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Baldridge Architects:Roam Ranch 独栋住宅位于德克萨斯州弗雷德里克斯堡郊外一个经营中的牧场上,面积约为 400 平方米。该建筑在形式、装饰和精神上都体现了德克萨斯州中部乡土风格的严谨设计,是现代与传统的巧妙结合。

Baldridge Architects:Roam Ranch is a 4,362-square-foot single-family home on a working ranch outside of Fredericksburg, Texas. It is a testament to rigorous modern design presented in a central Texas vernacular in its form, finishes, and spirit—a unique assembly of contemporary and traditional design.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


在该项目启动前,客户曾委托 Baldridge Architects 事务所在奥斯汀设计了一座现代化的住宅。​新冠疫情流行期间,客户夫妇承认他们对城市生活感到不满,并再次委托事务所在他们以可持续方式饲养野牛和火鸡的牧场(名为 Force of Nature)上设计一座新家。与他们在城市里的房子不同,这个新家还需要满足客户的运营业务,包括播客和教育活动。

The clients had previously commissioned the firm for a stylistically modern Austin home. During the pandemic, the couple acknowledged that they were dissatisfied with city life and again commissioned the firm to design a new home on the ranch where they sustainably raise bison and turkeys under the name “Force of Nature.” Unlike their city house, this new home also needed to function for their business operations, including podcasts and educational events.


© Casey Dunn


▽主卧一侧的露台及立面 The terrace and facade on the side of Primary Bedroom

© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


▽主卧浴室 Primary Bathroom

© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn



The clients were adamant that this new dwelling retain a true ranch feel, while accommodating certain modern flourishes and amenities. Above all, both wanted to retain the two buildings they had built on the property—a kitchen / dining structure and a detached single bedroom volume.


▽主卧 Primary Bedroom

© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


▽带厨房的大房间 Great Room/Kitchen

© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


▽客房一侧用餐空间与厨房 Dining Room/Kitchen

© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


最终的设计保留了概念上的可识别性。卧室、车棚、厨房、办公室、大主卧和健身房都位于一个统一的屋顶之下,处于同一体量之中。新的波纹聚碳酸酯屋顶与原有屋顶相结合,创造了一个令人惊叹的入口/车棚,同时让光线进入房间。这些空间共同构成了一个视觉的焦点,其本身也是德克萨斯州中部狗跑房(也称为微风房、负鼠房,是一种在 19 世纪和 20 世纪初在美国东南部普遍流行的房屋样式)的提炼。

The resulting design preserves a conceptual legibility. Bedrooms, carport, kitchen, offices, great room, and gym all reside as volumes under a single roof gesture. New corrugated polycarbonate roofing matching the preexisting roof to create a stunning entry / carport, while allowing light into the existing rooms. Together, these spaces become the focal point that is, itself, a distillation of a central Texas dog-trot.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


▽带顶的车棚 Covered Carport

© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


功能与实用性塑造了建筑的独特外观。设计既要考虑的建筑的整体结构,又要考虑客户生活所需的各种设施,以满足持续的居住需求。设计通过将这些必要的设施隐藏起来,保证了住宅空间的干净与整洁​。这一点在细微之处体现得尤为明显:原石壁炉可以让地板无缝地衔接起来,并露出 1/4 英寸,而木头和钢结构的缝合方式则可以在复合悬臂处隐形地提供额外的支撑。

The ingenuity of the plan was born of pragmatic constraints. At all times, the clients needed to live in the structures amidst the chaos and mess of construction…with a newborn, no less. The design needed to contemplate the finished structure, but also the necessary logistics to accommodate uninterrupted occupation. While those logistics played a role in the design, one cannot see that in the resulting structure—it is fully resolved and clean. This is especially true in the small moments; the way the raw stone hearth allows the floor to seamlessly slip beneath with a 1/4” reveal or the way the flitched wood and steel structure invisibly allows for additional support at the compound cantilevers.


© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn
© Casey Dunn


▽健身房 Gym

© Casey Dunn


▽设计图纸  Design drawings

© Baldridge Architects
© Baldridge Architects
© Baldridge Architects




项目名称:Roam Ranch
地点:德克萨斯州 弗雷德里克斯堡
建筑与室内设计:Baldridge Architects
设计团队:项目建筑师 Burton Baldridge;项目经理 Brian Bedrosian;高级设计师 Drew McMillian
建筑商:Duecker Construction Company
结构工程师:Dennis Duffy Engineering
景观:Campbell Landscape Architecture

摄影:Casey Dunn

Project Name: Roam Ranch
Location: Fredericksburg, Texas
Architecture and Interiors: Baldridge Architects
Website: https://baldridge-architects.com/
Instagram: please tag @baldridgearchitects,
Baldridge Architects design team: Burton Baldridge, Project Architect; Brian Bedrosian, Project Manager; Drew McMillian, Senior Designer
Builder: Duecker Construction Company
Structural Engineer: Dennis Duffy Engineering
Landscape: Campbell Landscape Architecture (preexisting)

Photography: Casey Dunn
Instagram: please tag @caseydunn

Thanks for sharing Matt Anderson




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