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Thanks Ele Arkitektura for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ele Arkitektura.
Ele Arkitektura:我们希望通过设计干预来加强塞斯陶钢铁产业小镇的现有建筑和文化遗产特征。
Ele Arkitektura:We conceived the intervention to reinforce the existing built and cultural heritage of Sestao, a town primarily linked to iron and steel production.

以人为本 The identity of a people
索尔广场位于城市边缘与西班牙冶金制造公司Altos Hornos de Vizcaya的大型工业基础设施之间。衰败的小规模住宅街区对话附近巨大的工业金属框架,形成了鲜明的对比。
The site lies between the city’s edge and the large industrial infrastructures of Altos Hornos de Vizcaya, a Spanish metallurgy manufacturing company. It’s a place of striking contrasts, where decaying small-scale housing blocks dialogue with the giant metal frame of the nearby industry.
The new intervention directly references the city’s steel industry and aims to reactivate its industrial heritage. Furthermore, through raw metal structures, the creation of new spaces for meeting and reinforcing the collective identity is sought, which promote activity that stimulates the social and productive relationships of the neighbors.

城市空间活化 Urban Space Reactivation
Sestao is the hinge between two realities. First, the morphology of Sestao, with the urban center located on top of a hill. Second, the industrial zone extended on the lower side next to the estuary has generated both a physical and social disconnection between the inhabitants of each area.

为了改善这一城市现状,位于较低区域的Txabarri 社区开启了自我更新计划,索尔广场改造便是其中的一部分。作为这片衰败社区中最具代表性的公共空间之一,索尔广场共分为三层,每一层之间的高差为5米,这一空间层次变化使其成为了一个枢纽和过渡区域,连接起上下半城的公共空间。
The intervention is part of the rehabilitation plan for the Txabarri neighborhood (lower area), with Plaza El Sol being the most remarkable reference of public space in this degraded area. The morphology of the square, divided into three different levels (+0m, +5m, +10m), makes this space work as a hinge and transition, weaving the public space between the lower and upper areas.

一堵巨大的frontón墙被用于Basque Pelota球类运动,成为不同层次之间的最重要节点。此外,这堵墙也作为10米地形标高之间的挡土墙,在不同的层次上带来直观的视觉感受。墙的顶棚及其下方的多功能空间成为设计策略的起点,有助于构建完整的公共空间,并成为促进不同人群之间聚会交流的新场所。
The connection between levels finds its most significant point in the frontón, a large wall used for playing Basque Pelota. At this point, the frontón wall works as a retaining wall between elevation +0m and elevation +10m, opening up direct visuals across levels. The covering of the frontón and its multifunctional character has been the starting point to design a strategy capable of structuring the entire public space and being a catalyst for creating a new meeting place between different people.

社交空间基本要素 Foundations for a meeting place
The intervention is divided into 3 fundamental lines of work:
1. Covering the frontón and creating the pergola. The structure of the roof of the frontón and the pergola introduces the industrial aesthetics characteristic of the limits of Sestao in the public space to contribute to the construction of collective memory. However, the gesture of the trusses arises from the need to eliminate the pillars in the square due to the openness required by the multifunctionality of today’s frontón in cities.

顶棚基于三个长28米、宽4.8米的支撑金属桁架建造了一个阶梯式屋顶。在倾斜度为 20% 的横截面中,不断重复了与桁架中相同的三角形图案。覆盖多孔聚碳酸酯的次级结构和子结构都按照桁架的对角线方向进行了调整。一切结构都根据多孔聚碳酸酯板的尺寸进行调整,从而为结构整体创造出理性整洁与尺度协调的感受。凉棚通过将frontón墙的最低桁架向东再延伸28米而形成,与现有的挡土墙平行,并由与桁架模块比例相同的三角形混凝土柱支撑。
A stepped roof has been built (which respects the visuals from the upper street) based on three supported metal trusses 28 meters long and 4.8 meters deep. In the horizontal sections, with an inclination of 20%, the same triangular pattern is repeated as in the trusses. Both the secondary structure and the substructure of the covering cellular polycarbonate have been modulated following the direction of the diagonal straps of the trusses. Everything is modulated according to the size of the cellular polycarbonate plates, generating constructive cleanliness and dimensional coordination throughout the building. The pergola has been formalized by extending the lowest truss of the frontón another 28 meters to the east, parallel to the existing retaining wall and supported by a triangular concrete pillar of the same proportions as the truss modules.

2. 现状处理。项目改造的前提是还原。对于现状的处理,本次项目改造基于“补丁”干预策略,致力于统一路面和墙壁的纹理,并突出植被和新建的顶棚。
2. Treatment of existing ones. Its premise is reduction. Faced with the previous situation, based on “patch” interventions, it is committed to unifying textures of both pavements and walls, to provide prominence to the vegetation and the new roof.
The urbanization is formalized using a continuous polished-bush hammered concrete pavement. The retraction cuts of the concrete have been made following a triangular pattern based on the triangulation of the main trusses of the frontón. Thus, the pavement becomes a tapestry that makes the different finishes and slight unevenness disappear in all square areas. To create a triangular mosaic that generates a continuous urban space, which, together with the strategic arrangement of the urban furniture, facilitates the delimitation of the different areas without the need for other types of added barriers

The existing retaining walls, the fruit of the unevenness of urban space, and the necessary railings are treated with the same idea of the unification of textures and colors. In addition, climbing plants have been placed in areas where it is interesting to reduce their presence.

3. 绿化空间处理。高密度城市环境中的自然价值得到了新的诠释,项目改造也力图最大限度地增强和尊重现有植被。通过清除长势差的植被并引入适合不同空间需求的树木和植物品种,保留了现有绿地的自然野性。
3. Treatment of green areas. The value of nature in such dense urban environments has been interpreted, and an attempt has been made to enhance and respect the existing vegetation as much as possible. It has been proposed to maintain the wild character of the current green areas by eliminating the vegetation in poor condition and planting trees and species suitable for the needs of each space.

项目地点:西班牙 巴斯克地区
设计公司:Ele Arkitektura (Eduardo Landia, Eloi Landia), Tarte (Alex Etxeberria)
施工单位:Vusa Construcciones
结构计算:Fs Estructuras
照片:Aitor Estevez
Project Name: Plaza El Sol Renovation In Sestao
Location: Sestao, Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain
Surface: 4480 m2
Date: 2020-2021
Architects: Ele Arkitektura (Eduardo Landia, Eloi Landia), Tarte (Alex Etxeberria)
Studio Websites: Www.Elearkitektura.Com
Construction Company: Vusa Construcciones
Structural Calculation: Fs Estructuras
Photos: Aitor Estevez
“ 通过带有原始工业气息的金属结构创造新的空间,在满足和加强集体认同感的同时,促进社交活动,进而激发邻里之间新的社会联系。”
更多 Read more about: Ele Arkitektura + Tarte