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orizzontale:The approach integrates interdisciplinary skills, participatory practices and innovative methods in a public project, combining the physical redevelopment of places with the construction of a collective sense of public space. Architecture, psycho-social research, art and communication work together in a programme of events and activities, aimed at actively involving citizens in the urban renewal project.
▽项目俯瞰 Overall view

▽场地两大主要功能分区 The two main functional zones

▽开放的场地空间,设施齐全 Open space, complete facilities

背景 The context
Toscanini is a social housing district built in the 1990s on the outskirts of Aprilia, a medium-sized city in central Italy. The failure to carry out primary infrastructures for the neighborhood has contributed to the progressive physical and socio-economic malaise and over time, neglect, petty crime and unlawful possession of homes have fueled a general sense of abandonment and insecurity, making “the pit” a symbol of the urban planning failure and increasing the physical distance from the inhabitants, recognizable also in the social fabric.
▽社区改造前后对比 Before and after

▽改造前,大片空地几乎完全被遗弃 Before the renovation, large tracts of vacant land were almost completely abandoned

▽改造中,通过干预改变场地性质 During the reconstruction, the property of the site is changed through intervention

建筑项目 The architectural project
Design, in addition to improving the quality of urban space, becomes here a complex action, which stimulates the reuse and re-functionalization of public areas and simultaneously acts as a tool to strengthen bonds within the community which will inhabit and use those spaces.
▽场地鸟瞰,场地功能分区 Aerial view, site function zoning

▽轴测图,场地功能分区明确 Axonometric, clear functional zoning of the site

▽铺设的木板悄然实现了废弃空间的再利用 The wooden boards quietly realize the reuse of abandoned space

▽功能明确的游戏廊架实现人群的聚集 The game gallery with clear function achieves the gathering of the crowd

The architectural project is entrusted with the task of giving shape to a place that hosts and promotes this process, enhancing the features of the context. The design choices are initially oriented around two fundamental aspects: to make the area accessible, bridging the initial distance and replacing it with an open and inclusive place of relationships; to leave free space for collective uses and experiments, encouraging appropriation by the inhabitants, while suggesting new visions for the neighborhood. The process aims to create a complete but unfinished space, where indeterminacy is its strongest point.
▽合理分配集体使用和自由空间 Rational allocation of collective use and free space

▽场地设施细节 Site facilities Details

建筑干预还延伸到了广场之外——Parco Europa,这个35,000平方米的绿地中原本未被充分利用的空间,现在变成了露天教室和集体托儿所。
Beyond the square, the architectural intervention extends to Parco Europa, a 35,000 square meter green area where an underused space becomes an open air classroom and a collective nursery.
▽改造后的广场 Aerial view

▽俨然成为了大人小孩的聚集地 A gathering place for adults and children

▽孩子们快乐玩耍 The children played happily

▽格栅顶提供荫蔽的同时也保持畅通 The top of the grille provides shade but also keeps clear

By redefining and completing the cycle and pedestrian paths that cross the park, the project transforms the public spaces of the neighborhood into a system.
▽轴测图,自行车道和人行道将绿地空间转变为一个整体 Axonometric, the cycle and pedestrian paths transform green space into a whole

▽道路连接成无形的统一 The roads connect into an invisible unity

社区建设过程 The community building process
Together with the construction site, the community building process is initiated, designed and coordinated by an interdisciplinary working group, with the aim of investigating the local culture, strengthening the community and reconciling it to the public spaces under construction. The building site, no longer an exclusive place for workers, becomes a moment of collective creation, an “open” place in which accessibility, visibility and communication involve the inhabitants in the transformation and accompany the progressive appropriation by the community.
▽居民参与到集体创造中来 Residents participate in collective creation

▽项目是包括居民在内的全体人员共同努力的成果 The project is the result of the joint efforts of all, including the residents

该项目是对Prossima Apertura的创新,其综合活动与建筑工地的发展是平行和互补的:周边的活动、对正在建设的区域的访问、在逐步完成的区域中的活动和研讨会。重点小组、公开展示、实地考察和协调圆桌会议围绕该地区聚集起来,在不断的对话中形成了一个活跃且可靠的社区。
The programme along the works is the real innovation of Prossima Apertura. The integrated activities are parallel and complementary actions to the development of the construction site: events in the vicinity, visits to the area under construction, events and workshops in the progressively completed areas. Focus groups, public presentations, site visits and coordination round tables gather around the area an active and informed community in a constant dialogue.
▽多次召开圆桌会议,与居民在对话中完整设计 Round table meetings were held for many times to complete the design in dialogue with residents

▽改造结果,一个充满活力的社区 The result is a vibrant community

▽平面图 Plan

▽剖面图 Section

项目名称:Prossima Apertura (Next Opening)
网站:www.orizzontale.org / www.prossimaapertura.orizzontale.org
合作方:w/ ADLM Architetti (建筑与城市规划), NOEO (社会心理研究), Rub Kandy (图形和公共艺术), Mara Zamuner(交际), Nicola Barbuto (视频制作)
图片来源:Alessandro Imbriaco, Alessandro Vitali, Alessio Pellicoro, Alessandra Sforza, Alessandro Brocco
Project name: Prossima Apertura (Next Opening)
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 9000 sqm
Project location: Aprilia (LT), Italy
Landscape/Architecture Firm: orizzontale
Website: www.orizzontale.org / www.prossimaapertura.orizzontale.org
Contact e-mail: info@orizzontale.org
Clients: Municipality of Aprilia
Collaborators: w/ ADLM Architetti (architecture and urban planning), NOEO (psychosocial research), Rub Kandy (graphics and public art), Mara Zamuner (communication), Nicola Barbuto (videomaker)
Photo credits: Alessandro Imbriaco, Alessandro Vitali, Alessio Pellicoro, Alessandra Sforza, Alessandro Brocco
“ 该社区改造项目专注于对居民集体意识的建设,打造一个更具人文关怀的社区,为城市再生创造了一种新的模式。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
更多 Read more about: orizzontale