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Thanks Mario Cucinella Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Mario Cucinella Architects.
MC A: 在过去的三十年,加纳首都阿克拉发展迅速,被誉为“西非之门”。阿克拉科托卡机场国际航空港是阿克拉的新兴发展区域,便捷的交通位置,闪亮的新高层街区和林立的购物中心,成为阿克拉新城市网络的重要组成部分。随着新兴石油工业和服务业的持续增长,阿克拉对于建造具有国际标准办公和商业体验建筑的需求也日益增长。One Airport Square项目应运而生,其设计不仅是为了满足此需求,更是重新定义了加纳对绿色建筑的标准和未来的期望。作为阿克拉市的生态地标,象征着城市的创新和发展。此项目建成于2015年,是加纳第一座由南非绿色建筑委员会(GBCSA)颁发的4星(设计阶段)建筑,也是西非第一座获得绿色认证的商业建筑。
MC A: Over the past three decades, Accra, the capital of Ghana, has developed rapidly and is known as the “Gate of West Africa”. The Airport City is a new development area with convenient transportation location, shiny new high-rise buildings and numerous shopping which becomes an important part of Accra’s new urban network. As the emerging oil industry and service industry continue to grow, Accra’s demand for building office and commercial experience buildings with international standards is also increasing. The One Airport Square project came into being. Its design is not only to meet this demand, but also redefines Ghana’s standards for green building and future expectation. As an ecological landmark in Accra, it symbolizes the city’s innovation and development. The project was completed in 2015 and is the first Ghana 4-star (design stage) building awarded by the Green Building Council South African (GBCSA) and the first commercial building in West Africa to receive green certification.

Under the research of site, surroundings, climate, terrain, the angle and direction of the sun, and the local traditional culture, the design of One Airport Square is a standard for a new generation of office buildings in West Africa. It Won the 2012 African International Real Estate Award: Best Office Building.

The aesthetic elements and design of the building are inspired by local traditional art and typical palm tree bark forms, and are closely linked with environmental development strategies to provide feasible solutions to climate problems. The form and layout of the building are designed by a multi-disciplinary design team based on the customer’s function, structure and energy needs, using creative thinking to propose the most reasonable design plan.
▼建筑概念设计 Concept

多功能综合体 Multifunctional Complex
One Airport Square项目是一个多功能综合体,由首层商业区以及西南侧十层高的办公塔楼和广场组成,总建筑面积达17000平方米。考虑到场地独特的形状和地形特征,将塔楼安排在场地西南侧。公共广场面向场地东北部开放,让商业区(如商店、餐馆、自助餐厅等设施)围绕着进行环状布局。项目在一众建筑中脱颖而出,为周围的社区,景观做出重大贡献,并在道德,文化敏感性和环境可持续性方面树立榜样。
One Airport Square is a multi-functional complex consisting of a first-floor commercial district and a 10-storey office tower and plaza on the southwest side, with a total floor area of 17,000 square meters. Considering the unique shape and topographical characteristics of the site, the tower is arranged on the southwest side of the site. The public plaza is open to the northeast of the venue, allowing commercial activties(such as shops, restaurants, cafeterias and other facilities) to be arranged in a circular layout. The project stands out from the crowd, making a significant contribution to the surrounding community and landscape, and setting an example in terms of ethics, cultural sensitivity and environmental sustainability.

平面布局 Layout
The irregular plan of the building exactly reflects the topographical characteristics of the site. The paved ground is connected to the street and leads to the main entrance of the building on the upper square, which can enter the office and commercial areas. A pair of escalators lead directly to the two-story underground parking lot. Even for the underground floors, the topographical characteristics of the site are taken into consideration in the configuration and the seismic structure is designed using modern technology. In fact, Accra is a city characterized by local high seismic activity, which is also one of the earliest buildings in Africa designed with seismic structures.
▼建筑首层平面图 Ground Floor Plan

▼从街道看建筑 View from street

公共广场 Public Square
The spacious square of the building can hold various events, and can also be used as an exhibition space for permanent installations of art works. At the same time, combined with the implementation of commercial activities, it can help activate the vitality of the venue day and night.

中庭 Courtyard
项目在紧凑的建筑形式中还包含了一个中庭,其主要功能是提供照明并促进室内的自然通风,形成建筑微气候。中庭产生的“烟囱效应” 可以调节建筑内外热平衡,使建筑物可以处于全空调模式,即自然通风,减少了空调的使用,节约用电量。建筑外表建筑的外表是关键元素,它是形式,结构和环境策略相结合的完美表达。在垂直方向上的变化决定了三类办公配置类型:大,中,小型。该建筑还有一个显著特征是通过悬挑的梯形露台而产生动感,并在层层升高过程中逐渐消退。这些部分的变化可以按照租户的不同要求进行灵活配置。
The project also includes an atrium in a compact architectural form, whose main function is to provide lighting and promote natural ventilation in the interior, forming a microclimate of the building. The “chimney effect” generated by the atrium can adjust the internal and external heat balance of the building, so that the building can be in a fully air-conditioned mode, that is, natural ventilation, which reduces the use of air conditioning and saves electricity. The appearance of the building is the key element, it is the perfect expression of the combination of form, structure and environmental strategy. Changes in the vertical direction determine three types of office configurations: large, medium, and small. Another distinguishing feature of the building is that it is dynamic through the overhanging trapezoidal terrace, which gradually fades as the layers rise. Changes in these parts can be flexibly configured according to different requirements of tenants.

建筑结构 Building Structure
尽管混凝土建筑给人会是沉重的感觉,但是One Airport Square项目却是以一种轻巧兼环保的方式在使用混凝土。采用钢筋混凝土结构的倾斜支柱,为建筑和悬臂带来更大的刚度,同时也可作为立面的装饰图案,与玻璃幕墙结合,给人令人惊讶的轻盈之感。
Although concrete buildings may feel heavy, the One Airport Square uses concrete in a lightweight and environmentally friendly way. The use of reinforced concrete structure with inclined pillars brings greater rigidity to the building and cantilever. At the same time, it can also be used as a decorative pattern on the facade and combined with the glass curtain wall, giving a surprisingly light feeling.

被动式能源策略 Passive Energy Strategy
The building adopts a mixed-mode ventilation strategy. All office floors are equipped with operable windows on the atrium and facades to enhance the efficiency of natural ventilation and reduce the use of unnecessary air conditioning equipment.
Taking into account the latitude of the building, its east and west sides are particularly susceptible to solar radiation. Solar panels are installed on the roof to utilize renewable energy, and the overhanging trapezoidal terrace also provides a shading effect to prevent sun exposure. Due to the typical tropical climate in the site and the high temperature that exists most of the time, some measures must be taken to reduce the need for building cooling. The climate control system distributes cold air through the floating floor, so as to achieve uniform expansion across the entire plane. The average indoor temperature is about 23 degrees Celsius, and the humidity level changes according to the season. In summer, it can reach 90% saturation point. Compared with most buildings in Accra, energy consumption is reduced by 30-40%.
▼自然通风采光系统 The system natural ventilation and lighting

▼可提供遮阴效果的悬挑梯形露台 The overhanging trapezoidal terrace provides a shading effect to prevent sun exposure

节约水资源 Water
One Airport Square,在设计上减少建筑的能源消耗和优化使用自然光,在建筑和工程方面做了平衡。运用设计将先进的技术与当地传统相结合在一起塑造了生态之美的新概念,在尊重特定的多种当地环境的同时获得最大的建筑可持续性,是运用创造性同理心理念的绿色建筑优秀案例。
In order to reduce the consumption of drinking water, the technology of restricting flow is adopted. The building is equipped with rainwater collection. When it rains, the water is collected in a water tank and used for toilets and plant irrigation.
One Airport Square is designed to balances architectural and engineering aspects to reduce energy consumption and optimize the use of natural light. The use of design to combine advanced technology with local traditions has shaped a new concept of ecological beauty, while respecting a specific variety of local environments while achieving maximum architectural sustainability. It is a excellent green building case that used the Creative Empathy.
▼生物气候分析图 Bioclimate analysis

▼建筑模型 Model

▼建筑立面图&剖面图 Elevation & Section

时间:2010 – 2015年,已建成
投资商:Actis Boston Tower Development Limited
建筑商:Laurus DP
面 积:17,000平方米
建筑和结构设计:Mario Cucinella Architects + Deweger Gruter Brown & Partners
团队:Mario Cucinella, Luca Bertacchi, Hyun Seok Giuseppe Perrone, Nada Balestri, Luca Sandri, Giulia Pentella,Alberto Bruno, Yuri Costantini
结构工程:Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura
机电工程:Chapman – BDSP
当地结构建设工程师:加纳 Twum Boafo & Partners
当地协调水暖电工程师:加纳 Impact Technologies Limited
协调建筑师:Deweger Gruter Brown & Partners
工程造价:伦敦 AECOM
协调工程造价:加纳 A-Kon Consults Limited
渲染:Cristian Chierici – CC79;Engram Studio
摄像:Fernando Guerra
Location: Accra, Ghana
Year: 2010-2015 – built
Investor: Actis Boston Tower Development Limited
Developer: Laurus DP
Type: Commission
Surface area: 17,000 m2
Architecture and structural: Mario Cucinella Architects + Deweger
Design: Gruter Brown & Partners
Team: Mario Cucinella, LucaBertacchi,Hyun Seok Kim Giuseppe Perrone, Nada Balestri, Luca Sandri, Giulia Pentella, Alberto Bruno, Yuri Costantini
Structural Engineering: Politecnica Ingegneria e Architettura
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: Chapman – BDSP
Associate Local Structural & Construction Engineers: Twum Boafo & Partners, Accra
Associate Local MEP Engineers: Impact Technologies Limited, Accra
Associate Architect: Deweger Gruter Brown & Partners
Quantity Surveyors: AECOM, London
Associate Quantity Surveyors: A-Kon Consults Limited, Accra
Construction Company: MICHELETTI LTD
Construction Management: MACE
Rendering: Cristian Chierici – CC79; Engram Studio
Photos: Fernando Guerra
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