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DES Architects + Engineers (DES A+E) 于2016年完成了位于硅谷中心的莫菲特广场花园,该公园面积约两英亩,是该地区建成的最大的高架公园之一。
DES Architects + Engineers (DES A+E) have completed the Moffett Place High Garden — a two-acre rooftop park — in the heart of Silicon Valley. It is one of the largest elevated parks ever completed in the region.

从停车场到绿地 Parking Deck to Greenspace
DES A+E设计的这个花园,将原本未充分利用的停车场改造成了一个绿洲,原来的250个停车位变成了两英亩的绿地。这个公园是莫菲特商务园的主要便利设施之一,该园区最近全部租给了谷歌,是硅谷在建的第二大办公项目。
DES A+E designed the High Garden to transform what would ordinarily be an underutilized parking deck into a green oasis. Instead of 250 parking spots, it has two-acres of greenspace. The park is one of the central amenities to the Moffett Place campus, which was recently leased to Google in its entirety. The campus is the 2nd largest office project under construction in Silicon Valley.
Covering the top of a two-level parking structure, the High Garden is a departure from typical rooftop gardens in that it provides recreation opportunities for up to 650 users. It integrates active uses with basketball and volleyball courts for team sports. Passive uses include a community vegetable garden and a meditation garden complete with meandering rows of bamboo. Whether playing an afternoon pick-up game, walking with a co-worker, or meeting outside amongst the trees, the design intends for visitors to use the park.

加利福尼亚公园 A California Park
An elliptical running track loops around the park’s perimeter doubling as the main means of circulation and usable fitness space. With visitors raised 30 feet in the air, the path draws people towards the roof’s edge and showcases the views of the adjacent preserved heritage trees and the Santa Cruz Mountains off in the distance. Branching off from the running track, a raised walking deck bends in towards the park’s center and leads visitors to a sequence of experiential settings including a putting green, volleyball court, and a large greenspace. The greenspace is inspired by the local Peninsula hills with undulating berms and tree groves. These natural features add spatial definition and a sense of place. Criss crossing through the greenspace, gravel pathways connect people to shaded seating areas that provide sheltered work spaces. Alternatively, the open grass areas brings flexibility, acting as an amphitheatre for company events or simply as a space to lay out a picnic blanket.

Native and adapted grasses, shrubs, and vines — about 20 different species — celebrate the diversity of the California landscape and reduce irrigation needs. Particular plant varieties, including Cape Reed and Feather Reed Grass, attract beneficial insects and birds while providing food and habitat. Where irrigation is necessary, reclaimed water is used exclusively resulting in no impact on potable water supplies with the exception of the vegetable garden. The rooftop also contributes significantly to improved stormwater management and reductions to the heat island effect.

强化视野 Enhanced Views
Connecting the High Garden to the campus, the background landscape — adjacent trees, office towers, and mountains — is incorporated into the composition of the garden and provides a layered experience for the users. From within the park, you are visually connected to the campus and the surrounding natural environment. From the nearby office tower, large sweeping gestures such as the elevated walking deck and the radial organization of the community garden provide visual interest. The High Garden is a place where campus users can separate themselves from the workplace while still feeling connected to the greater landscape.

一种更绿色的模式 A Greener Model
由于这一概念目前已被证实是可行的,且对技术人员也很有吸引力,所以DES A+E目前正在设计另外四个屋顶公园,其中最高的空中花园共有九层楼高、可俯瞰旧金山湾。
The High Garden introduces a healthier, greener landscape model for corporate campuses as it provides a new place for people to connect to one another and the environment.
Since the concept has proved successful and attractive to tech employees, DES A+E is currently designing four additional rooftop parks, the highest of which will be raised nine stories in the air overlooking the San Francisco Bay.

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