A philosophy of imperfection.



When people feel increasingly tired in a world full of interests and competition, learning to accept imperfections becomes an indispensable mental attitude and philosophy of life. Similarly, in landscape design, the imperfect aesthetics of loneliness is also an important supplement to real life. It focuses on the truth and beauty of life with simple, modest and natural things, and is not afraid of the changes of the world, which is worth savoring.





Le Marke Shop

ORCA Living



The aesthetics of Wabi-sabi advocates appreciating the beauty of old things and attaches importance to the traces left by nature on things. ORCA’s garden works always adhere to the use of hand-made wood or pottery, showing effortless ordinary beauty. As the background of the life scene, the black fence of this small courtyard hides the redundant and miscellaneous things, so that we can focus on a few inconspicuous plants and mottled pottery pots and feel the tiny poetry in life.



Wabi-sabi believes that the real long-lasting beauty lies in imperfection, such as uneven brick tables and wooden benches, which convey real emotions and temperatures. When the related concepts are applied to the daily environment, it is to give a way of life to bring continuous comfort and peace from the spirit and give play to the invisible design value of the landscape.






Judah No. 1

ORCA Living



Regarding this courtyard, the designer said: Nothing is immutable, plants will change, grow and even die, and real wood will be weathered and decayed, which is why I like to use them to build a courtyard. I always tell customers that the finished courtyard is not the final product, and we don’t pursue evergreen seasons. Everything will become richer and more beautiful over time, just like people’s wrinkles-they are of great significance and mark every journey.



Soil tells the story of life, death and everything in between. When the landscape was completed, it had just begun. Compared with spotless high-cold stone pavement, warm wood chips or natural objects such as sand and gravel can be closer to the soul. They have no life in themselves, but they are undoubtedly the best partners of plants, laying a harmonious tone for the space and injecting a relaxed atmosphere.






Big Boulder

ORCA Living



Adhering to the design concept of “respecting nature and integrating life”, the uniqueness of ORCA Garden is not only to avoid the stacking of industrial materials, but also to be a place where people and nature coexist harmoniously. In the design process, natural elements are always put in the first place. Through ingenious layout and collocation, people can enjoy the warmth of life and feel the natural aura of vegetation.



As the most important life element in design, ORCA will customize furniture products according to customers’ needs and preferences, just like the tables and stools in this family garden, which retain the simple time and simple childlike interest that everyone yearns for, so that the garden can truly become a part of life and add color and fun to the family.






碗  园

ORCA Living



Unique and simple is the core temperament of ORCA Garden. When the owner is an energetic young man who loves outdoor sports, designers are also good at drawing inspiration from nature and life and transforming it into unique design elements. Even the appearance of skateboarding bowl pool is not abrupt, but creates a living space that is both in line with modern aesthetics and full of artistic atmosphere.






山 居
Montecito Heights

ORCA Living



Abandoning redundant modern materials, ORCA often encourages people to integrate into the natural cycle of life around several elements, such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth and stone, and pays attention to the subtle perception around them instead of grand ideas. Metal components dotted on the courtyard wall, wooden fences and benches, frost and rain condensation between plants and trees, family bonfires, and gravel sand with souls returning to the earth, all of which are calmly coping with the shortcomings associated with the changes of time.



Although the vegetation withers and the fire extinguishes the wood, there is always a new vitality, which is endless. What is important is to learn to find harmony and beauty in simplicity, humility, mystery and time flies, so as to find inner peace and satisfaction. In this way, the lonely aesthetics in landscape design creates a space with depth, connotation and unique aesthetic feeling through simple and simple design techniques.






素 园

ORCA Living



The family garden bathed in the sunshine of California is a combination of Japanese dry mountains and rivers. The artistic conception and charm of this combination of things are the same. The pursuit of harmonious coexistence with nature is to convey a profound cultural connotation and humanistic care: nature is an important foundation for human survival and development, and natural elements such as stones, thatch and utensils made of natural materials are used to create a spiritual space where there is no self in the world.



This is a rare extremely cold color space in ORCA. Seen from the interior, the figurative contrast between light and shade releases the diffuse peaceful Zen in the air, transparency and stillness, which shows another major feature of silence aesthetics: emphasizing experience and feeling, and emphasizing emotional expression. Through the layout of space and the use of elements, we can guide people to feel and experience the beauty of nature, and then achieve peace and release of mind.






栖 店
Fig Garden

ORCA Living



Learning from nature means simplicity and simplicity. When ORCA designed the outer courtyard and roof garden of this hand-made shop along the street for the owner, it also pursued simple and simple aesthetics and advocated implicit and subtle expression of form and meaning. Simple and simple old wooden benches, low saturated color matching and simple spatial layout create a waiting space that is close to simplicity and rich in connotation.



The aesthetics of Wabi-Sabi regards the fragility of life as a part of aesthetics. In landscape design, this concept is embodied in respect for life and awe of time. By using materials and elements with a sense of time, a deep understanding of the fragility of life is expressed. Here, the broken and cracked wooden blocks and the wooden benches that have not been carefully treated are extraordinary aesthetic philosophy.



The stacking of stones and the collocation of plants are trying to imitate the “disorder” of nature, instead of pursuing the order of precise scale collocation. Only in some places convenient for people to use, such as walkways and stairs, wooden materials are used as much as possible, which is an interesting contrast between natural wildness and modern civilization.






林 荫

ORCA Living



In addition to using natural materials to remember the vicissitudes of life, the aesthetics of silence in garden design is also reflected in the simple spatial layout: using simple landscape elements and colors, focusing the visual focus on one or a few points to meet the functional requirements, while trying to keep the landscape space “empty” and “simple”, making people feel the beauty of simplicity and blank space.



Perceptual nature is combined with hand-made truth, and ORCA regards imperfection and truth as a part of beauty, forming the unique charm of space. Unintentional layout and carving give people the illusion that “it has been here for a long time”, which breaks the artificial sense of exquisiteness and presents a unique and tense space atmosphere.







  ORCA Living   


Molly Sedlacek



Follow the rhythm of nature to restore the most authentic living state of human beings on the earth, take root in the land, take the old tree as the base and sit around the bonfire. ORCA is a landscape design studio located in Oregon/California, USA. Reconnect human beings and nature with locally resistant plants and natural materials to design and celebrate all eternity and impermanence in the world.

In addition, ORCA is also an outdoor product studio, which does not use chemical sealant/stabilizer, plastic, synthetic turf and artificial floor, and is committed to the integration of human beings into the natural biological rhythm. Molly Sedlacek, the founder, insists on providing customers with handmade furniture, masonry, steel and textiles. Even if you don’t entrust the garden design, you can buy customized products related to the garden through official website.