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Thanks Oh!Land studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Oh!Land studio.
Oh!Land studio:当代的问题需要当代的解决方案,为了克服当今使自然资源和城市生活不协调的城市扩张所带来的问题,建立一个多学科合作的设计团队是至关重要的,一群年轻的设计师聚集起来想要创造具有创新性的设计,将自然和人工元素融入到完整、多功能和可持续的城市系统中,在整体和谐的景观中推动促进高质量的城市生活方式。
Oh!Land studio: Contemporary problems need contemporary solutions. The challenge brought forth by this project is one of them. To overcome today’s disarticulated urban expansion that discourages natural resources and urban life, a proper discussion between members of a multi-disciplinary team is essential. For this reason this group of young designers came together in the attempt to create innovative designs that integrate natural and artificial elements into complete, multi-functional and sustainable urban systems that promote quality urban lifestyles in overall harmonic landscapes.

This project, part of financed large scale urban system development strategy called “Inventar a Cidade”, evolved from the competition phase of Europan 9 into what is now a regenerated part of the city of Santo Tirso. It was an opportunity to transform a “non-place” into a space of increased value for the social, urban and natural environment of the city. Using local culture, ecology and tradition as construction guidelines, together with sustainable and integrated design methods, this space was morphed into a living organism that is structured by various scales, rhythms, and evolution times in a contemporary park/city context.

These sculptures, origami inspired, contrast with the vegetation in colour and geometry and are built with steel framing covered with an anti-vandalism treated fibreglass.
▼折纸雕塑 Origami inspired sculpture

As an urban park (1.54hectares) the intention was to create connexions through interpretive pathways in close contact with nature while redefining the local landscape simply by bringing forth the potential that it already exhumed. The project team aimed to render its character transparent, give it identity, and let it be appropriated by the population. Its new natural/urban image and function are the heart of this organism and the interaction base for all parts of the project – built, non-built, functional, pre-existing, natural, biological, human…

生态步道、设施和活动项目(教育、文化、娱乐等) 形成的网络体系使公园更加完善,这种天然和人造的结构与周围环境相连,保证了场地的吸引力以及其经济、社会和环境的可持续性。人们通过各种活动来感知场地,这里便会成为环境里的一个活跃元素。
Complemented with a web of environmentally friendly pathways, equipment, and programs (educational, cultural, recreational, etc.), this natural/artificial structure, while connecting to its surroundings, guarantees attractiveness, and economical, social and environmental sustainability. It is a place that unravels itself as the user, through various velocities, perceives the whole, consequently becoming an active element in the landscape.
▼骑行路径 Bike path

The act of transforming this space into a pedagogical and democratic one with “green equipment” enables awareness for users as to good environmental practices, encouraging there interaction with nature, creating different types of recreation for various social classes and age. Allied to these principles is the experimentation with new design solutions along with solutions for rational management of resources, positively contributing to low maintenance (vegetation species adapted to soil and climatic conditions of the region, recyclable materials, energy efficient equipment and low consumption irrigation)

▼西南侧小广场 A square on the south-west side

On the south-west side we have a main platform that was conceived as concrete “blanket” that covers the site morphology and forms a parking area, a square with sitting areas, stairs and ramps. This area connects to the main circulation pathway on the high ground which is also a bike path in permeable concrete.

▼分析图 Analysis

▼玻璃钢结构分析 Fiberglass interpretative structures

▼总平面图 Master plan

▼剖面 Section

▼排水研究 Water drainage study

地点: 葡萄牙波尔图圣蒂尔苏市
设计者: 建筑师Bruno Sousa; 建筑师Gilberto Pereira; 景观设计师Ana Sofia Pacheco; 景观设计师Victor Esteves
工程师: Hernâni Araújo (土木工程师)、João Fernandes (土木工程师)、Tito Santos (土木工程师)、Delfim Flores (电工工程师)、Ana Lindeza (灌溉工程)
客户: 圣蒂尔苏市
竞赛阶段: 2007年
项目日期: 2009 – 2010年
建设日期: 2011 – 2013年
预算: 140万欧元
面积: 1, 54ha
照片版权: Victor Esteves
Location: Santo Tirso, Porto, Portugal
Authors: Bruno Sousa, architect; Gilberto Pereira, architect ; Ana Sofia Pacheco, landscape architect (www.ohland.pt); Victor Esteves, landscape architect (www.ohland.pt)
Engeniers: Hernâni Araújo (civil engineer), João Fernandes (civil engineer), Tito Santos (civil engineer), Delfim Flores (electrotechnical engineer), Ana Lindeza (irrigation)
Client: Municipality of Santo Tirso
Competition phase (Europan 9 – Santo Tirso): 2007
Date of project: 2009 – 2010
Date of construction: 2011 – 2013
Budget: 1,4M €
Surface area: 1,54 ha
Photo credit: Victor Esteves
更多 Read more about: Oh!Land studio