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Miró Rivera Architects:河畔山庄住宅从倾斜的护堤上拔地而起,展现了奥斯汀的悠闲风情。这座位于湖边的度假胜地俯瞰着一片开阔的草坪,高耸的本地山核桃树以及遮天蔽日的秃柏树。一条小路穿过住宅通向游泳池、客舱和船坞。

Miró Rivera Architects:Emerging from a sloping berm, the River Hills Residence embodies the laid-backethos of Austin. The lakeside retreat overlooks a sweeping lawn shaded bytowering native pecan and bald cypress trees. A path from the house leads to aswimming pool, guest cabin, and boat dock.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn



一条绿树成荫的小径通向 10 英尺高的旋转玻璃前门。从入口处的走廊可通向车库、储藏室、杂物间和浴室,浴室的墙壁上贴满了主人收藏的音乐会门票和徽章。

The main house is comprised of two wings flanking a central courtyard andconnected by a glass volume. On approach, the home maintains a low profile-an idea made possible by partially burying the two wings, which contain fourbedrooms and a four-car garage, into the topography. Steps flanked by colorfulnative flowerbeds lead down into the welcoming courtyard, where windowsprovide a glimpse of the owner’s collection of art. Weathering steel is used in avariety of ways on the home’s exterior-as cladding, handrails, chimneys,retaining walls, and scuppers-complemented by treated ash wood.

A path lined with Palo Verde trees leads to the ten-foot-tall, pivoting glass frontdoor. A hallway from the entry leads to the garage, pantry, utility room, and apowder bath wallpapered with the owner’s collection of concert tickets andbadges.Large artworks adom the white plaster walls.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


住宅中心是一个 1000 平方英尺的大房间,将两座由“铜墙铁壁”包覆的侧翼连接起来,房间内有一个雕塑般的炭灰色石灰石壁炉,将开放式厨房、起居室和餐厅空间与多媒体室隔开。两面落地玻璃墙使主要起居空间拥有一览无余的景色,同时,深深的悬挑也为室内遮挡了夏日刺眼的阳光。托盘式天花板以隔音织物和耐候钢为边饰,将起居室和用餐区连为一体。

The centerpiece of the residence is the 1,000-square-foot great room. Anchoredby a sculptural charcoal limestone fireplace, the space physically connects theCorten-clad wings. Two walls of butt-glazed, floor-to-ceiling glass allow viewsfrom and through the main living spaces to the landscape, while deep overhangsprotect the interiors from the harsh summer sun. Finished with acoustical fabricand bordered with weathering steel, a tray ceiling unifies and accentuates theliving and dining areas. The floors are surfaced with wide planks of reclaimedlong-eaf pine. The fireplace separates the great room from the informal mediaroom, where the owner watches movies and spins records. Steel bookshelvesare nestled into both sides of the limestone fireplace surround.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design



Organized around a large island with barstool seating, the kitchen is illuminatedby clerestory windows. Sliding doors allow the space to be opened up to anoutdoor grilling and dining area.


© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design


房顶有一个 17 英尺深的悬挑带,界定了室外生活空间​,同时向上环绕位于住宅东南角的主套房。悬挑带上的开口洒下阳光与树影,营造出惬意的氛围,也能让人看到头顶的树冠。

Overhead, a 17-foot-deep overhang defines theoutdoor living spaces before turning upward to wrap around the primary suite,which appears perched on the southeast corner of the residence. Punchedopenings in the cantilevered ribbon create moments of liahtness as well asglimpses of the tree canopies overhead.


© Casey Dunn
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design


楼梯采用与地板相同的再生长叶松木装饰,荧光艺术品上方的橱窗使楼梯沐浴在灯光中。耐候钢扶手上隐藏着 LED 灯带。一楼的楼梯如一条走廊,两侧挂满了色彩斑斓的油画,一直通往儿童卧室和宿舍。卧室的窗户朝南,窗外是秃柏树林立的狭窄运河,明亮通风。楼上的主套房采用了灰色皮革、胡桃木和深色玄武岩的装饰色调。主卧连接着一个私人阳台;​淋浴间有一扇通透的大窗户,窗外的大树的枝丫如同印在窗户上的一幅风景画。

Finished with the same reclaimed long-leaf pine as the floors, the stairs arebathed in light from a clerestory window above a fluorescent artwork. Theweathering steel handrails conceal LED strip lights. On the ground floor, thestaircase frames a corridor lined with colorful canvases that leads to the children’s bedrooms and quest quarters. With south-facing windows framingviews of a narrow canal lined with bald cypress trees, the bedrooms are brightand airy. Upstairs, the primary suite embraces a palette of gray leather, richwalnut, and dark basalt. The primary bedroom opens up to a private balcony.while the shower features a large window screened by hanging boughs.


© Casey Dunn
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Paul Finkel | Piston Design


客舱占地 1300 平方英尺,延续了主屋的外观,与之如出一辙,滑动的玻璃墙可以将湖泊景色引入室内。这座一居室的小屋内有厨房、用餐区和酒窖;​室外还设有一个火盆、野餐区、烧烤用具和淋浴间,以及一个独立的小浴室。

The materiality of the main house carries over to the 1,300-square-foot guestcabin, which was conceived as a carved volume whose sliding glass walls invitethe lake environment inside.The one-bedroom cabin includes a kitchen, diningarea, and wine cellar. A small powder bath is accessible from the outdoor spacewhich features a firepit, picnic area, grilling suite, and shower.


© Paul Finkel | Piston Design



From the cabin, a path leads to a weathering steel boat dock floating in theshallow waters of Lake Austin. Coming to a point at the water’s surface, thetriangular frames that support the decks and roof create the sensation that thedock is balanced “just so”. Viewed from farther inland, the slender columnsalmost disappear, and the dock appears as a series of floating planes. At theupper level, the deck and roof frame the wooded cliffs across the lake whilecatching breezes and providing shade.


© Bud Franck


▽设计草图 Sketch

© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects


▽项目图纸  Project drawings

© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects
© Miró Rivera Architects





项目名称:River Hills Residence
项目地点:德克萨斯州 奥斯汀
占地面积:7.2 英亩(314166 平方英尺)
露台、天井、游泳池等:2996 平方英尺
总面积:10118 平方英尺

建筑事务所:Miró Rivera Architects
设计团队:Juan Miró, FAIA LEED AP; Miguel Rivera, FAIA LEED AP; Ken Jones, AIA; Brooks Cavender, Taylor Odell
摄影师:Casey Dunn, Paul Finkel | Piston Design

Project: River Hills Residence
Location: Austin, TX
Site Area: 7.2 acres (314,166 sf)
Conditioned Area: 5,923 sf
Unconditioned Area: 1,199 sf
Terraces, Patios, Pools, etc.: 2,996 sf
Total Area: 10,118 sf
# of Floors: 2
Total Height: 27′-6″

Architecture Firm: Miró Rivera Architects
Website: www.mirorivera.com
Design Team: Juan Miró, FAIA LEED AP; Miguel Rivera, FAIA LEED AP; Ken Jones, AIA; Brooks Cavender, Taylor Odell
Photographers: Casey Dunn, Paul Finkel | Piston Design



审稿编辑: SIM

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