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ASPECT Studios:One Darling Island 是谷歌悉尼总部的新前庭广场。设计意在通过创造一个生长式的亲自然组合空间,将原先平淡的仅距离城市港口20米距离的园区前广场,打造成为趣味和舒适的人气都市生态会客厅。

ASPECT Studios:One Darling Island is the site of Google’s new forecourt at their Sydney headquarters. The design grew from a desire to create a nature-based experience that draws people in and playfully reconnects the space to the harbour – which sits a mere 20 metres away.



在项目设计竞赛中,ASPECT Studios极具创意的获胜设计提案获得了评委的高度认可,设计师主张将这一曾经的空白地带转变为一个充满活力与互动性的城市会客厅。设计不仅考虑到了空间的实用性,更着眼于通过设计为人们带来独特的体验。

ASPECT Studios won a design ideas competition for the project which called for proposals that would elicit the most creative, comfortable, and engaging place for the public and building tenants.




Featuring sustainable, recycled, and innovative materials, the design provides a variety of delightful opportunities to connect through the series of circular spaces that offer a multitude of sitting, lounging, and meeting areas.




The design uses contextually appropriate materials like brick, sandstone, and steel to reflect the site’s past industrial life as a shipyard. Layers of colour in the planter walls and recycled plastic tabletops bring a sense of joy to the forecourt while celebrating sustainability.



作为设计师,我们很开心见证了从设计到落地建成,并对公众开放后的受欢迎程度,场地真正地变成了一个人气会客厅。随着项目的成功, ASPECT Studios设计的One Darling Island项目凭借其卓越的设计和创新理念,荣获了布鲁斯-麦肯齐景观奖(Bruce Mackenzie Landscape Award)的高度认可,肯定了项目成为澳大利亚境内最佳的砖材料和砌石工艺的标杆。

We are thrilled to see the popularity of this project once it was open to public, which truly becomes a place people want to be. With the success of the design and project itself, the One Darling island received a High Commendation for the Bruce Mackenzie Landscape Award, which showcased the best projects that utilise brick and masonry from around Australia..



评审团对One Darling Island项目给予了高度评价,称赞其在景观中创造了一种吸引力,能够将人们聚集在一起,从而激活整个空间。砖铺路面的切割、排列和径向分层展示了真正的工艺感,使其成为花园会客厅中的一个独特亮点,而不仅仅是一种普通的表面装饰。

The jury said, “This project has created a kind of magnet in the landscape to pull people toward it and therefore activate it. There is a real sense of craft to how the brick pavers have been cut, arranged and layered in radial form, allowing them to be used as a special highlight in the garden rather than as a ubiquitous surface”.




设计公司:ASPECT Studios

CLIENT: Mirvac
LOCATION: Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia
YEAR: 2019–2021
Design company: ASPECT Studios



审稿编辑: Maggie

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