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Turenscape : Through prudent transformative landscape interventions, the deserted prime waterfront of Kazan City at Kaban Lake has been revitalized in a short time span. The project showcases landscape as an interactive medium that regulates hydrological environment, creates public access and provides numerous opportunities to connect new public realms which can function as a common denominator of nature, culture, and social developments. Used by tens of thousands of people daily, the project has now become a model of urban renewal, sustainable development and social equity in Russia and celebrated by the state and beyond.



目标与挑战 Challenges and Objectives

喀山是俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦共和国的古都,位于伏尔加河和卡赞卡河的交汇处,城市以卡班湖群为核心向四周环绕发展。卡班湖群是伏尔加河与其支流卡赞卡河之间的牛轭湖群,总水域面积约为186公顷(460英亩)。构成卡班湖群的三大湖体分别为下卡班湖、中卡班湖和上卡班湖,分别被布拉克运河与卡赞卡河连为一体。它们是为城市自然遗产的重要组成部分,湖泊的演变与发展直接映射了一千年来的城市扩张史。工业需求与城市的扩张不断向卡班湖群索取资源,这种对于生态环境持续破坏的高峰出现于1970 年代苏联时代的工业繁荣时期,致使该湖区内所有的水生生物几乎全部灭绝。经过30年来缺乏计划性的工程修复,湖泊的生态环境产生了一定程度的改善。但由于大量污染物的存留与滨水空间的闭塞,该区域依然是被城市所遗忘的一片荒漠。城市计划对湖区周边1,138公顷(2812 英亩)范围进行梳理,并将复兴卡班湖滨水区域、释放滨水空间潜力以打造一个生态功能完善与文化活力多元的弹性新城作为城市未来发展的重中之重。

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, and is the sixth most populous city in Russia, with a population of 1.2 million. The city’s prime waterfront is the north and east shoreline of Lower Kaban Lake. The project covers a shoreline of 2.0 kilometer (1.4 miles) and an area of about 30 hectares (74 Acres). After 700 years of dumping domestic and industrial waste in Kaban Lake, the lake was forgotten as if not in existence and the city was alienated from its waterfront, resulting in the loss of an important source of cultural vitality and ecological amenities. While the industries surrounding the lake were bankrupted in past decades, the urban runoffs are still polluting the lake; brutal concrete embankments were built into the water in the historic downtown section turning the city’s prime waterfront into a lifeless concrete desert; other parts of Kaban Lake were mostly inaccessible to the public due to high-speed roadways, private communities, and overgrown groves on abandoned brownfield. The existing development area of Kaban Lake was planned around the automobile, which not only fragmented wildlife habitats, but also prevented people from reaching the waterfront. Utilizing the development opportunity presented by hosting the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the Tatarstan government decided to reclaim this prime waterfront.


▽场地原状 Site undisturbed



1)生态资源退化 Degradation of ecological resources:

首先,经过长达800年的人类聚居和200年的工业高速发展,整个湖滨区域的生态环境已经严重恶化。野生动物栖息地被严重污染,动物迁徙廊道被城市发展所割裂。第二,下卡班湖与中卡班湖受到硫酸盐、铜、苯酚、硝酸盐和磷酸盐等化学物质的污染,水质标准为IV类至劣V类。根据俄罗斯现行法规,它们已不符合人类直接接触的条件。第三,由于伏尔加河畔的库比雪夫水库建设,城市面临着严重的洪涝风险。水库用11个水坝将湖泊彼此隔离开,导致相邻水体水位高差高达2米(6.56 英尺)。该市通过安装七个泵站来应对上述问题,但事实证明该方式在预防洪涝危险上并无成效。相对应的,“海绵城市”的建设理念可提供一种更加生态的防洪思路,在留下更少的碳足迹的同时取代传统混凝土堤坝。

2)文化活力的衰退 The decline of cultural vitality:


3)交通网络的不完善 The transportation network is not perfect:


Within this goal, the project faces the following multiple challenges:

1)First of all, after 800 years of human settlement and 200 years of rapid industrial development, the ecological environment of the whole lakeside area has been seriously deteriorated. Wildlife habitats have been severely polluted, and animal migration corridors have been cut by urban development. Second, Lower and Middle Caban Lakes are polluted by chemicals such as sulfate, copper, phenol, nitrate and phosphate, and the water quality standards are Class IV to inferior Class V. Under current Russian regulations, they no longer qualify for direct human contact. Third, the city is at serious risk of flooding due to the construction of the Kubyshev reservoir on the Volga River. The reservoir has 11 DAMS separating the lakes from each other, resulting in a water level difference of up to 2 meters (6.56 feet) between the adjacent bodies of water. The city responded by installing seven pumping stations, which proved ineffective in preventing flooding. Conversely, the concept of “sponge cities” could offer a more ecological approach to flood control, replacing traditional concrete DAMS with a smaller carbon footprint.

2)After 700 years of industrial and domestic sewage disordered discharge into Caban Lake group, the lake body was seriously separated from the city, and the city lost important ecological infrastructure and cultural vitality source. New concrete embankment roads in historic districts, lakeside expressways, enclosures of private communities, and overgrown woods have all resulted in low accessibility around the lake area and no access to the public. This has been exacerbated by a history of religious repression in the Soviet Union, and the waterfront church and mosque have fallen into disrepair and are only half finished.

3)The existing Caban Lake area has traffic planning centered around motor traffic, which not only leads to fragmentation of wildlife habitat, but also separates pedestrians from the waterfront. Low accessibility, poor continuity and inadequate connectivity are the three major traffic problems affecting the development of the lake District.


▽场地改造前后对比 Comparison before and after the site transformation


设计策略 Design Strategies 


After winning the international competition, the landscape architect was commissioned to design the Kaban Lake waterfront revitalization project. In addressing the above challenges, he proposed three major transformative strategies to reclaim the vitality of Kazan’s prime waterfront:


▽设计策略分析 Design Strategies 


▽改造后的滨水空间 The renovated waterfront space


1)生态弹性提升策略 Ecological resilience enhancement


The project will connect and enhance the existing green space along the lake, reshape the urban development form based on the construction of different levels of green infrastructure, effectively achieve stormwater management, wildlife habitat restoration, and guide the smart development of the city.




Making the waterfront accessible and safe: the brutal concrete flood wall and the traffic road along the shoreline severed the relationship between the city and the water. To solve this problem, a series of platforms and boardwalks built into the water beyond the concrete embankment; ramps and stairs link these pedestrian paths and places that float above the lake with the pedestrian paths on the land. Bicycle and pedestrian trails were constructed along the lake shore. Numerous seats are provided along the pedestrian paths and the platforms.


▽亲自然的生态廊道,强生物多样性的同时吸引市民回到水边活动 The pro-nature ecological corridor strengthens biodiversity and attracts citizens back to the water side


▽滨水观景台 Waterfront viewing platform


▽阶梯式亲水平台 Stepped pro – horizontal platform


▽戏水互动装置 Interactive splashing device


▽生物多样性的公共空间 Public space for biodiversity


2)文化活力与社会包容性提升策略 Greater cultural vitality and social inclusion


Creating a water remediation buffer along the lake shore: terraced wetland and bio swales are designed to catch the flows from several small ditches and the surface urban runoff. These biological infiltration facilities are integrated with recreational design and public education.


▽滨水区的更新激发了城市的活力 The renewal of the waterfront has stimulated the vitality of the city


▽场地空间丰富的休闲观景区 The site space is rich in leisure scenic spots


3)交通可达性提升策略 Improved transportation accessibility


Programmed activities: Working with the Ministry of Culture and local communities, various cultural and sports activities are programmed, such as music concerts and movies on summer nights, yoga in the morning, and environmental education tours in daytime. People with different believes and ages gather to enjoy the prime landscape that has been forgotten.



总结 Conclusion

通过对卡班湖 1,138公顷影响区域的重新组织和生态修复,该项目有望将城市的基础设施转化为一套可自我维持的生态系统。这套发展策略将积极地应对当今现实,并稳定地发挥作用,同时为城市塑造了一个近20年内可观的发展愿景。改造计划将分为三个阶段。首先我们将注意力放在临近历史城区的下卡班湖上。该区域的绿色基础设施建设已于2018年完成,用以迎接举办2018年世界杯所带来的发展机遇。在一期工程顺利实施后,城市整体的改造工程也逐步开展起来。昔日荒凉的湖滨区域已成功重新启用,在2018年夏季向公众开放时,每天吸引 50,000名游客来访。经过了长达一个多世纪时间的隔绝在外,曾经远离城市与市民生活的卡班湖群现已成为喀山市的黄金滨水区域,它已重获健康的生态环境和文化活力,持续的为人民带来归属感、尊严感和身份认同感。

The project was completed in one year and has proven to be a great success. The first month it was open to the public in May of 2018, the formerly deserted waterfront attracted 50,000 users daily. People of different beliefs, ages, and genders find their place at the waterfront. They gather here for concerts, movies, exercising, yoga, weddings, or simply people watching and enjoying the sun. The cleansed and vegetated lakefront also attracts more migrant and resident birds. After over century’s alienation from the city and its people, Kazan’s neglected prime waterfront has now been reclaimed with ecological health, cultural vitality, and the residents’ feeling of belonging, as well as the dignity and the identity of the People ’s Republic. This project was awarded by the APA (American Planning Association) the 2019 International Excellence Planning Excellence Award, the Kevin Lynch Award for Urban Design.


▽受人们喜爱和欢迎的滨水空间 A popular and welcoming waterfront space



所获奖项:2021WAF城市景观奖;2019 APA国际规划杰出奖•凯文林奇规划设计奖

Awards: 2021WAF Urban Landscape Award; 2019 APA Award for Excellence in International Planning • The Kevin Lynch Award for Planning and Design



项目面积:规划面积1138.52公顷; 景观面积19.08公顷
项目地点:俄罗斯 鞑靼斯坦共和国喀山市
合作方: MAP(MAR) architects Design Office
摄影师: 土人设计

Project name: Revitalizing Kazan’s Prime Waterfront, Russia
Year completed: 2015
Project area: Planned area: 1138.52 hectares; Landscape area 19.08 hectares
Project location: Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russia
Design Company: Turenscape
Company website: https://www.turenscape.com/home/index.html
Contact email: info@turenscape.com
Chief Designer: Yu Kongjian
Design team: Turenscape
Client: Government of the Republic of Tatarstan
Partner: MAP(MAR) architects Design Office
Photographer: Native design



审稿编辑  Maggie

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