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RAD+ar:​Pusaran 是一个旨在了解如何利用回收铁木在海洋中间构建空间的实验项目​。

​该项目位于印度尼西亚卡里蒙加瓦群岛(Karimun Jawa)的一个私人岛屿上,尽管该地通常被认为不适合在不对海底进行干预的情况下进行建筑,但客户希望将现有的鲨鱼观察池扩展为更适合游客的空间。

RAD+ar:Pusaran is an experiment aimed at understanding how to construct a space in the middle of the ocean using only reclaimed ironwood in its vernacular system.

Located on a private island in the Karimun Jawa archipelago, the client wanted to expand their existing shark observation pool into more tourist-friendly spaces despite the challenging site that is generally considered unsuitable for construction without any intervention to the ocean floor.


© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto


Pusaran 在印尼语中意为“旋涡”,由当地的复用木材构成,形成了多层次的活动区域,同时可以避免对水下生物造成干扰。其设计理念是在海中建造一个漂浮的海洋观测平台,从早到晚为游客提供各种水上活动,包括潜水、水上运动,日光浴甲板以及祈祷平台。其主要目的是在提供娱乐和教育的同时,确保当地生态系统得到保护。

Pusaran, which means “whirlpool” in Bahasa Indonesia, consists of locally sourced reuse timber that forms multi-level activity areas while avoiding disturbance to the water biota underneath. The concept was to create an ocean observation deck that floats in the middle of the sea, offering various water activities for visitors to enjoy from morning to sunset, including diving, water sports, a tanning deck, and a praying deck. The goal was to provide entertainment and education while ensuring the preservation of the local ecosystem.


▽设计概念,鲨鱼旋涡 A whirlpool of shark

© RAD+ar
© William Sutanto


▽项目视频 video


在水上建筑通常采用重型、不易腐蚀的混凝土结构,并很少考虑对水景的影响的时代,Pusaran 旨在通过使用 100% 本土木材建筑实现一个不断变化的参数空间和阴影效果,以此展现出建筑的寿命。

In a time when water constructions are often made of heavy, less corrosive concrete structures, with little consideration for the impact on the waterscape, Pusaran aims to achieve an ever-changing parametric space and shadow play using 100% vernacular timber construction that can last a lifetime.


© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto


Pusaran 的设计代表了现有鲨鱼观察池的波浪和集中活动。旋转的铁木结构从甲板开始,延伸到对角线结构和立面,起到遮风和为游客遮阳的作用。屋顶甚至可以兼作水跳板。在现有鲨鱼观察池的基础上建造的 Pusaran 结合了玻璃地板和栏杆,展示了游客与业主种植和培育的珊瑚之美。在隐藏的储存空间之间,Pusaran作为一个教育平台,可以观察卡里蒙加瓦开放海域中的海洋、风和自然生物的运作。

The design of Pusaran represents the waves and the centralized activities of the existing shark observation pool. The swirling ironwood structures start from the decking and extend to diagonal structures and facades, which act as windbreakers and shades for visitors. The roof even doubles as a water-jump runway. Built on the foundation of the existing shark observation pool, Pusaran combines glass floors and railings to showcase the beauty of the corals planted and grown by visitors and the owner. With hidden storage spaces in between, Pusaran serves as an educational deck for observing the workings of the ocean, winds, and natural biota in the open waters of Karimun Jawa.


© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto


考虑到卡里蒙加瓦大部分居民信奉伊斯兰教,Pusaran 还包括一个面向麦加(Kabaa,被认为是伊斯兰教先知穆罕默德的发祥地)的独立祈祷平台。这一专门的设计创造了一个与自然深度连接的新的精神公共空间,漂浮在海洋中间。

Considering the Muslim faith of the majority of Karimun Jawa’s inhabitants, Pusaran includes a separate praying deck facing Kabaa. This design feature creates a new realm of spiritual public space that connects deeply with nature and floats in the middle of the ocean.


© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto


Pusaran 背后的理念是让现有珊瑚(潜水点)和新种植珊瑚的自然生态系统与各种水上活动共存,提供娱乐和教育,同时保持游客的舒适。

The idea behind Pusaran is to allow the natural ecosystem of existing corals (diving spots) and newly planted corals to coexist with various water activities, providing entertainment and education while maintaining visitor comfort.


© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto
© William Sutanto


Pusaran 作为 RAD+ar 原型的一部分,旨在将更多可持续的建筑实践分散到印度尼西亚各地。它采用开放式布局,使用单一的再生材料,展示了简单的建筑如何成为可持续发展的资产,同时为卡里蒙加瓦的游客提供娱乐和教育。

Pusaran is part of the RAD+ar prototype that aims to decentralize more sustainable construction practices throughout Indonesia. Designed with an open layout and using a single reclaimed material, it serves as a demonstration of how simple construction can be a sustainable asset, both entertaining and educating tourists in Karimun Jawa.


▽施工过程 Construction process

© RAD+ar


▽平面图纸 Plan

© RAD+ar
© RAD+ar


▽游客活动场景 Activity diagram

© RAD+ar
© RAD+ar


▽剖面图 Section

© RAD+ar
© RAD+ar




项目名称:Pusaran Ocean Deck
公司地点:印度尼西亚 雅加达 巴厘岛

竣工年份:2024 年
项目地点:印度尼西亚 卡里蒙加瓦
首席建筑师:Antonius Richard Rusli

图片来源:William Sutanto

Project Name: Pusaran Ocean Deck
Office Name: RAD+ar
Office Website: radarchitecture.net
Social Media Accounts: @radarchitects
Contact email: visionary@radarchitecture.net
Firm Location: Jakarta-Bali , Indonesia
Completion Year: 2024
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 300 sqm
Project Location: Karimun Jawa, Indonesia
Program / Use / Building Function: Public Space
Lead Architects: Antonius Richard Rusli
Lead Architects e-mail: studio@radarchitecture.net
Photo Credits: William Sutanto
Photographer’s Website: https://www.artipictures.com/



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