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LOLA Landscape Architects:在 De Meelfabriek 公共广场和花园的景观设计中,LOLA 景观设计事务所与花园设计大师皮特 · 奥多夫( Piet Oudolf )进行了密切合作。他们共同在荷兰莱顿市的一个地标性建筑群 De Meelfabriek 的工业遗产环境中创造了一片绿洲。
LOLA Landscape Architects:For the landscape design of the public square and garden of De Meelfabriek, LOLA Landscape Architects worked closely with garden designer Piet Oudolf. Together they created a green oasis at the heart of the of the industrial heritage setting of De Meelfabriek, a landmark complex in the city of Leiden.
The garden is a lush planted and peaceful place. Carefully framed, it is designed as a large ‘nature painting’. Every season reveals a new beautiful color and shape, utilizing the seasonal dynamics in its best interest. The garden is fitted with pebble-shaped sitting objects and from here, one can enjoy the life of the plants, insects and people in the garden in the best way.
▽2024 年夏天建成 Meelfabriek 花园 Completed Meelfabriek garden in the summer of 2024
根据 Studio Akkerhuis 的总体规划,De Meelfabriek 地块已被重新开发成了一个极具吸引力的多功能区域。该地块由几座纪念性建筑组成,其中第一部分可追溯到 19 世纪末。LOLA 和 Piet Oudolf 设计的花园就位于该地块新建的地下停车场顶部。
Based on the masterplan of Studio Akkerhuis, De Meelfabriek site has been redeveloped into an attractive mixed-use area. The plot consists of several monumental buildings, from which the first parts are dating back to the late 19th century. The LOLA and Piet Oudolf (planting) designed garden is situated on top of the site’s new underground parking structure.
▽公共空间、花园和广场设计平面图 Design plan for public space, garden and square
▽雕塑座椅,让人尽情享受花园的乐趣 Sculptural seating objects, from this one can enjoy the garden to the fullest
LOLA 景观设计公司的创始合伙人彼得·文斯特拉(Peter Veenstra)表示:“10 年前,我们就设想莱顿的 Singelpark 将成为一条由令人惊喜的城市花园串联而成的项链。Meelfabriek 花园现在是其中之一,希望它能激发人们创造出更多这样的花园。”
Peter Veenstra, Founding partner at LOLA Landscape Architects: “10 years ago, we envisioned Leiden’s Singelpark as a necklace of surprising urban gardens. The Meelfabriek garden is now one of them, and hopefully inspires to create more.”
▽花园模型 De Meelfabriek garden model
该场地的整体设计是一个简单的平面,主要分为两个区域:Meelfabriektuin(花园)和 Meelfabriekplein(广场)。砖砌的人行道路面通过有节奏的排水沟线将所有建筑连接在一起。广场和花园都由类似的混凝土坐边界定。花园和广场将成为一个充满活力与生机的地方,将吸引居民、酒店、健身中心、商店和餐馆的游客,以及在 Singelpark 散步的人们。
The overall design of the site is a simple floor with 2 framed places; Meelfabriektuin (garden) and Meelfabriekplein (plaza). The brick pavement links all the buildings together with a rhythmic gutter line. Both the square and the garden are defined by a similar concrete sitting edge. The garden and the square are to become a lively and vibrant spot. It will attract residents, tourists staying at and visitors of the hotel, wellness center, shops, and restaurants, as well as people taking a stroll around the Singelpark.
▽砖砌人行道将所有建筑连接起来 The brick pavement links all the buildings
▽环绕花园和广场的混凝土坐边 A concrete sitting edge surrounds the garden and square
Meelfabriek 是由 LOLA 负责总体规划的 Singelpark 的一部分,这是一个 6.5 公里长的公园,其第一阶段的执行工作——花园现已完成,并正式对游客开放。
The Meelfabriek terrain is part of Singelpark, a 6,5-kilometer park for which LOLA delivered the master plan. The first stage of execution, the garden, is now completed and officially open for visitors.
▽花园及周边公共空间设计效果图 Design impression of the garden and the surrounding public space
项目名称:Meelfabriek Leiden
竣工年份:2024 年
面积:1.4 公顷
项目地点:荷兰 莱顿
景观事务所:LOLA Landscape Architects
首席建筑师:Peter Veenstra
设计团队:Austin van Beek, Roberto Coccia, Leela Leelathipkul, Raf Rooijmans, Joost van de Ven, Sara Vignali
客户:Van der Wiel Bouw
合作伙伴:Studio Akkerhuis, Piet Oudolf, Pieters bouwtechniek, Supermodular, Civilink, Escofet
图片来源:Corentin Haubruge
“ 花园内部植物繁茂,环境清幽,在设计师的精心布置下,变为了一幅巨型的“自然画作”。”
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