaur Footprint Paddling Field
▽大脚印浅水Dinosaurs Footprint with shallow water

▽林下小脚印戏水池Small Footprint paddling pond

3.裂缝浅滩Tidal flat with cracks

▽石台戏水区Platforms with water

▽龙骨遗迹沙坑Dinosaur Skeleton Relics sandpit


▽滨水观景廊架Riverfront pavilion

4.霸王龙骨装置Tyrannnosaurus skeleton installation


▽细节 Details

Project name:Longgu Paradise
Year designed:11.2019-08.2020
Year completed:10.2020
Year opened:2021
Area:25,000 square meters
Project location: Heyuan, Guangdong
Landscape Design: Z+T Studio
Design members: Zhang Dong, Tang ,Ziyin,Xu Min, Zhang Meifang, Yao Yu,Wang Qi, Zhang Xiaolai,Lou Siyuan ,Zhang Wenli, Yuan Shuai
Installation Design and Construction: Z+T Hapitor Art Studio
Installation members:Liu Hongchao, Zheng Jialin, Fan Yanjie, Sunchuan,Liu Bingyuan,Zhang Siyu,Zhang Yichao,Zhang Zhexin,Zhou Shiqi
Photo credits: Wang Xiao
“ 河谷与山体之间的一系列从艺术乐游到野趣探索的户外活动场所,一个能让人彻底放松的地方。”
更多 Read more about: 张唐景观