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The Sup:​SETT 是位于韩国龙仁市 Gogiri 的一个大型餐饮空间,面积达 400 平。项目受形式灵活、体量巨大的长形结构的启发,以深林为概念设计了外部空间。

The Sup:SETT is a large F&B space of 400 pyeong located in Gogiri, Yongin. Inspired by flexible forms and large, long architectural designs, we designed the external space with the concept of a deep forest.


▽项目视频 Video

© Yunpyo Hong




The path leading up from the entrance is reminiscent of the beginning of a forest, and low plants that are green throughout the four seasons as well as plants with autumn leaves and flowers are arranged to create a refreshing tension.

I created a trail. In particular, the dramatic appearance of fall foliage was emphasized by planting arrow trees with a sense of shape.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong



The birch garden located in the center has a unified design with large stainless steel pots and birch trees with white bark to create a sense of connection with the interior mood of the room.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong



The sound of birch leaves swaying in the wind and the sunlight reflecting off the stainless steel flower pots create a warm and refreshing resting space.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong




The main garden, located at the far end of the space, has a variety of tall trees such as maples, cherry trees, and fir trees placed to create a seasonal feel, making you feel like you are in a forest.

The movement and sound of water flowing under the tall trees provides another impression to those who rest.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong


▽夜晚景色 Night Scenery

© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong



In particular, at night, unlike the daytime atmosphere, lights and fire places were used to create a luxurious and romantic atmosphere.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong



The rooftop garden is a relaxation space that can only be used by employees, and has recreated the natural look from floor finishing materials to the atmosphere of the space.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong



Considering the windy environmental characteristics, We planned planting with grass and low plants.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong



In particular, in the winter, the leaves of the plants dry out, creating a space with a formative beauty that makes people want to use it even in the winter.


© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong
© Yunpyo Hong




面积:一楼 1449.36(439.20 py)/屋顶:310.63 m2(94.13 py)

首席建筑师:Jooho Lee
设计团队:Hanbeom Lee
施工团队:Seeonbae Yoo, Min Kim
客户:Urich HQ
图片来源:Yunpyo Hong

Project Name: SETT
Completion Year: 2023
Scale: 1F : 1449.36(439.20py) / roof : 310.63m2 (94.13py)
Project Location: 437, Gogi-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Landscape/Architecture Firm: thesup
Website: www.thesupkorea.com
Contact e-mail: foresterlee@naver.com
Lead Architects: Jooho Lee
Design Team: Hanbeom Lee
Construction team : Seonbae Yoo, Min Kim
Clients: Urich HQ
Program / Use / Building Function: Cafe & Bakery
Photo Credits: Yunpyo Hong
Photographer’s Website: www.thesupkorea.com




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