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致澜景观: 空镜:当一颗露珠落到池里,除了艺术之外,没有更妥善的逃世之方;而要与世界联系,也没有一种方法比艺术更好。——歌德
Zinialand Design: Besides art, there is no better way to escape from the world; There is no better way to connect with the world than art. ——Goethe

空镜语言 The intention of scenery shot
As Godard said, Movie is the first and last dream. Cinema is a refuge for people to escape from reality. It is also a different representation of the world’s perspective. Viewing the scenery is like watching movie, every plant and tree can touch our heart.

开幕 – 光彩之证 Open – The Lustre
Nanning has the blazing sunlight and hurricane, but also the gentle breeze and drizzle. The formation of superposition and repetition is not about the order. It is to seek the resonance among emotions, to bring water, breeze, nature and poetry inside the design. When a drop of water falls into the pool, the undulating ripples become the emotional incentives. Immersed in every long and sensational dream, inheriting the interlaced sounds and paintings from the ancient to modern world.
▼入口界面 Entrance interface

衔接 – 圈之印证 Extension – The Circle
Time will eventually break through the night, and we will finally see the true selves. Since both to time and destiny, the two seem alike: the unweighable daytime shadow, and the irrevocable course. Of water following its own path. From Dreamtigers, by Jorge Luis Borges

▼长廊 Corridor

▼细节设计 Design details
Ripple/Corrugation/Vein. The variation of water is unpredictable with different forms. It is always flowing and unrestrained. Let`s soak in water, wash away the floating dust and trouble, back to pure. Straight lines belong to human beings, while undulating curves are made by God. Stay here, follow the straight line and return to the nature, enjoy every moment of the wonderful life.

▼平静大水面倒映着地面建筑 The calm water reflects the buildings on the ground

转折 – 漂浮失重 Transition – The Agravity
There is an indescribable tension in the space, which puts me in a dreamland of emptiness. The river in south of the Five Ridges rarely run dry, and stories at Nanning Wuxiang Lake are always vivid and abundant. As the water fall down, the ripples of the water turn into the layered scales, reflecting the sky and the ups and downs of sunlight.

▼星星点点的灯光与台阶灯带一起渲染了宁静氛围 The tiny spots light and the strip lights helped the atmosphere

繁盛 – 澄境人间 Prosperous – The Pure Land
The world’s most wonderful monochromatic light is the most colorful and the purest white. The surging waves beat the bank of the swimming pool, and the scattered water molecules will finally reunite again. Joy here will be consistent and dense. The image of the real world can withstand the nitpicking from the life. The space under the forest is always open and fresh, and the growth ring will be engraved in our own min with time flowing.
▼后场泳池 The pool

尾声 The End
“Art must come from nature, because nature has created the most unique and beautiful form for people.” When design is integrated into the variety of nature, “The Chosen One” becomes the best expression of art life. All kinds of normality and abnormality in life are reflected in the scenery. The picture of landscape was captured, interpreted, endowed with emotions, and memorized by people.
▼户外会客区 Outdoor reception area

Project location: No.42, Yudong Avenue, Liangqing District, Nanning
Construction: Nanning Jinlin Real Estate Co., Ltd.
LOGEN Team: Wang Huihui, Deng Xunfu, Du Yanting, Liang Changhua, Ma Yanhong, Changhua, Ma Yanhong
NEW HOPE team: Lv Zhaowei, Zou min, Wu Song, Xiao Yang, Wu Dandan, Chen Honglong, Wei Sheng
Landscape design: Zinialand Design
Concept design team: Yang Xuanxuan, Feng Hao, Li Qiuyan, He Jinyi, Li Peian, Lin Ruolan
Construction design team: Yang Kunyi, Zhang Ai, Wei Qile, Zheng Wei, Deng Bao, Huang Qin, Liu Bo, Jiang Bo
Post – construction: Zeng Junjian and Zeng Yin
Parametric design: Digital Center of Zinialand
Architecture Design: Sichuan Zhoyu Architectural Design Co., Ltd
Construction of architecture: Guangdong modern architectural design and Consulting Co., Ltd
Photography: XUEER Space Photography
Project area: 9896㎡
Design time: November 2019
Completion time: July 2020
更多 Read more about: Zinialand Design 致澜景观