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Thanks PLAT ASIA for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PLAT ASIA.
PLAT ASIA:项目位于庐山西海风景区的濒湖草坡上,是集展览、艺术沙龙的多功能文化综合体。委托方起初计划对这处5年未使用的原建筑室内及立面进行改造,建筑师对场地和环境进行分析,提出对场地、建筑、室内进行一体化设计处理,以激活自然湖山风光中原始的生命力,构建场所特有的属性。
PLAT ASIA:Project located in a lakeside at Lushan West Sea Resort, Jiujiang, China. The art center integrated as a multi-functional cultural complex. The client initially planned a small scale renovation on façade and interiors of the original building was not used 5 years. After analyzing the site conditions and environment, the architect proposed a renovation on the whole site, includes architecture, landscape and interiors. The goal of design is not satisfying function itself but rebuilding a sense of place.
▽项目视频 Video
▽东南视角Southeast view

The design strategy focuses on dialogue with the natural environment, architecture, and human as well. Inspired by the graceful vistas, iconic culture profile of Lushan West Sea, a prototype of SHANSHUI paintings.
▽改造前原貌Original site

▽场地鸟瞰 Aerial view

▽南立面脊间合抱的建筑South elevation

▽建筑与树木A tree stand neighbored in the building

These contextual clues combined with the perception of the undulated lake and wavy terrain, the architect derives the concept of “Ridge” from its topography. These curled structures outline the site, Ridge broken ground, were simplified by the geometry principles, converged the energy of surroundings. The corrugated concrete texture showered by lights, reflected on shadows, is a part of nature.

▽脊间长出的植被Woods appeared in Ridges

▽树影照在墙上Shadows sketch on the wall

Ridge cross, open, sprawl, lift, offering an enjoyable experience in wanders. The original building was enveloped in Ridges, which forms diverse landscape routes and depicts different screens and the virtual SHANSHUI Painting.
▽脊间入口 Entrance

▽入口小径Walkway between Ridges

▽西北入口脊间穿行Scales vary from wide to narrow


▽脊上的肌理 Textures

The renovation of the original building composed of two parts: Demolishing a small structure on west which disturb the conversation between architecture and nature. Expanding building to east and west is to achieve strong connection between interior space and landscape.
▽几株乔木后的建筑Architecture hiding the woods

▽西侧草地看向建筑阅读空间 West elevation

▽入口的光 Lightings

For interior, basically keeping its original structure, and inserted a cross arch system which is echoed to the Ridge. The new façades try to maximize its transparency, letting the views penetrate from inside to outside.
▽光源隐藏于天花 Light scatter in space

▽室内 Interiors

▽看向西侧的沙龙空间 Salon space

▽盥洗空间 The ceiling reflected the grass

▽主入口 Main entrance

▽波纹金属板饰面 Curled mirrored panel ceiling

Two different leveled waterscape placed in front of building is visual connection between lake, West Sea, and building. All touches and designs are considered to rebuild a sense of place, and finally let human being to a part of nature.
▽叠落水景 Water pool

▽晚霞映入水池 Scenery mirrored in waters

▽室外亲水平台 Waterside platform

▽室外观景台视角 Landscape terrace

Architects naturalize the place and respect the context, bridging the architecture, surroundings, and human with natural perception and vigor.


▽总平面图 Site plan

▽剖面分析图 Section

设计团队:PLAT ASIA郑东贤工作室 – 郑东贤,刘国伟,练敬韵,廖苑余,薛腾
设计时间:2020.3 – 2020.7
建筑视频:PLAT ASIA ndn lab
Project Name: Lushan West Sea Art Center
Location: Lushan West Sea Resort, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi, China
Client: China Overseas Grand Oceans Lushan West Sea (Jiujiang) Investment Co., Ltd.
Architects: PLAT ASIA
Scopes: Site, Architecture, Interiors
Design Team: PLAT ASIA atelier d – DH Jung, Guowei Liu, Jingyun Lian, Yuanyu Liao, Teng Xue
Site Area: 600 ㎡
Materials: Texture Coating, Corrugated Metal Panel, Glass, Wood Veneer
Design Period: 03/2020 – 07/2020
Completion Time: 05/2021
Photo: Arch-Exist Photography; ONE THOUSAND DEGREES IMAGE
Video: PLAT ASIA ndn lab
Architecture Construction Design: China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute
Interiors Construction Design: YiBoChuan Deepening Design (Shanghai)
Lighting Design: z design and planning
Decoration Design: YUANBEN DESIGN
“ 用自然元素构建场地空间,以激活自然湖山风光中原始的生命力。”
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