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WXCA:Pole Mokotowskie 是华沙最大、最受欢迎的公园之一。该公园本身也是一种独特社会现象的聚合体,因为其空间是由设计者的干预和基层社会的活动所共同塑造而成。公园已被广大城市居民视为非正式活动的场所,因此,它也是根深蒂固的习俗、习惯和记忆的载体。面对这样一个可谓敏感的“生态系统”,WXCA 事务所提出了一种被称作“针灸设计”的方法。

WXCA:Pole Mokotowskie is one of the largest and undeniably the most popular park in Warsaw. The park itself is also a unique social phenomenon as its space has been shaped equally by the activities of its designers and a grassroots social process. This location has become widely accepted as the setting for the informal activities of the city’s residents. Thus, it is a carrier of deep-rooted practices, habits, and memories. Faced with such a sensitive ecosystem, WXCA architects proposed an approach that could be termed ‘design acupuncture’.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska


空间针灸 Spatial Acupuncture

当法国社会学家米歇尔·德·塞尔托(Michele de Certeau)撰写其著名的关于在日常社会实践中区分战术与战略的著作时,对这位思想家来说,城市空间中无拘无束的用户实践最生动的例子之一就是小路。横穿的路径、绕行的路径、捷径……换句话说,就是我们每天都在走的自己的路。

Pole Mokotowskie 是华沙最受欢迎的城市公园(也被称为华沙的中央公园)之一,是一个容纳真正的社会与文化现象的地方,也是日常的、非正式的用户活动和实践的领域。这座广阔的城市公园既是由设计师自上而下的设计行为塑造而成,也是由基层自发的过程和社会活动塑造而成。它的形式和功能表明了其独特性,因此也受到了居民的喜爱。面对这样一个敏感而又相互依存的生态系统,建筑师同样面临着特殊的设计方法问题。

WXCA 的建筑师认为,公共空间本质上是一个过程,而不是一个单一的事件,因此他们采用了一种时间跨度大、考虑周到的“针灸”空间设计策略。在这种情况下,“针灸”被理解为一种进化而非革命的方法,是对具有自身生物和社会进程节奏的现有空间的一种敏感刺激。

When French sociologist Michele de Certeau wrote his now-famous work on distinguishing tactics from strategies in the context of everyday social practices, one of the most vivid examples of unencumbered user practices of urban space for the thinker were pathways. Pathways that cut across, pathways going around, and shortcuts… In other words – our own paths that we follow daily.

Pole Mokotowskie, one of the most popular urban parks in Warsaw (also called Warsaw’s Central Park), is – not just metaphorically – a tangle of beaten paths: a true social and cultural phenomenon, and a field of daily, informal user activities and practices. This extensive urban park has been shaped as much by top-down actions of designers as by grassroots, spontaneous processes and social activities. Its form and function speak to its unique identity and, consequently, the popularity it enjoys among residents. Confronting such a sensitive and interdependent ecosystem has posed equally special design approach questions for architects.

Believing that public space is inherently a process, not a single event, the WXCA architects adopted a time-spread, thoughtful ‘acupuncture’ of space as their design strategy. In this case, acupuncture is understood as an evolutionary, not revolutionary approach, a sensitive stimulation of the existing space with its own rhythm of biological and social processes.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska


人与自然的协同作用 Synergy between People and Nature

Pole Mokotowskie 公园位于华沙市中心,是该市最大的公园之一。然而,这里发生的变化不仅仅是量的变化,更主要的是质的改变。该公园设计于上世纪七八十年代,多年来一直没有进行现代化改造。直到最近几个月,占地 70 多公顷的 Pole Mokotowskie 公园进行了现代化改造提升,变得更加绿色环保。

Pole Mokotowskie Park is located in the central part of Warsaw and is one of the largest parks in the city. However, the change that has occurred in this place is not only quantitative but primarily qualitative. Designed in the 1970s and 80s, the park had not been modernized for years. In recent months, the over 70-hectare area of Pole Mokotowskie has undergone modernization, making it even greener.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska


WXCA 事务所的设计出发点是将公园作为一个人与自然共存的场所,打造一个不仅为人类,也为动物和植物所使用和经常光顾的场所。公园中最大的变化和最复杂的技术挑战是水库的自然化,经过改造,水库区域现已成为公园最大的景点和最受欢迎的休闲场所。现有的水库结构建于 20 世纪 70 年代,内衬为混凝土,每年都需要重新注水。近年来,由于水库结构失去了水密性,库中的注水量降到了只能让生活在其中的两栖动物生存的最低水平。WXCA 计划将其改造成一个常年蓄水的池塘,通过水生植物过滤器和水生植物对水进行物理、化学和生物净化,从而保持较高的水质和纯净度。出于功能方面的考虑,主蓄水池也进行了扩建和加深,其底部超过 16 000 平方米的混凝土被砾石取代,并铺设了隔热层。碾碎的混凝土被用来在新建的生物园和岸线区域修建土丘。此外,主蓄水池中还添加了矿物质过滤器、芦苇和水生植物,以清洁水质并为水生动物提供栖息地。

WXCA 设计的新自然化水系统将通过支持自然清洁过程的技术进行辅助清洁,对保护生态系统的稳定性产生积极影响。由泄洪道、溪流和主蓄水池组成的完整系统将确保水流的持续流动。

For the WXCA architects, the starting point was a reflection on the park as a place of coexistence between human beings and nature, a place used and frequented not only by people but also by animals and plants. The biggest change and the most complex technological challenge was the naturalization of the water reservoir, which is the park’s biggest attraction and a popular recreation spot. The existing reservoir structure, built in the 1970s and lined with concrete, had to be refilled with water annually. In recent years, as the structure lost its watertightness, the reservoir was filled minimally to a level that allowed the amphibians living in it to survive. The WXCA project envisaged its conversion into an all-year-round pond where – thanks to naturalization based on hydrobotanical filters and aquatic plants cleaning the water mechanically, chemically, and biologically – the high quality and purity of the water will be maintained. For functional reasons, the main water reservoir was also enlarged and deepened, and over 16,000 m2 of concrete at its base was replaced with gravel and lined with insulation layers. The crushed concrete was used to build mounds in the newly created biocenotic garden and in the shoreline areas. The main reservoir was supplemented with mineral filters and reeds and water plants that clean the water and provide shelter for aquatic animals.

The architects designed a new naturalized water system that will be additionally cleaned through technologies supporting natural cleaning processes, positively impacting the preservation of the stability of the ecosystem. A closed system consisting of a spillway, a stream, and the main pond will ensure that the water is in constant motion.




The modernization also included the area around the naturalized water system. The network of existing paths was developed further and their surface was replaced with permeable material. New urban furniture was designed over the main reservoir in the form of a wooden deck with a terrace layout complemented by wooden bridges and small architecture for various forms of rest and leisure, including seating areas, lounger platforms, and picnic tables. In the northern part of the reservoir, designed as a recreation zone, seats were installed at three different heights, forming an audience area facing the lake. A separate regeneration zone – more natural and wild and reserved for plants and animals – was designated in the southern part of the reservoir.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska



In addition to the modernization of the existing reservoir, connected stream, and spillway, the first phase of the project included the creation of ponds in designated zones – for dogs, and naturally sealed ponds in the biocenotic garden.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska



The biocenotic garden was created in the central part of the park on land reclaimed from a former municipal cleaning company base. The formed mounds and depressions serve as rain gardens, and a wooden platform meandering among the greenery and gazebos was also constructed.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska



The designed biocenotic landscape of the entire park took the form of an arrangement of plant communities with a diverse profile: wooded nooks, flower meadows, orchards, reed beds, and sensory beds beneficial for insects. The selection of plant species was based on a combination of native species – arrangements of varied biotopes based on types of plant communities of a natural and semi-natural character, including plantings of trees, shrubs, and low vegetation.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska


“我们注意到公园的空间结构具有网络特征,包括水系、人行道和社会功能网络。我们的目标是支持和保护这些现有的联系,有时故意不进行任何干预,例如在野生自然区,我们的干预仅限于在各个区域之间为动物建立功能性联系。其实,我们所处理的地方实际上是一个活的有机体。”——建筑师 Łukasz Szczepanowicz

‘We noticed that the park’s spatial structure has a network character comprising a water system, pedestrian paths, and social-functional networks. Our goal was to support these existing connections and safeguard them – sometimes by intentionally refraining from any intervention, as in the case of areas for wild nature, where our action was limited to establishing functional connections for animals between individual areas. The place we dealt with is, in fact, a living organism,’ explains architect Łukasz Szczepanowicz.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska


WXCA 事务所在 2018 年的建筑设计竞赛中胜出并负责该项目的总体规划设计,该项目在实施前,经过了与居民和社会各群体的深度协商。公园的整体振兴工作分为多个阶段,目前第一阶段已经完成,包括水库、洪泛区和溪流的自然化;生物园的部分开发;人行道路面的小部分现代化改造,其中包括用透水矿物路面取代沥青路面;建造部分小型构筑物,包括长凳、桌子、垃圾箱、自行车架、信息导视系统、公园厕所和凉亭,还有一些游乐场和感官花园元素,以及滑板障碍设施。​部分改造工程还包括喷泉区的改造,公园入口区域的现代化改造,狗狗的活动区域也配备了新的水景。WXCA 竞赛概念的其他元素也将在后续阶段逐步实施,包括重建 Finnish 房屋和水上游乐场。

WXCA studio won the architectural competition in 2018, and the project was preceded by extensive social consultations with residents. The revitalization was divided into stages. The first stage, which has already been completed, included the naturalization of the water reservoir along with the floodplain and stream, the partial development of the biocenotic garden, a small part of the modernization of the pedestrian path surfaces involving the replacement of the asphalt surface with a permeable, mineral surface, the construction of a part of the small architecture, including benches, tables, litter bins, bike racks, informational elements, park toilets, and gazebos; and some elements of playgrounds and sensory gardens, as well as skateboard obstacles. The partial revitalization also covered the fountain areas. The entrance areas to the park were also modernized, as well as the areas for dogs with new water features. Further elements of the competition concept by WXCA are planned to be implemented in subsequent stages, including the reconstruction of the Finnish houses and a water playground.


© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska
© WXCA-A.Borun, T.Wieteska


▽规划草案 Scheme



▽设计总平面图 Masterplan





项目名称:Pole Mokotowskie 公园现代化改造
设计团队:Paweł Grodzicki, Szczepan Wroński, Marta Sękulska-Wrońska, Łukasz Szczepanowicz, Małgorzata Gilarska, Krzysztof Moskała, Paweł Wolanin, Magdalena Julianna Nowak, Agnieszka Radziszewska, Michał Poziemski, Anna Szymańska, Monika Lemańska

Name: Modernisation of Pole Mokotowskie Park
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Design competition: 2018
Modernization works: 2021-2023
Project area: 66,500 sqm (66,5 ha)
Client: City of Warsaw
Architect: WXCA
Website: www.wxca.pl
Project authors: Paweł Grodzicki, Szczepan Wroński, Marta Sękulska-Wrońska, Łukasz Szczepanowicz, Małgorzata Gilarska, Krzysztof Moskała, Paweł Wolanin, Magdalena Julianna Nowak, Agnieszka Radziszewska, Michał Poziemski, Anna Szymańska, Monika Lemańska



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