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Thanks Suppose Design Office for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Suppose Design Office.
Suppose Design Office:在雨天的公共汽车站你会看到这样的场景:很多人都举着雨伞在等公车。有时从马路对面看这样的场景也是有趣的,每个人的雨伞样式都不同,他们撑伞的方式也不同,这就形成了多重印象。
Suppose Design Office: The scenery that many people are waiting a bus with lifting umbrellas. Some times we feel that it is very interesting if we saw the scenery from the other side. Each people has different umbrellas for size and type, and also they hold them in different ways. This makes us feeling multiple impression.
Suppose Design Office would like to make such a scenery in front of the gate of the park ‘nicoe’. The bus stop with thin support and thin roof, makes unusual contrast with trees behind. This bus stop is waiting visitors with the new impression.

▼伞里的蓝天 Blue sky in umbrellas

▼平面图 Plan
摄影师:Toshiyuki Yano
Photographer: Toshiyuki Yano
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