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Thanks TAKA + PARTNERS for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TAKA + PARTNERS.
TAKA + PARTNERS:Ios Grand Pool Suites项目坐落在爱琴海Ios岛最著名的海滩Mylopotas之上,旁边是岛上风景如画的村庄,陡峭的斜坡为建筑体量的延伸提供了地形,每间套房都拥有绝佳的摆放位置,让爱琴海的景色独特而畅通无阻,这种绝佳体验从每间套房的室外自然的延伸到了室内。
TAKA + PARTNERS:OUTDOOR EDGE LIVING PROJECT exists on the island of Ios in Cyclades. The name of the island is said to come either from the characteristic flowers of Ia, or from the Phoenician word Ios, meaning a pile of stones. Ios Grand Pool Suites, which consists of twelve suites with extensive private courtyards and swimming pools, is perched above the most famous beach of the island of Ios, Mylopotas, while next to it is the picturesque village of the island, built amphitheatrically in the well-known Cycladic architecture.

Ios Grand Pool Suites由12间套房组成,12间套房又根据地形走势被分为了有趣的上下两层。每个套房都有着绝佳的观景位置,并被岩石挡墙分隔成为一个个面向大海的独立院落,每个院内都设有宽敞的私人庭院和游泳池,游客可以全天欣赏基克拉泽斯群岛(Kikldhes)美丽的光线和平静的大海,并在独特的日落中休息。
The steeply sloping plot offers the terrain for the development of the building volume in levels allowing unique and unobstructed views of the Aegean Sea. The suites are placed based on the optimal orientation. The visitor can observe the Cycladic light and the calmness of the sea throughout the day and rest with the unique sunset.

The local architecture with the narrow openings on the facades, the orthogonal volumes and the cladding with local stone and white plaster is evident throughout the length of the project. The design of the external common walkway tries to reproduce the cobblestones of the island country, setting a scene for exploration. The twelve suites are spread over two levels.

The entrance to the upper floor suites is through a traditional wooden patio door that leads to the private courtyard and from there to the interior space, intensifying the sense of home and the Cycladic landscape. Each private outdoor space-courtyard, both on the ground floor and on the upper floor, is designed to host the exact same functions as its interior, encouraging the visitor to enjoy the unique landscape as comfortably as the interior space.

The palette of materials consists of local materials, such as local stone and Naxos marble. At the same time, in order to achieve the desired provision of high-standard amenities, some more contemporary materials were added, such as metal structures, contemporary lighting fixtures and glass dividers in balance and with absolute respect for the local aesthetics.

The special flooring placed in this space is protagonist, while the arches subtly complement the design. Basic tools of interior design composition are light, shadow, white, the use of natural materials and contrasts, in order to provide a modern but at the same time calm and intimate environment with a high degree of privacy. The historicity of the Cycladic culture is reflected in the interior design and attributes to it architectural forms, such as the chambers and forms inspired by Cycladic art.
The interior design is adapted, harmonized but at the same time inspired by the plasticity and rigor of Cycladic architecture. The suites are connected to the common area of the reception. This space is designed in such a way as to immediately welcome customers in a minimal and contemporary environment with elements of local art.

▽项目图纸 Project drawings

项目地点:希腊 伊奥斯岛
首席建筑师:Maria Avramidou
设计团队:Maria Solidaki, Stelina Rizou, Georgia Talari, Elektra Nikou
客户: Tresor Hotels and Resorts
结构研究:Kion Consaltants
Mep:Melcon Engineering Ε.Ε.- Pantelis Argyros
建筑许可证的建筑研究:Maria Papatriantafillou
地形上的Γικίμελίτη:Manolis Papakonstantinou
建设一期:Eleven Constructions Ltd
项目管理-现场监理:Konstantinos Papaioannou
图片来源:Stathis Bouzoukas
“ 介入这座岛屿的设计师似乎达成了某种共识:以绝对尊重当地美学的克制设计,造就爱琴海这个超级旅游目的地的成功。”
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