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Moxon Architects 与木桥工程专家 Ingenieurbüro Miebach 合作,为德国南部的巴林根镇设计了一座人行木桥。巴林根人行桥的修建体现了该镇对卓越设计和可持续发展的双重承诺,同时对自然河流的环境保护做出了积极的回应。这座桥在 2023 年巴登-符腾堡花园展之前揭幕,将成为该活动 14 公顷的改造工程中的一个焦点。
Moxon Architects has completed a pedestrian and cycle bridge for the town of Balingen in southern Germany, a design collaboration with timber bridge engineering specialist Ingenieurbüro Miebach. Balingen Footbridge embodies the town’s ambitious dual commitment to design excellence and a sustainable future, while offering a sympathetic response to the natural river setting. Unveiled ahead of the 2023 Baden-Würtemberg Garden Show, the bridge will form a focal showpiece of a 14-hectare regeneration for the event.
As well as linking event venues, the new bridge strengthens Balingen’s network of foot and cycle paths and will serve as a catalyst for further responsible regeneration of the River Eyach, a revived amenity which runs through the town. The footbridge also sets an important exemplar in the creation of sustainable infrastructure, through timber construction, in place of steel and concrete.
▽项目概况,桥梁两侧与城市道路相连 Both sides of the bridge are connected with urban roads.

The innovative, sustainable, and low-maintenance bridge features a pair of structural timber beams spanning 40 metres over the river at an oblique angle, cradling pedestrians and cyclists upon a 3.0m wide fibre reinforced plastic deck. At both ends of the bridge, the structure widens to 5.0m, allowing comfortable access.
The two subtly angled and tapered beams are designed to flare outwards in plan as they approach either riverbank, embracing the town’s network of footpaths and cycle tracks. The beams extend above the level of the deck to form the bridge’s parapet sides – a necessity allowing the bridge to clear future predicted flood levels while enabling fully accessible gradients at either approach. The visible, outward leaning outer faces of the shaped glulam beams will weather naturally over time. The inner, pedestrian facing surfaces are clad in native timber slats with integrated lighting and handrails.
▽由两端向桥中心收窄的步行桥 Pedestrian bridge narrowing from both ends to the center of the bridge

▽平缓的坡度和两侧的扶手有助于人们无障碍通行 The gentle slope and handrails on both sides help people to pass without barriers

▽太阳的余晖洒落桥上,带给人美的感受 The afterglow of the sun falls on the bridge, giving people a beautiful feeling.

Ingenieurbüro Miebach 和 Moxon 在 2019 年的邀请赛中赢得了该项目,这座木桥为两家公司丰富的桥梁作品集锦上添花;此前,莫克森建筑事务所已完成的作品包括为伦敦国王十字路口改造而建造的一对跨越摄政运河的桥梁、伦敦格林威治河上的一座人行摆桥,以及最近在英国奇斯威克现有巴恩斯桥下沿泰晤士小径完成的蜿蜒人行桥。
Ingenieurbüro Miebach and Moxon won the project in an invited competition in 2019, and the timber bridge adds to both practices rich bridge portfolios; Moxon’s includes a pair of bridges over the Regents Canal for the King’s Cross regeneration in London, a pedestrian swing bridge at Greenwich Reach in London and the recently completed meandering footbridge along the Thames Path beneath the existing Barnes Bridge at Chiswick, UK.
▽木结构的桥梁跨过溪流,如一道飞虹 The wooden bridge crosses the stream like a rainbow.

Moxon Architects 的董事 Ezra Groskin 说:“巴林根人行桥不仅展示了在建桥中用木材代替钢材的美学和结构潜力,还展示了如何减少碳排放。通过取代桥墩所使用的混凝土,木材有助于创建一个更可持续的基础设施,在适当的维护下,它可以和任何钢结构一样持久。
Ezra Groskin, director at Moxon Architects said: “Balingen Footbridge demonstrates not just the aesthetic and structural potential of timber in place of steel in bridge-building, but the carbon that can be sequestered. Through offsetting the concrete going into the abutments, timber allows you to create a more sustainable piece of infrastructure, that, with the correct maintenance, can last as long as any steel structure.
Working with a world-leading engineer fully committed to timber structures, and a town which prioritises the delivery of sustainable infrastructure, has been an inspiring and informative process. We are excited to bring the experience and knowledge gained through this European collaboration back to the UK, where we are optimistic it can inform our approach to designing both bridges and buildings.”
▽木结构桥梁细节 Detail

Ingenieurbüro Miebach 公司的董事 Frank Miebach 补充道:“该项目的最大挑战是在结构的限制下工作,而桥身简约、优雅的美学外观可能会加强这种限制。但在与建筑师的良好的沟通下,我们成功赋予了这座槽式桥简洁而独特的外形。我们能够通过倾斜的桥梁以一种吸引人的方式实现对木结构的良好保护。这表明,我们可以共同以现代的方式用木材来塑造桥梁,并希望该做法预示着一种范式的转变。”
Frank Miebach, director at Ingenieurbüro Miebach added: “The big challenge in this project was working within the structural limitations that such a pared-back, elegant aesthetic can impose. Thanks to the excellent exchange with the architects, we were able to give the simple structural form of a trough bridge a unique typology. We were able to implement our premise for good structural wood protection in an appealing way through the inclined girders. This shows that together we can interpret wood in a contemporary way for bridges, and hope to herald a paradigm shift.”
▽平面图 Plan

▽立面图 Elevation

▽立体剖面图 3D Section

项目名称:Balingen Footbridge
地点:德国 巴林根
建筑师:Moxon Architects
结构工程师:Ingenieurbüro Miebach
上部结构承包商:Schaffitzel Holzindustrie
基础承包商:Gottlob Brodbeck
图片:Simon Kennedy
Prject Name: Balingen Footbridge
Location: Balingen, Germany
Architect: Moxon Architects
Structural Engineer: Ingenieurbüro Miebach
Client: Balingen, Germany
Superstructure Contractor: Schaffitzel Holzindustrie
Foundation Contractor: Gottlob Brodbeck
Photo: Simon Kennedy
“ 桥梁强化了巴林根的步行和自行车道系统,成为进一步改造埃亚赫河岸的催化剂,并通过使用木结构来取代钢筋和混凝土,在创建可持续基础设施方面树立了重要的典范。”
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