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Thanks Hassell for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Hassell.
Hassell: By reviving a local retail development that was on the decline, Hassell gave Shanghai’s Sanlin neighbourhood more than a new mall. They created a new social hub, lifestyle destination and community heart.
Hassell worked closely with developers Vanke SCPG and Cinve to regenerate the existing mall, combining architecture, interior design, landscape architecture and retail planning expertise to transform an enclosed environment into an open, vibrant destination – and they did it in less than a year.
Access to the mall was a crucial starting point for the design team. They made it easier to enter and get around the development, including through a pedestrian footbridge connection.
By blending the architecture and surrounding landscape with new plants and trees, Hassell also established an urban ‘oasis’ for around-the-clock activities and events.
Inside the mall, the design team found ways to overcome constraints such as traditional floorplates, a restrictive entryway and voids filled with escalators and lifts. By opening up the space, Hassell revealed once-concealed shopfronts – and made InCity Mall a more convenient and compelling place for the Sanlin community to shop, stroll and gather.
客户:万科印力 / 信城不动产
设计团队:何颖珩、叶建豪、何显理、林世扬、安迪、Alex Breedon、程鸣、丁洋洋、段博伦、范譞予、Klevis Koco、雷浩华、唐一、王薇、肖琳
Project name: Sanlin InCity Mall
Client: Vanke SCPG / Cinve
Location: Shanghai, China
Status: Completed
Year: 2018
Scale: 80,000 sqm GFA
Imagery: Hinok Cai (Hassell) and Endong Song
Design team: Carrie Ho, Andrew Yip, Dennis Ho, Sean Lin, Andi An, Alex Breedon, Ming Cheng, Yangyang Ding, Chloe Fan, Klevis Koco, Howard Lui, Yi Tang, Alex Tuan, Willa Wang, Lin Xiao
“ 以新面貌向公众开放的三林街区更加活泼、热情,商业广场上的儿童游戏区以明亮的色彩、有趣的设施及铺装形式,引导市民开展多样活动。”
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