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迈丘设计:深圳华侨城四海华亭·云坊项目基地位于深圳市北,是深圳龙华开发中地段,距龙华核心区5 公里,距深圳中心区 20 多公里,约半小时车程。项目紧邻工业西路、宝华路,靠近 4 号线及 6 号线,周边路网建设完善,交通十分便利。项目紧邻城市龙胜公园及龙华公园,景观资源丰富。

Metrostudio: Located in the north of Shenzhen, the project base of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Sihai Huating Yunfang is a developing section of Shenzhen Longhua, 5 kilometers away from the core area of Longhua, more than 20 kilometers away from the central area of Shenzhen, about half an hour’s drive. The project is close to Industrial West Road, Baohua Road, Line 4 and Line 6. The surrounding road network is well constructed and the traffic is very convenient. The project is close to Longsheng Park and Longhua Park, with rich landscape resources.


▽项目视频 Video



设计思考 Design thinking

场地现状靠近市政道路,包括市政人行道有且仅有9M 距离;整个前场空间进深22 米,宽度39M, 空间较小。如何既满足示范区的外部展示功能,又考虑市政空间与展示景观空间的关系?如何再刻画出方寸间的精致感,又打造具有昭示性和体验感的现代展示区景观?


Located in the north of Shenzhen, the project base of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Sihai Huating Yunfang is a developing section of Shenzhen Longhua, 5 kilometers away from the core area of Longhua, more than 20 kilometers away from the central area of Shenzhen, about half an hour’s drive. The project is close to Industrial West Road, Baohua Road, Line 4 and Line 6. The surrounding road network is well constructed and the traffic is very convenient. The project is close to Longsheng Park and Longhua Park, with rich landscape resources.

Located in the north of Shenzhen, the project base of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town Sihai Huating Yunfang is a developing section of Shenzhen Longhua, 5 kilometers away from the core area of Longhua, more than 20 kilometers away from the central area of Shenzhen, about half an hour’s drive. The project is close to Industrial West Road, Baohua Road, Line 4 and Line 6. The surrounding road network is well constructed and the traffic is very convenient. The project is close to Longsheng Park and Longhua Park, with rich landscape resources.


▽设计草图 Design sketch


设计灵感 Design Concept 



经过多次的尝试,最终确定了一个关于“光”与“时间”的安排。最终形成的梦幻、简单且充满个性的if lollipop绿意空间。

The design get inspiration from clouds. Clouds run through the valleys and change in a myriad of ways. They dance in the water and flow between the earth to unfold a story of clouds and the earth…

The design adheres to the design goal of “home from all corners of the world before, home from all corners of the world now”, and pursues the sweet and happy idea that a good space is like a lollipop. It aims to create a space that helps to touch art through sensory experience. It uses form, light, time, smell and route to create an “art museum” in a narrow site, so that every turn can meet a small space of surprise.

After many attempts, an arrangement of “light” and “time” was finally determined. The dreamy, simple and personalized if lollipop green space finally formed.


▽设计分析 Design and analysis

▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view


01 见山-星云落谷 The Mountain-Stars and clouds scattered in the valley



Wandering in the valley, mysterious, elegant and continuous, and begin to explore the beauty of the valley.

The entrance adopts an arc shaped landscape wall with artistic modeling to isolate the influence of the surrounding environment. At the same time, with small detail of the visual extension of the hollowed out landscape wall strengthens the interest of the space.


▽入口形象界面 Entrance image interface


02 探谷-彩云之谷 Valley Exploration-Cloud Valley



The clouds are mysterious, elegant and continuous. They begin to explore the beauty of the canyon with the wind.

From the entrance, the mysterious poetry and subtle air corridor system, like the water of time, become the reflection of space events and the coming and going of time.


▽入口空间 The entrance space


03 遇水-天光云隐 Meeting the water -Sky light and cloud shadow



The clouds, guided by the long wind, are mysterious, elegant and continuous, and begin to explore the beauty of the canyon with the wind.

The sculpture of “Bubble Lollipop” conveys the existence of another invisible entity. It can sense the peace and desire in the winding space and try the relationship between art and the natural environment.


▽前场局部鸟瞰 Aerial view


▽探索峡谷美景 Explore the canyons


04 踏岛-云逐溪涧 The Island-Clouds running in Streams



Clouds, reflected on the water, are pure, bright and graceful, looking at the smiling face of the forest.

The corridor provides a space for creating artistic dimensions. With the change of time in a day, the change of light and shadow, and the influence of water, the reflection reflected by the corridor melts, bringing the audience into a wonderful scene. The multi-dimensional attempt makes the small space try to touch and explore the artistic experience boundary.


▽互为隐逸的长廊水景 Each other’s secluded corridor water feature

▽感受无边的景观体验 Feel the boundless landscape experience


▽夜景氛围 Night scene atmosphere

▽精致的细节展示 Exquisite display of detail


05 觅境-梦栖云谷 Searching -Searching 



Wandering in the stream, mysteriously, ethereally, began to explore the beauty of the stream.

The backyard is characterized by “forest” . It is quiet and elegant. Quiet and artistic conception.


▽后场院落 The back yard

▽施工过程 The construction process



景观面积:1150 ㎡
景观设计:metrostudio 迈丘设计 事业1部
项目摄影:林 绿

Project Name: Shenzhen OCT Sihai Huating · Longsheng Yunfang
Project Address: Longhua, Shenzhen
Client: Shenzhen Xieyue Real Estate Co. , Ltd.
Landscape Area: 1,150 m2
Landscape Design: Metrostudio
Architecture & Interior Design: Judian Design (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Design Year: 2021
Completion Year: 2022
Photography: Linlv




更多 Read more about: metrostudio 迈丘设计