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Thanks Yuchengscape Company Limited for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Yuchengscape Company Limited.



Yuchengscape Company Limited: By successfully “unveiling” the enclosed commercial interfaces, creating quaint and exquisite landscapes, and planning diverse activities for all ages, a commercial street that was in decline since the 1980s has been revitalized. The project fully harnesses the landscape as a catalyst for urban renewal, achieving high-quality urban development and injecting hope into tourism and the economy of the scenic area.


▽更新后的楚市商业街 The updated Chu City commercial street


▽一次华丽的蜕变: 楚市商业街经过景观更新,焕发出崭新的活力与魅力,从衰败到繁荣的转变令人惊叹。A Magnificent Transformation: Through landscape renovation, Chuville ‘s commercial street has regained new vitality and charm, transforming from decline to prosperity in an astonishing way.



现状与挑战 Current Situation and Challenges


Chuville is located within the 5A-rated Donghu Moshan Scenic Area, adjacent to significant Chu cultural landmarks such as Chumen Gate, Chutiantai, the Moshan Slide, and the Donghu Cherry Garden. With its location connected to the Donghu Greenway, the area has favorable conditions. This area was developed into a large-scale Chu cultural tourist zone in 1988, and Chuville serves as the entrance image of the Chu cultural tourist zone, representing a collective memory of Wuhan residents in the 1990s.


▽湖光山色中被遗忘的宝藏: 楚市作为武汉市中心的珍贵领地,位于东湖风景区的中心位置。两者之间通过东湖绿道紧密连接。楚市旁还矗立着楚天台和楚城门这两座具有地标意义的建筑,彰显了其在地理位置上的重要性。The Forgotten Treasure amidst Scenic Beauty:Chuville, as a precious territory in the center of Wuhan, is located at the heart of Donghu Scenic Area. It is closely connected to Donghu Greenway, with Chu Tian Tai and Chu Men Gate standing nearby as significant landmarks, highlighting its geographical importance.

©与城设计/ 张锦摄影

▽焕发生机与蓬勃发展:楚市,历经兴衰,如凤凰涅槃般焕发新生。通过景观更新,为其注入新的活力与意义,将成为重塑繁荣的关键所在。Reviving Vitality and Flourishing: Chuville, after experiencing ups and downs, has been reborn like a phoenix. Through landscape renovation, it injects new vitality and significance, becoming the key to reshaping prosperity. 

©与城设计/张锦摄影/华中建筑,2002(06). 《武汉东湖楚文化游览区》




However, the commercial street suffered from a single business format, outdated offerings unable to meet the demands of younger generations, and a lack of substantial cultural significance. As a result, the street became desolate and unattractive to visitors.

The previous attempts at renovation made the situation worse, with random red-colored doors and windows on buildings, metal railings scattered everywhere, chaotic paving materials, haphazardly placed food carts, and green hedges that didn’t fit the Chinese aesthetic. The original quaint charm of the commercial street was completely lost.


▽衰败的街道:之前数次失败的“更新工作”有如画蛇添足,使商业街内的古朴风貌荡然无存。Declining Streets:Previous unsuccessful attempts at renovation had worsened the situation, erasing the original quaint charm of the commercial street. 




The design goal is to revitalize the commercial street of Chuville and serve as a model for other urban renewal projects and traditional commercial street renovations. By “unveiling” the commercial interfaces towards the park and the side of the greenway, and by incorporating landscape details and activity planning with regional cultural characteristics to “spiritualize” the design, the project aims to achieve a revitalization of commercial vitality and a reshaping of regional culture.

▽景观总平面图:设计师以系统思维,凭借对关键问题和重要资源的深入梳理与分析,结合充分探讨客户需求的情况下,巧妙运用智慧,解决场地难题。Landscape Master Plan: Using systematic thinking and thorough analysis of key issues and important resources, the designer ingeniously solves site challenges while fully considering customer needs.



规划设计策略 Planning and Design Strategies

1)释放商业界面 Unveiling the Commercial Interfaces

通过清理杂林,设置景观步道与疏林草坪,设计师“释放”了北侧的绿地空间,使东湖绿道的游人顺畅的进入场地;利用现状建筑一层平面与地面的1-2m高差,通过设置高低不同的三级平台,整合无障碍坡道, “释放”了街巷外侧的空间;建筑朝向平台侧开设门窗,增加茶座,阳伞等外摆,提升平台一侧的活力并使商业用地增值,“释放”了建筑外围的商业界面。

The project cleared the messy woodland, created landscape pathways and open grassy areas, and “unveiled” the green spaces on the northern side, allowing smooth access for visitors from the Donghu Greenway. By utilizing the existing 1-2 meter height difference between the ground and the first floor of the buildings, different levels and accessible ramps were designed to “release” the outer spaces of the streets and alleys. Opening doors and windows towards the platforms, adding tea seats, sunshades, and other outdoor elements enhanced the vitality and value of the commercial spaces.


▽被“释放” 的商业界面:设计师将商业界面解放出束缚,清理杂乱植被、打造景观步道和疏林草坪。通过高低差和平台设计,增添了街道的活力与魅力。商业界面焕发新生,人流如潮。”Unveiling” the Commercial Interface: The designer liberates the commercial interfaces, clearing cluttered vegetation and creating landscape pathways and open grassy areas. By adding elevation changes and platforms, vitality and charm are infused into the streets. The revitalized commercial interface attracts a bustling crowd.


▽自然且舒适:设计师创造了一个充满活力的商业外摆空间,三级平台设计增加了空间的变化和趣味性。平台上设有茶座、阳伞和保留的现状树,增添舒适和自然魅力。Natural and Comfortable: A vibrant outdoor commercial space has been created, with three-level platform designs adding variety and interest. The platforms feature tea tables, sun umbrellas, and preserved existing trees, enhancing comfort and natural allure.


▽舒朗的草坪空间:在树荫下,人们可以搭起帐篷,举办各种活动,感受到舒适而又惬意的氛围,仿佛置身于一片天然的绿洲中。这个空间不仅提供了商业发展的延展性,也成为人们心灵放松和交流的场所。Spacious Lawn Area: Under the shade of trees, people can set up tents and host various activities, creating a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere akin to being in a natural oasis. This space not only provides extension for business development but also becomes a place for people to relax and communicate.



2)融入山水环境的景观设计 Integrating Landscape Design with Mountain and Water Environment


Drawing inspiration from traditional Chinese landscape philosophy, the designer seamlessly integrated Chuville into the beautiful natural scenery of Moshan, echoing the concept of mountains and water. Precise visual calculations were made for the landscape spaces on the outer side of the street to establish excellent visual relationships with important architectural landmarks such as Chumen Gate and Chutiantai, reinterpreting the traditional Chinese garden technique of “borrowed scenery.”


▽被设计的视线:街道外侧的景观空间经过精确的视线计算,与重要地标建筑楚城门、楚天台有了绝佳的视线关系,重新演绎了中式园林的“借景”手法。Designed Sightlines: The landscape space on the outer side of the street is meticulously planned to establish excellent visual relationships with important architectural landmarks like Chu Men Gate and Chu Tian Tai, rejuvenating the technique of “borrowed scenery” from Chinese gardens.



3)生态低影响的改造方式 Ecologically Low-Impact Transformation

设计师在项目前期与客户达成共识,对现状大树予以最大限度的保留。针对所有胸径超过15公分的大树予以精确的测绘, 并将“树穴铺装”的做法被广泛运用于广场、树池及木质平台上,保留了这一片珍贵的绿色。原有的铺装被最大限度的保留、针对建筑外立面进行简单的翻修、及园林小品,灯笼等的置换都使预算控制在了可控范围内。

In the early stages of the project, the designer reached a consensus with the client to preserve large trees as much as possible. Accurate measurements were taken for all trees with a trunk diameter exceeding 15 cm, and tree pit paving was widely used in squares, tree pits, and wooden platforms, preserving the precious greenery. The existing pavements were retained to a maximum extent, and simple renovations were carried out on the building facades. Garden ornaments, lanterns, and other elements were replaced while keeping the budget within a manageable range.


▽每棵树都很重要:设计师在项目前期与客户商讨达成共识,对现状大树予以最大限度的保留。针对所有胸径超过15公分的大树予以精确的测绘,保留了这一片珍贵的绿色。Every Tree Matters: In the early stages of the project, the designer reached a consensus with the client to maximize the preservation of existing trees. Precise measurements were taken for all trees with trunk diameters exceeding 15 cm, preserving this precious greenery.


▽一次低成本的改造:设计师运用了最小干预的理念,原有的铺装被最大限度的保留、针对建筑外立面进行简单的翻修、及园林小品,灯笼等的置换等,使整体改造成本被控制在360万元人民币以内。Low-Cost Transformation: The designer adheres to the principle of minimal intervention, with existing pavements being preserved to the maximum extent possible. Simple refurbishments were made to building facades, and elements such as garden ornaments and lanterns were replaced, keeping the overall renovation cost within 3.6 million RMB.


4)场所记忆的保留与在地文化的延续 Preserving Place Memory and Continuing Local Culture


The designer employed traditional Chinese garden techniques, using stone elements to create landscapes near buildings, stairs, and slopes. Metal fences were replaced with warm wood materials, and the winding stone paths were preserved. Experienced craftsmen laid blue tiles consistent with the roofs to recall the memory of the site. Local yellow sandstone was used for the walls of the external platforms, harmonizing with the rustic style of the buildings.


▽被保留的记忆:记忆重获新生,入口的牌坊、蜿蜒的石板路和怀旧的戏台等成为活化历史的见证,将楚市商业街与过往岁月紧密相连,并为人们带来深刻的回忆共鸣。Preserved Memories: Memories are reborn, as the entrance archway, winding stone pathways, and nostalgic theater become witnesses to the revitalization of history, closely connecting Chuville ‘s commercial street with bygone days and evoking profound memories for people.


▽充满中式禅意的园林空间:设计师独具巧思,运用多样的灯光勾勒出迷人的夜景。在夜幕降临时,灯光与树影交错婆娑,舞动出一幅富有浪漫和禅意的中式园林画卷。A Chinese Zen-inspired Garden Space: With clever lighting techniques, the designer outlines enchanting night scenes. When night falls, the interplay between lights and tree shadows creates a picturesque scene imbued with romance and Zen-like atmosphere.



5)楚风活动策划铸魂 Cultural Activities Inspired by Chu Culture


As part of the “Chu Culture” tourist area, Chuville needed to plan activities that aligned with its cultural theme to enhance its tourism experience. Through in-depth discussions with the client, the designer utilized the “outer street” interface for shops and rentals to attract visitors from the greenway. The “inner street” functioned as a flexible space, hosting ancient-style theatrical performances at scheduled times, immersing people in the experience of Chu culture. At other times, it served as an exhibition hall and a popular spot for traditional costume photography, attracting more tourists.


▽楚风活动铸魂:古风剧游活动使人们能够深度体验楚文化,沉浸在古代风情之中。游客可以参与汉服穿梭、观赏古装表演、参加古代游戏等活动,感受历史的魅力。这样的活动不仅吸引了更多的游客,也为商业街带来了繁荣的商机。Cultivating the Spirit of Chu through Activities: Ancient-style drama tours allow people to deeply immerse themselves in Chu culture, experiencing the charm of ancient times. These activities not only attract more tourists but also bring prosperous business opportunities to the commercial streets.



4、结论 Conclusion


Since its completion, the site has quickly become a favorite place for local residents and a new representative of Donghu’s Chu culture. The once desolate and declining street has been reborn as a vibrant public space where people gather. Hanfu enthusiasts stroll on the blue-tiled floor in their traditional dresses, parents interact energetically with performers while accompanying their children, and cosplay lovers display their youthful charm on the landscape platforms. People enjoy bubble tea on the terrace, and campers bask in the afternoon sun on the lawn. Various activities such as tea ceremonies, early childhood education, calligraphy competitions, and Chu cultural visits take place here. Since its development, the commercial street has attracted script-based murder mystery games, private restaurants, bubble tea shops, and Hanfu photography studios, contributing to the post-pandemic economic recovery. Chuville also plays a role in promoting local employment by establishing internship and employment bases in collaboration with various universities in Hubei Province, providing comprehensive guidance for local university students’ employment and entrepreneurship.


▽备受欢迎:根据不同功能区策划的活动备受游客欢迎,吸引了大量参与者,提供丰富多彩的活动和沉浸式的楚朝文化体验。Well-Received: Activities planned for different functional areas have been well-received by visitors, attracting a large number of participants and providing diverse activities and immersive experiences of Chu Dynasty culture.




Through successful reconstruction and revitalization, Chuville ‘s commercial street has regained its vibrancy. It has become a beloved place for locals and represents a new calling card for Donghu’s Chu culture. The street now hosts diverse activities, attracting various tourists and businesses, thereby driving local economic development and creating employment opportunities. This project demonstrates the vital role of landscape as a catalyst for urban renewal while providing valuable guidance and inspiration for other city renovation projects.


▽景观是城市更新的“催化剂”:通过成功的更新与重塑,楚市商业街焕发了新的活力。这一项目充分体现了景观作为城市更新的催化剂的重要作用,为城市高质量发展注入了希望,并重新激活了风景区的旅游和经济Landscape as a Catalyst for Urban Renewal: Through successful renovation and reshaping, Chuville ‘s commercial street has regained new vitality. This project fully exemplifies the important role of landscape as a catalyst for urban renewal, injecting hope into the city’s high-quality development and reactivating tourism and economic activities in the scenic area.





联系方式:李女士 15611662863 / 微信号 yuchengscape
合作方:施工单位 北京兴中创国际展示有限公司

Project name: Chu Renaissance: Revitalizing Chuville through Urban Renewal
Design Company: Yuchengscape Company Limited
Contact: Ms. Li 15611662863 / wechat ID yuchengscape
Email: yuchengscape@163.com
Related design units and personnel:
Chief Designer: Yang Chang, Wu Haitian
Design team: Li Yuhan, Li Xiaodong, Mei Ronghua, Chai Bing, Wang Lei, Chen Yulin, Cao Qingci, Zhuang Lin, Qiu Lianzhou
Client: Wanbo Cultural Tourism (Beijing) Operation Management Co., Ltd.
Partner: Landscape Contractor: Beijing Xingzhongchuang International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Project Location: Chushi Lixiang, Moshan Scenic Area, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China
Project area: 9590㎡
Project design: 2019
Year completed: 2022
Photography copyright: ZHANGJIN PHOTOGRAPHY / Xiaomu Feng




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