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A2pa:该公园为纪念某次历史事件而设计。公园内部设有多个绿化区域和长椅休闲区,它们互相之间由一条代表设计精髓的木质步道相互连接。木质步道的支离破碎的形态容易使人联想到,在1992年5月23日发生的Strage di Capaci爆炸事故中被毁公路的形状。从宏观来看,步道相互交错着贯穿整个公园;从色彩来看,步道覆盖着灰色混凝土,象征着在过去的暴力和犯罪中重生,给予世界以美好的希望。

A2pa:The garden, planned according to an allegorical intent, features several green areas and sitting areas with benches, which are connected to one another by a wooden catwalk that represents the essence of the project: the wooden catwalk has been designed according to the forms of a fragmentated line which recalls the highway route taken by the cars involved in the Strage di Capaci accident of 23 May 1992. The wooden catwalk runs throughout the park with a sudden intersection and an overlie over the gray concrete aims to symbolize a course of rebirth and hope that strongly wants to impose on a past of violence and criminality.


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漫步在这条具有法律象征意义的路线中,你会看见几扇闪烁着光芒的木制大门(4个地块中共有15扇,象征警察保护代号“Quarto Savona Quindici”的废除),照亮了原本黑暗的绿化区域。木制门户和栅栏元素都旨在强调时间的动态性和变化性,这种光影变化每天都会随着黎明的到来而再生,同时也强调出了“生命在于运动”的理念。木制的入口给⼈一种包裹感和保护感,同时,其光影效果,也与花园的其他部分形成了某种割裂感。

During the walk which resembles almost a symbolic route of legality, there are wooden portals (15 in 4 blocks to revoke the name “Quarto Savona Quindici” – codename of the police protection) that shimmer throughout the day defining the blind spots of the green area. The wooden portals and the fencing are all elements that aim to underline not only the changing of time in a dynamic and continuous movement that regenerates itself every day with the crack of dawn but also the idea of life through movement. The wooden portals seem to transmit a sense of coverage and protection emphasizing at the same time the shadow effects and creating a sort of rupture with the rest of the garden.




At the end of the walking route, the wooden catwalk leads to an area which opens up just as a delta river, almost resembling a village square. This area features a set of large steps on which benches have been positioned to create the effect of a theatrical setting that is highlighted thanks to the background landscape which seems to be a fifth stage. We chose to engrave on the ground the names of the fallen of 23rd May 1992 to impress an indelible memory. This area allows visitors to sit down and observe the surrounding landscape and the white hut with the sign “No mafia” where the triggering of the explosion began.




From this space you access the most concealed part of the garden. Among the thick vegetation you reach a glass display case designed in a bare and essential style and is visible from all parts of the garden in order to underline the bittersweet need to remember the atrociousness of the massacre and the necessity to keep the memory of that day alive.




The rest areas in the park have been intentionally designed in gray cement with white stripes to evoke a spider’s web that on one hand aims to represent the disintegration of the motorway after the explosion, on the other hand the tangled and complex story of mafia, which is just like a cobweb, to emphasize the point break and the pathos.





项目名称:Giardino della Memoria“Quarto Savona XV”
联系邮箱:fabriziocassibba@a2pa, valentinacareri@a2pa, arch.cassibba@gmail.com, arch.careri@gmail.com
首席建筑师:Fabrizio Cassibba, Valentina Careri, Michele Giletto
客户:A.N.A.S. S.p.A.
摄影:Fabrizio Cassibba

Project name: Giardino della Memoria “Quarto Savona XV”
Completion Year: 2017
Size: mq 6.298
Project location: Isola delle Femmine (Palermo – Italy)
Architecture Firm: A2pa
Website: www.a2pa.it
Contact e-mail: fabriziocassibba@a2pa.it, valentinacareri@a2pa.it, arch.cassibba@gmail.com, arch.careri@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Fabrizio Cassibba, Valentina Careri, Michele Giletto
Clients: A.N.A.S. S.p.A.
Photo credits: Fabrizio Cassibba


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