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Thanks Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP.
Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP:狭山湖畔的陵园是面向各种宗教宗派开放的墓园。它坐落在一个自然丰富的环境中,毗邻水源保护林,场地本身就处在一片茂密的森林前。我想要是能生活在森林保护的水边,并在死后回到这个地方,这样的生活方式也能令人倾心。于是,我发现森林成为了各种宗教共同祈祷的主题,然后我将一种被树木环绕的向森林祈祷的建筑概念化。
Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP:Sayama Lakeside Cemetery is open to various religions and denominations. It is located in a nature-rich environment adjacent to the water conservation forest, and the site itself is in front of a deep forest. I envisioned an architecture that reflects on the way of life as it lives by the water conserved by the forest, and eventually returns to this place after death. Thereupon, I found the forest to be the subject of prayer that is mutual to various religions and conceptualized an architecture that prays to the forest while surrounded by trees.

The site is a small triangular plot of land that is adjacent to a municipal road with a low traffic and a non-legal street with almost no pedestrian. Therefore, I have decided to create a space that devotes to the forest that is transcendent in its existence, by tilting the wall inward to avoid the tree branches and leaves. It forms a traditional Japanese Gassho- style structure composed three-dimensionally as two leaning beams set against each other are developed in every direction. The roof is covered with cast-aluminum tiles with ripple-like textures each made by hands of craftsmen.

The floor inclined towards the forest by 1 centimeter guides people towards the departed and the forward bending posture for praying. The patterns and seams of the slate extend towards the vanishing point deep into the forest to help one concentrate the mind on the forest. When one prays, a small warm space is created within the hands as the fingers gently join. It seems as if that small space of prayer was taken out to form the architecture. As people pray, so does the architecture. For those who are in deep grief and inconsolable, how can architecture nurture them? With this in mind, I designed buildings that gently surround them and support their intentions.

▼基地平面图 Site plan

▼建筑一层平面图 Floor plan

▼建筑剖面图 Section

建筑设计: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
地点: 日本埼玉县
面积: 114.0平方米
项目年份: 2013
摄影: Koji Fujii / Nacasa & Partners Inc.
结构设计: Ove Arup & Partners Ltd。
承包商: Shimizu Corporation
Architects: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP
Location: Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Area: 114.0 sqm
Project Year: 2013
Photographs: Koji Fujii / Nacasa & Partners Inc.
Structure Design: Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.
Contractor: Shimizu Corporation
更多 Read more about: Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP,Nacasa & Partners Inc.