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Studio Egret West:伦敦 Egret West 工作室为曼彻斯特设计的梅菲尔德公园,成为了当地 100 多年来的第一个新的城市中心公园。
Studio Egret West: London- based practice, Studio Egret West, designs Mayfield Park, the first new city-centre park to be created in Manchester for over 100 years.
▽公园中耐候钢搭建的木板人行桥穿越洪水衰减的景观区 Corten steel pedestrian boardwalk crossing flood attenuation wildscape area

这个占地 6.5 英亩的“公园优先”开发项目已于2022年9月完工,它是一个规模更大的城市规划的一部分,将围绕其修建包括约 1500 套住宅、100 万平方米的办公空间、一个配备350间卧室的酒店以及零售和休闲设施。公园沿着蜿蜒的河流打造了一系列特色空间,这一举措在为人们提供充满活力且可使用的绿色空间的同时,为野生动物创造了自然栖息地,在人类活动与自然生态两者之间取得了微妙的平衡。
Completed in September 2022, this 6.5-acre ‘park first’ development is part of a wider framework to include be approximately 1,500 homes, one million square metres of office space, a 350-bedroom hotel and retail and leisure facilities. The Park provides a sequence of character spaces connected by a meandering river; the design strikes a careful balance between active usable green spaces for people with natural habitat creation for wildlife.
▽公园开发项目鸟瞰。 在占地6.5英亩的梅菲尔德公园周围,将有大约1500套住宅、100万平方米的办公空间、一家拥有350间卧室的酒店以及零售和休闲设施 Aerial view of the ‘park first’ development. Surrounding the new 6.5-acre Mayfield Park will be approximately 1,500 homes, one million squaremetres of office space, a 350-bedroom hotel and retail and leisure facilities

▽位于公园东侧重点区域的游乐场,俯瞰 Aerial view looking over the Play Yard, a key focal point at the eastern end of the park

该项目是开发商 LandsecU+I 和 Mayfield Partnership 的合资项目,后者由再生公司LCR、曼彻斯特市议会和大曼彻斯特交通局组成。
The scheme is a joint venture between developer LandsecU+I and The Mayfield Partnership, which is made up of regeneration corporation LCR, Manchester City Council and Transport for Greater Manchester.
The landscape is inspired by the site’s history and remaining industrial heritage. A key focus of the hard landscape has been capturing some of the Mancunian qualities of the existing site through restoration and reuse of existing features and materials and regional sourcing.
▽游乐场设计的亮点是一个完全无障碍的游戏塔和滑梯,这使得坐轮椅的儿童也可以和他们的朋友一起享受游戏空间 A highlight of the playground design is the inclusion of a fully-accessible play tower and slide, which allows children in wheelchairs to also enjoy the play space alongside their friends

▽游乐场的塔楼灵感来自于现场发现的八角形工业烟囱的考古遗迹 The towers in the Play Yard were inspired by the archaeological remains of octagonal industrial chimneys found on site

过去,梅德洛克河是一条几乎完全隐藏在视野之外的暗渠。因而,揭开河流的面纱是我们采用“自然至上”设计方法的一个决定性举措。河流提供了重要的野生动物走廊,揭示了其作为一个重要的生物多样性栖息地的潜力。自 2022 年公园首次亮相以来,这条河流在吸引野生动物返回该地区方面发挥了关键作用。
The River Medlock was previously culverted and almost entirely hidden from view. Uncovering the river was a defining move for our nature-first design approach. Rivers provide important wildlife corridors, and revealing the river unlocked the potential as an important biodiverse habitat. Since the park’s debut in 2022, the river has played a key role in attracting wildlife back to the area.
▽项目建设期间,工人正在疏导梅德洛克河上的涵洞 View of the River Medlock being de-culverted during the construction works.

▽梅德洛克河沿着梅菲尔德草坪蜿蜒曲折,经过修复的历史河堤 View of de-culverted section of the River Medlock meanders around Mayfield Lawn. Weathered steel jetty projects over repaired heritage river wall.

▽从河里打捞出来的维多利亚时代的拱背梁坐落在紫苑和草本植物之间 Salvaged Victorian hog back beam sat amongst Asters and herbaceous planting beneath Pinus austriaca

▽从河里打捞出来的维多利亚时代的拱背梁细节,被重新用于桥梁 Detail of Victorian iron hog back beams, salvaged from the river, re-used in bridges

A naturalistic planting design has been implemented across the park that can adapt to changing climate conditions. This includes sequences of different plant arrangements, planting beds, and grasslands, to create journeys through distinct character spaces. Planting is mindful of both dry and wet extremes. The plant mixes create a visually striking yet functional landscape that is able to withstand the spectrum of different environments of the site.
▽拥有历史文物的自然景观区坐落在洪泛区草甸之间 Wildscape area with historic artefacts sat amongst floodplain meadow

▽面向“梅菲尔德草坪”的露台花园,背景是历史悠久的梅菲尔德仓库 Terraced garden looking towards the ‘Mayfield Lawn’ with the historic Mayfield Depot in the background

Mayfield Park features open lawns, riverside walkways, three new bridges over the River Medlock, play areas and a variety of seating opportunities, ensuring all members of the community have spaces they can visit and enjoy.
▽“梅菲尔德草坪”是公园中最大的区域之一,设计用于休闲运动、玩耍和野餐,以及作为活动和节日的灵活空间,背景是历史悠久的仓库建筑 The ‘Mayfield Lawn’, one of the largest areas in the park, is designed for recreational sports, play and picnicking as well as to be used as a flexible space for events and festivals. The historic depot building is in the background

▽场地干预前原貌 The site prior to intervention

▽重新利用现场发现的材料 Part of re-use strategy of found materials on site

▽公园平面图 Site Plan

景观/建筑公司:Studio Egret West
首席建筑师:Studio Egret West
结构工程师:Civic Engineers
总承包商:PP O’Connor
服务工程师:Buro Happold
客户: The Mayfield Partnership (LandsecU+I、LCR、Manchester City Council & Transport for Greater Manchester)
游乐场设备制造商:Massey & Harris
Project name: Mayfield Park, Manchester
Completion Year: 2022
Size: 6.5 acre
Project location: Manchester
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Studio Egret West
Website: https://studioegretwest.com/
Contact e-mail: annam@egretwest.com
Lead Architects: Studio Egret West
Structural Engineers: Civic Engineers
Main Contractor: PP O’Connor
Services Engineer: Buro Happold
Clients: The Mayfield Partnership (LandsecU+I, LCR, Manchester City Council & Transport for Greater Manchester)
Manufacturer of urban equipment: Streetlife, Vestre
Manufacturer of playground equipment: Massey & Harris
Trees Nursery: Specimen
Plant Nursery: Lanes
“ 公园沿着蜿蜒的河流打造了一系列特色空间,这一举措在为人们提供充满活力且可使用的绿色空间的同时,为野生动物创造了自然栖息地,在人类活动与自然生态两者之间取得了微妙的平衡。”
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