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CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati:全球能源公司Eni和国际设计与创意工作室CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati在展览中推出了“Natural Capital”装置,这是有史以来最大的数据可视化项目之一。该项目位于米兰布雷拉植物园,旨在通过展示每种树捕获和储存二氧化碳的数量来展示树木在固碳制氧方面所起的关键作用。如果树木被砍伐,意味着同等数量的二氧化碳就会释放到大气中,因此,加强森林保护而非破坏森林至关重要。“Natural Capital”作为最大的数据可视化项目之一,直观地展示了Eni集团对林业资源保护的宗旨。该项目已于2021年米兰设计周期间向公众开放,并作为INTERNI “创意连接”展览(展出时间为2021年9 月4日至19日)的一部分。
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati:Energy company Eni and international design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati present “Natural Capital,” one of the largest data visualizations ever produced. Located in the Brera Botanical Garden, in Milan, the project aims to demonstrate the key role that trees play in producing oxygen, by showing how much CO2 each individual tree species can capture and store. The same amount of CO2 would be released in the atmosphere if the trees were removed, thus making it crucial to promote forestry protection instead of deforestation. “Natural Capital” aims to be one of the largest data visualizations projects ever produced, and also showcases Eni’s commitment to forestry initiatives. The project will open to the public during the Milan Design Week 2021 from 4 to 12 September 2021 as part of INTERNI’s “Creative Connections” exhibition, from 4 to 19 September 2021.

“Natural Capital”将一个巨大的数据可视化实验延伸到500平方米的花园中。一系列漂浮的气泡散落在意大利迷人的布雷拉植物园树丛中。每个气泡大小各不相同,从几厘米到几米不等,与相应树木每年可以捕获和储存的二氧化碳量成正比。
“Natural Capital” experiments with a giant data visualization that extends over a 500-square-meter garden. A series of floating bubbles are nestled amongst the vegetation of Brera Botanical Garden, one of the country’s most fascinating urban gardens, which sits in the center of Italy’s design capital. Each bubble is of a different size – from a few centimeters to a few meters – in proportion to the amount of carbon dioxide that the corresponding trees can capture and store annually.

“我们都知道植物和森林在吸收二氧化碳方面发挥的积极作用。但我们如何才能更好地阐明这种联系呢?” Carlo Ratti问道。“Natural Capital旨在尝试一种新的设计媒介,将数据可视化转化为有形的空间体验,拉近自然世界和人工世界的距离。”
At the entrance to the garden is a giant sphere, which lies on the ground. It represents the amount of CO2 produced on average by the human body every month. The contrast between the sphere and the floating bubbles suspended among the branches immediately illuminates the fundamental role that plants play in guaranteeing the planet’s health and limiting global warming. The comparison allows visitors to understand the symbiosis between humans and nature: the former produces carbon dioxide, the latter stores it.
“We are all aware of the positive role that plants and forests play in absorbing CO2. But how can we better elucidate this connection?” asks Carlo Ratti, founding partner at CRA and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Natural Capital aims to experiment with a new design medium, turning data visualization into a tangible, spatial experience, bringing the natural and the artificial worlds a little bit closer together.”

米兰大学农业与环境科学系Alessio Fini教授对生态服务功能(例如碳封存和储存、减少污染、提高效益)进行了评估。他使用由Mipaaf资助的早期研究项目QUALIVIVA、Regione Toscana资助的SmartUrban项目和由欧盟资助的LIFE URBANGREEN项目的数据,与其团队量化了米兰布雷拉植物园中数十种物种的生态系统服务功能。评估的生态系统服务包括植物每年吸收的二氧化碳量以及每种植物在其整个生命周期内储存的二氧化碳总量。例如,植物园中柿子树作为木本生物可以储存约1400千克二氧化碳,每年可以吸收约61千克二氧化碳,而沼泽松每年吸收的二氧化碳不足1千克。
The estimation of ecosystem services (e.g. carbon sequestration and storage, reduction of pollution, increasing of wellbeing) have been done by professor Alessio Fini of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Milan. Using data from previous research projects QUALIVIVA, funded by Mipaaf, SmartUrban, funded by Regione Toscana, and LIFE URBANGREEN, funded by the EU, professor Fini’s team calculated ecosystem services from dozens of species growing in Milan’s Orto Botanico. Estimated ecosystem services included the amount of CO2 sequestered annually by plants as well as the total amount of CO2 stored by each plant over its whole lifespan. For example, the persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in the Orto Botanico stores about 1400 kg CO2 as woody biomass and can sequester about 61 kg CO2 per year, while the bog pine (Pinus mugo) sequesters less than 1 kg CO2 per year.

“Natural Capital”装置推动了CRA和Eni集团之间的持续合作,旨在探索新的循环经济和可持续发展范式。其近期的项目包括与INTERNI合作制作的2019年米兰设计周获奖作品“循环花园”,它使用一公里长的蘑菇菌丝体作为可回收的建筑材料,形成了一系列散布在植被之间的拱形门。同年后期,CRA和Eni集团还推出了Feel the Peel作品,一种以榨橙机为原型的,利用橘皮进行3D打印的生物塑料饮用杯。
The installation draws on Eni’s commitment to protecting and conserving forests as one of the pillars of its decarbonization strategy towards a sustainable world. Several initiatives led by the company follow the UN-designed REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) scheme, supporting the development of local communities by promoting economic and social activities.
“Natural Capital” advances the ongoing collaboration between CRA and Eni, whose objective is to explore new circular economy and sustainability paradigms. Recent projects include the prize-winning Circular Garden at Milan Design Week 2019, produced in collaboration with INTERNI, which used one kilometer of mushroom mycelium as a recyclable building material to form a series of catenary arches interspersed among vegetation. Later that year, CRA and Eni also presented Feel the Peel, a prototype of an orange squeezing machine that makes 3D-printed bioplastic drinking cups out of orange peels.

项目名称:Natural Capital(一个CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati为Eni集团设计的项目,“INTERNI创意连接”展览的一部分)
创意总监:Italo Rota
科学研究:Alessio Fini(米兰大学),已从SmartUrban、Qualiviva和LIFE URBANGREEN项目中取得了相应研究成果
CRA团队:Carlo Ratti、Antonio Atripaldi(项目经理)、Saverio Panata、Luca Giacolini、Chiara Borghi、Matteo Zerbi、Nicola Scaramuzza、Serena Giardina、Alessandro Tassinari、Aurora Maggio、Irem Ceri、Oliver Kazimir
效果图:CRA制图团队,Gary di Silvio、Pasquale Milieri、Gianluca Zimbardi
地点:意大利 米兰 布雷拉植物园
Project Name: Natural Capital(A project by CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati for Eni,Part of “INTERNI Creative Connections” exhibition)
Creative Lead: Italo Rota
Scientific research: Alessio Fini (Università di Milano). Results have been obtained from projects SmartUrban, Qualiviva, and LIFE URBANGREEN
CRA Team: Carlo Ratti, Antonio Atripaldi (Project Manager), Saverio Panata, Luca Giacolini, Chiara Borghi, Matteo Zerbi, Nicola Scaramuzza, Serena Giardina, Alessandro Tassinari, Aurora Maggio, Irem Ceri, Oliver Kazimir
Client: Plenitude
Renderings: CRA graphic team: Gary di Silvio, Pasquale Milieri, Gianluca Zimbardi
Location: Brera Botanical Garden of the University of Milan, Italy
Exhibition Time: 4-12 September, 2021
“ 大小不同的气泡与树木每年可以捕获和储存的二氧化碳量成正比,如果树木被砍伐,同等数量的二氧化碳就会释放到大气中。 ”
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