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HG-Architecture:The Korea Regional Book Fair is a national-scale event to exhibit and experience books from all over the country. In 2018, the fair was jointly hosted by Suwon City and the Korean Publishing and Culture Magazine Association. All the event spaces during the fair (2018.9.6-9.10) including exhibition booth, exhibition hall, performance stage for this event were installed using recycled plastic pallets.

Every exhibit booths and exhibition walls, which are composed of the material properties of pallet, translucency and elasticity of plastics, functional usability in accordance with human scale, horizontal and vertical weaving, quick installation and dismantling without any waste. The ideal event space was created by maximizing the advantages of the pallet as the most suitable material for temporary installation projects, which is the environmentally friendly use of recycled materials. A total of 2,000 recyclable plastic pallets and 500 iron lathes were used.

项目地点:大韩民国京畿道水原棕榈谷Sinpoong-dong 363-31
首席建筑师:hyung -gul Kook
设计团队:Min-ho Lee, Bo-kyung Kim
照片:©Kyungsub Shin
Project name: Pop-up City
Completion Year: 2018
Design Area: 600m²
Project location: Sinpoong-dong 363-31, paldal-gu, Suwon, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea
Design Firm: HG-Architecture
Website: http://hg-architecture.com
Contact e-mail: hgkook@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Hyoung-gul Kook
Design Team: Min-ho Lee, Bo-kyung Kim
Clients: The Korea Regional Book Fair
Photo credits: © Kyungsub Shin
更多 Read more about: HG-Architecture