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Thanks Olafur Eliasson for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Olafur Eliasson.


Olafur Eliasson的作品《海上航行的影子》(2022)延续了丹麦艺术家长期以来对人类感知与自然世界相互作用的探索。该装置由20个镜面圆棚、3个单环和2个双环组成,它们按五重对称图案的轴线放置,十个圆棚在中心形成一个五角星。这些图案背后的原理是最近才被西方数学家发现的,尽管它们可能是从中世纪以来伊斯兰文化中发现的一些复杂设计中获取的灵感。

Olafur Eliasson’s Shadows travelling on the sea of the day (2022) continues the IcelandicDanish artist’s longstanding exploration into the interplay of human perception and the natural world. The installation comprises twenty mirrored circular shelters, three single rings, and two double rings that are positioned according to the axes of a fivefold symmetrical pattern, with the ten shelters at the centre forming a pentagram, or five-pointed star. The principles behind such patterns were recently discovered by mathematicians in the West, although they may have informed some of the sophisticated designs found in Islamic cultures since medieval times.


© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan


Olafur Eliasson表示:“该艺术作品与地球同行,它歌颂在卡塔尔首都多哈(Doha )北部沙漠地区存在和移动的一切:动物、植物和人类;故事、传统和文化艺术;风、阳光、空气和跳动地热浪。


Regarding his artwork, Olafur Eliasson said, “Shadows travelling on the sea of the day, 2022, is an invitation to resync with the planet. It is a celebration of everything being in and moving through the desert site north of Doha at the time of your visit – animals, plants, and human beings; stories, traditions, and cultural artefacts; wind, sunlight, air, and shimmering heat.

On arriving at the installation, looking up at the mirrored undersides, you will come to realise that you are, in fact, looking down – at the earth and at yourself. Above and below, sand envelops you, together with anyone else sharing the space. It is a kind of reality check of your connectedness to the ground. The mirrors connect and perfect what is physically distinct and partial, linking the actual surroundings with the reflected space and creating a sea of interconnections. The oscillation of your gaze, together with the movement of your body, may amplify your sense of presence, while the curving structures seem to dematerialise, becoming naturalcultural landscape.”


© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan
© Iwan Baan




作品名称:Shadows travelling on the sea of the day
艺术家:Olafur Eliasson
​图片:Iwan Baan

Project Name: Shadows travelling on the sea of the day
Location: Qatar
Time: 2022
Artist: Olafur Eliasson
Photo: Iwan Baan




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