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Thank Sebastian van Damme for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Sebastian van Damme.
Sebastian van Damme:“张开的手”纪念碑是由勒·柯布西耶设计的一座标志性建筑,位于印度昌迪加尔的首都大厦旁。它是昌迪加尔政府的标志和象征,代表着”给予”和”接受”,也意味着”和平”、”繁荣”和人”团结”。
Sebastian van Damme:The Open Hand Monument is a symbolic structure designed by Le Corbusier, located at Capital Complex in Chandigarh, India. It is the emblem or symbol of the Government of Chandigarh, symbolizing ‘the hand to give and the hand to take; peace and prosperity, and the unity of mankind’.

Being the largest example of Le Corbusier’s many Open Hand sculptures, it stands 26 metres (85 ft) high and rotates in the wind.

当现代主义先驱勒·柯布西耶为印度昌迪加尔市规划时,”张开的手”是一个公共项目,而不是一个私人化的象征。当时,他的同事兼表弟皮埃尔·让纳雷(Pierre Jeanneret)在昌迪加尔市担任首席建筑师和城市规划顾问,负责监督昌迪加尔市的建设。
The Open Hand became a public project rather than a private symbol when Le Corbusier planned it for the city of Chandigarh, where his associate and cousin Pierre Jeanneret was then working as chief architect and town planning advisor, supervising the construction of Chandigarh.

Le Corbusier planned to erect the Open Hand against the scenic background of the Himalayas. He called the location he had selected the ‘Pit of Contemplation’.

In spite of efforts to find funding, it was twenty years after Le Corbusier’s death in 1965 that the Open Hand, his dream project, was realized.

项目地点:印度 昌迪加尔
摄影师:Sebastian van Damme
Project name: Open Hand Monument
Completion Year: 1985
Size: 26m high
Project location: Sector 1 Capital Project Chandigarh, India
Photo credits: Sebastian van Damme
Contact e-mail: svd@sebastianvandamme.nl
Photographer’s website: www.sebastianvandamme.nl
Design: Le Corbusier
“ “张开的手”纪念碑是印度昌迪加尔政府的标志,它代表着“给予”和“接受”,也象征着和平、繁荣和团结。”
更多 Read more about: Sebastian van Damme