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Thanks Shulin Architectural Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Shulin Architectural Design.
Shulin Architectural Design:The red brick public toilet is located on the sideway of the old street in the Liuba County seated in a ravine, surrounded by schools, resident buildings and bus stops, with a complicated environment and many tourists. Opposite the public toilet is a Liuba tourist service center, which will become a tourist distribution center in the future.
▽项目视频 video
▽傍晚亮灯后看公厕场景 The toilet with light at dusk

▽鸟瞰公厕与城镇的关系 Bird-eye view of the public toilet and the village

▽原始场地 original venue

退让点空间给街道 Space given to the street
The toilet is trapped in a street not wide between the tall architectures, but we still want to present it as a public one and leave more room for the street. The solid wall is set back to leave more semi-outdoor open space, so there would be more possibilities of interaction with people.
▽公厕正俯瞰图 Bird-eye view of the toilet from the front

▽公厕傍晚沿街场景 Street view beside the toilet at dust

▽还原场地中建筑与环境的互相关系Restore the relationship between architecture and environment

▽居民在公厕坐凳上休憩闲聊 Residents chatting on the benches

As the owner wants the toilet to serve not only the bus station passengers but also tourists and residents, we designed a dual-toliet, so that everyone can use it. On the external side, we designed a unisex toilet, a baby care room and a room for disabled people. There are also benches at the entrance for the residents to take a seat.
▽红砖和木构营造的半室外空间 Semi-open space consist of red bricks and wood

▽沿街进卫生间的入口 Entrance to the toilet by the street

▽公交站一侧卫生间入口 Entrance to the toilet on the bus station’s side

编织琐碎,取整合一 Weaved in minutiae, integrated into one
The designer used collage of fragmented materials including red bricks, wooden strips, glass bricks, so that the architecture can be disassembled layer by layer. The idea of red bricks came intuitively from the surrounding buildings on site of the same material. Both the wall and the floor are made of red bricks, using the most common Dingshun construction with 9 shun bricks and 1 ding bricks. The floor is only paved with shun bricks of the same width of gap. The bricks are used as individual components to build up the walls and floors. It was also an intuitive call to make an arch out of the brick wall, with no unnecessary openings. The arch is filled with glass bricks of the same size as the red bricks, glued together and cut for the curved boundary. Without a roof, the overall spatial relationship is already formed, and at the height of 3 meters uniformly, the invisible boundary is also set. If it weren’t for toilet use, it might also be a good idea to leave it open.
▽红砖拱洞看入口灰空间 Grey space at the entrance from the red brick arch

▽女厕入口 Entrance to the female toilet

▽红砖墙细节Details of the ref bricks

Ultimately, the roof is made of a truss consist of small wood strips staggered, clamped, and screwed together. The solar panels are wrapped around the five sides of the timber frame and screwed to it to protect the wood from the rain. The windows and doors are also a separate unit. The steel plates construct a frame between the brick walls, filled with semi-transparent corrugated glass windows, doors and glass.
▽模数化的木结构屋顶桁架 Modular used wooden truss on the roof

▽定制的钢板门窗体系 Specially designed doors and windows of steel

▽模数化的木结构屋顶桁架 Modular used wooden truss on the roof

The architectural relationship I perceive should be layer by layer. In other words, the details are separate and trivial when taken apart, but when put together in a certain order, they form an entirety. Every trivial part contributes to the entirety, like in painting, the whole and the parts are considered together. I unconsciously brought in the method and logic of rural construction, trivial materials, detachable structure, and fragmented feelings (the inspiration might date back to my graduate thesis). The public toilet is made up of a combination of trivial unitized components, but together they are harmonious and natural. Perhaps sensibility is important to integrate the seemingly fragmented and unrelated pieces into a complete entirety.
▽红砖墙、木构屋顶、钢板门窗建筑要素 Architecture components: red brick walls wooden rood, steel door and window

▽木结构细节 Details of the wooden structure

▽出挑1.2米的木构屋顶 Wooden roof 1.2 meters outward

几片红砖墙 + 细木构屋顶 Several pieces of red brick wall + timber frame roof
The architecture has a very clear structural relationship: the floor and walls are made of red bricks and the roof, of a wooden structure with a truss system. The red brick walls are presented as a sheet wall, with semi-circular arches dug to either serve as the entrance or filled with glass bricks for light. The walls of the same height is sealed by a one-centimeter thick steel plate who has the same width with the wall. The steel plate is connected to the brick wall with steel columns to form a complete structural system. The wood structure is welded with steel connectors to the steel plate on the roof, and the axis of the brick wall is the same as that of a wood structure with the length of 1.2 meters to form a square. Connections of the wood structure are correspondingly fixed on the wall. To prevent the brick wall from alkalization, it is built with anti-alkali mortar, and after the wall is polished and hooked up, the surface is also covered with a matte varnish protective layer whose reflection dims by time.
▽公厕沿街场景 Public toilet by the street

▽方案轴侧拆分图 Side breakdown of the axis

▽用红砖重构空间 Reconstructed space by the rebuilt brick

▽红砖和玻璃砖组合墙体 Wall composed of the red bricks and glass

The wood structure is processed in the factory and installed at the site. It is first designed by the manufacture, dissembled, and processed with different number on each wood to avoid any mistake. There are only two sizes of the cross-section of the wooden structure, with the horizontal bar 40x100mm and the vertical one 50x50mm at different height for each row. The whole building inclines to one direction to show the sequence and the modularity of the wooden structure. Meanwhile, it is easy to build with lower cost and controllable quality, which is also critical to guarantee we make what we want. We compared black and silver in for the timber frame connecting screws, and chose the former so the structure looks more compact. After comparing different materials, the solar board uses a double-layer grid style 2 centimeter thick, lay horizontally and vertically to increase the resistance and flatness. There is only one horizontal layer of solar board, which was decided on site for a better light and shadow effect.
▽建造过程演示 Constructing process

▽阳光穿过木结构屋顶形成的光影关系 Light and shadow formed by sunshine coming through the roof

▽仰看木结构屋顶 Upward view of the wooden roof

▽出挑的木结构架在墙体上 Outward wooden structure on the wall

不同层次的漫反射光 Different layers of diffuse reflection
Three types of translucent materials are used in the building: solar boards on the roof, and frosted glass tiles and corrugated glass for façade infill and doors and windows. The roof is made of two layers of solar boards, staggered and overlapped to form a grid-like texture, and the light that comes down, refracted by the layers, becomes very soft and delightful when it enters the room. From the inside, the frosted glass tiles only add to the brightness of the space, without many reflections, while the light come through the corrugated glass in the same way as the solar boards, only different in flatness and delicacy. The corrugated glass makes the light more delicate to create hazy beauty. Through the use of similar translucent materials, we enriched the layers of light and shadow, which is another attempt in exploring their relationship.
▽渐变的光影Gradual change of the light and shadow

▽透过瓦楞玻璃照进来的光线Beam of light through the corrugated glass

▽透过瓦楞玻璃照进来的光线Beam of light through the corrugated glass

建造过程中的事故与故事 Stories during construction
The first time I went to the site, I asked the workers tear down the newly built brick wall. We were there to send the blueprint, but the construction team had been there for a while, and had started to build the brick wall without clear communication about the design. We found that neither the color nor the quality of the bricks met our requirements, and since the red bricks are exposed, the wrong bricks won’t make the right effect. We firmly asked for new bricks, which the team agreed.
▽施工过程沟通记录 Records of communication during construction

▽小鸟瞰 Bird-eye view

The person in charge of the construction team was old, cannot speak mandarin and barely uses a cellphone. It was difficult to talk to him, let alone asking him to have a clear view on the process. We suggested that the administrator send another administrator to the site, and the project slowly got on the right track. One day he suddenly asked, in an unserious manner: “What if we don’t do it according to your instructions?” I said: “We most certainly will ask you to tear down.” He smiled. We said this because the owner put a lot of belief and support in us, trusting us to manage all the materials and details without any meaningless interference after the plan was proved. Here I’d like to express my gratitude.
▽沿街立面场景(白天)Facade to the street(daytime)

▽沿街立面场景(傍晚)Facade to the street(evening)

After the construction team understood our common goal, every day they video us for several times for the material and details, ask questions instead of making decisions by themselves. Then we were confident that they would surely give us something great. It’s critical that the construction is “controllable”, and that the team on site has strict requirement for the quality and solve the problem as one team. The owner trust the designer with his requirements, and the designer has high expectation for the project and control the whole process in detail. All these makes the success for a project.
▽建筑细节 Details of the architecture

赤裸建造 Bare construction
For a small architecture like this public toilet, I insisted on the design principles of visibility, clarity of materials, and exposure of mistakes, to create a building that hides nothing with decoration. Except for the utility lines buried in the ground and the steel structure inside the brick wall, everything else is naked, and every brick, every piece of wood, every screw, and every gap is clearly visible. We do not distinguish the inside from the outside, but use the language of designing to control. It applies even if the architecture is 100 times larger. I think such a house has a kind of “readability”. Insisting on the exposed construction method is very demanding for the construction team, as there is little room for changing. If anything goes wrong, they need to do it all over, or leave it there. We started the red brick part from all over, there are defects for the glass brick because they should be piled up differently for different position, and the size of the solar boards on the roofare not aligned with the timber structure. There are mistakes and regrets, but the overall presentation of the building is still successful. I think the tolerance of certain defects and regrets might also be a necessary lesson for the architects.
▽看向留坝老街的鸟瞰图 Bird-eye view towards the Liuba Old Street

▽夜晚亮灯后的局部效果场景 Part of the building with lights on at night

▽模型1 Manual model1

▽模型2 Manual model1

技术图纸 Technical drawings
▽手绘草图(陈林)Hand-drawn layout (by CHEN Lin)

▽分析图 Analysis chart

▽总平面图 General layout

▽一层平面 First floor layout

▽正立面图 Front facade

▽侧立面图 Side facade

▽剖面1-1 Section1-1

▽剖面2-2 Section2-2

▽墙身大样图 Large-scale drawing of the wall

Project Name: Red Brick Public Toilet on Liuba Old Street
Project Location: Liuba County, Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province
Project Owner: Housing and Urban-Rural Development Administration of Liuba County
Constructor: Shaanxi Tengbang Construction Engineering
Project Manager: SHU Guoyong
Designed by: Shulin Architectural Design
Company Website: http://www.hzshulin.com/office.html
Host Architect: CHEN Lin
Project Designer: SHI Weiquan, CHEN Song
Lighting Designer: FANG Xiaoling
Wooden structure processing: Jiangsu Qianshu Architecture Assembly
Project: Public toilet
Design Duration: January – June 2023
Construction Duration: July 2023 – March 2024
Coverage: 110 square meters
Structure: Brick and timber
Materials: Red bricks, Douglas fir plywood, glass bricks, steel plates, terrazzo
Photography: ZHAO Yilong
Video: teiichi studio-DING Yi
“ 老街上的红砖公厕,不仅满足了功能需求,还为居民提供了一处闲坐休息的半开放空间。”
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