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NGHIA ARCHITECT:此联排别墅的设计是为了在快速发展的城市中容纳一个三代同堂的家庭。和岘港市的其他地区一样,人们如今已经很难在当地人慢节奏的生活方式和迅速占领这个城市的现代生活方式之间找到平衡。
NGHIA ARCHITECT: This townhouse is designed to accommodate a three generations family in a fast-growing urban area. Like other areas in Da Nang, it is difficult to find a balance between the slow pace living lifestyle of the local people and the modern lifestyle that is rapidly taking over this city.
▽住宅内部结构 Internal structure of residence

Inspired by Japanese Origami art (which partly affected the culture and architecture of Hoi An-Da Nang), we folding and pulling all functional spaces closer to the core space in the middle of this house, which is an internal courtyard (an architectural feature that is very common in Danang people’s homes). The architecture form is based on a spiral-centered structure. All the internal spaces attached to a core wall that swirling inwards vertically, and connected to each other though interwoven traffic paths that go around the core wall. The spiral staircase that runs around the core space of the house is both an architectural highlight and increasing the “cross section” to connect different functional spaces as well as the members of the three generations family that lives in this house.
▽从折纸艺术获取的概念 Concepts obtained from Japanese Origami art

▽住宅临街立面 Exterior facade

▽住宅入口 The Entrance

▽建筑采用了从废弃船只回收的木材 The building uses wood recovered from abandoned ships

▽客厅 Living Room

Maison TT是为一对年轻夫妇及其两个孩子以及年迈的母亲设计的。因此,尽管功能空间在形式上是现代和实验性的,但它们的布局和安排都适应了传统的生活方式。与天窗相连的厨房是房子的核心,连接着所有家庭成员的活动。厨房内的绿色区域,就位于天窗下,有垂直生长的植物,并延伸到上层的其他内部空间,为房子带来阳光、风和自然的气息。
Maison TT is designed for a young couple with their two children and their elderly mother. Therefore, the functional spaces are programed and arranged to adapt the traditional lifestyle, despite being modern and experimental in form. The kitchen, which is attached with the skylight, is the heart of the house which connecting all family member thought its activities. The green area within the kitchen, right under the skylight, has plants that grow vertically and reach out to other internal spaces on the upper levels, brings sunlight, wind and nature all around the house.
▽餐厅 Dinning Room

The idea of this house is to create a structure that shrinks to the courtyard in the middle of the house on the first floor and then opens up to different directions as we go on to different level. This structure allows people who dwelling inside this house can connect with each other and the nature inside and outside of its structure in harmony and sustainability. Construction completed at 2020.
▽家庭活动区 Family Area

▽紫色楼梯连接起三代人的趣味生活空间 Purple stairs connect the interesting living space of three generations.

▽读书空间 Library

▽屋顶花园 Garden

▽建筑采用了从废弃船只回收的材料;施工过程 Materials and construction process

▽项目位置 Location

▽项目所在地环境 Context

▽各楼层平面图 Plan

▽建筑立面图 Elevation
▽建筑剖面图 Section

项目名称:Maison TT
项目地点:越南 岘港
图片来源:Nguyen Tuan Nghia
Project name: Maison TT
Project location: Danang, Vietnam
Completion Year: 2020
Website: nghiaarchitect.com
Contact e-mail: info@nghia-architect.com
Photo credits: Nguyen Tuan Nghia
Youtube / Vimeo links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFOrH38SMUs
“ 颠覆传统住宅空间的设计,将绿色自然引入趣味立体生活空间的魔幻住宅。”
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