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OCULUS 与墨尔本市合作,设计了自20世纪80年代城市广场建成以来墨尔本市中心的第一个城市公园。这个新的公园位于市场街(Market Street),将创造1900平方米的新公共开放空间,其中包括1300平方米的原道路场地。
OCULUS collaborated with the City of Melbourne to design the first urban park in the central city since City Square was completed in the 1980s. The new park, located on Market Street, will create 1900 square metres of new public open space. This includes 1300 square metres of former road space.

The new park features large lawn areas to accommodate park users, wide bluestone paths, new seating, space for programmed events and activities, improved pedestrian access to public transport and new bicycle lanes and bicycle parking.

The park will also feature a wide variety of trees and water sensitive urban design elements to reduce stormwater runoff.

Key features of the park include city garden and lawns; a playful terrace; a central plaza connection from Market Street; a new separated north and southbound bicycle lanes; and reconfiguration of Market Street to southbound traffic only.

毗邻的开发场地Collins Arch是与CBUS Property、Woods Bagot、SHoP Architects和OCULUS合作设计的,它包括一系列的住宅、商业办公楼、五星级酒店(墨尔本W酒店)、公共通道和大型露天剧场。
Its design has been guided by the City of Melbourne’s Open Space, Urban Forest and Nature in the City Strategies.
The abutting development site, Collins Arch, has been designed in collaboration with CBUS Property, Woods Bagot, SHoP Architects and OCULUS, it includes a collection of residences, commercial offices, a 5-star hotel (W Melbourne) and publicly accessible laneways and large amphitheatre.

项目名称:Market Street Park
项目地点:澳大利亚 墨尔本 乌伦杰里郡
设计团队:Claire Martin、Catherine Goh
客户:CBUS Property+墨尔本市政府
合作伙伴:墨尔本市政府, NDY, WSP, Connellan Consultants, Multiplex, ACE Contractors, International Fountains
图片来源:Peter Bennetts
Project name: Market Street Park
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 1900m2
Project location: Wurundjeri Country, Melbourne, Australia
Landscape/Architecture Firm: OCULUS
Website: https://www.oculus.info/
Contact e-mail: chloe@oculus.info
Design Team: Claire Martin, Catherine Goh
Clients: CBUS Property + City of Melbourne
Collaborators: City of Melbourne, NDY, WSP, Connellan Consultants, Multiplex, ACE Contractors, International Fountains
Photo credits: Peter Bennetts
Photographer’s website: https://www.peterbennetts.com/
“ 墨尔本市中心的第一个城市公园。”
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