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AUBE欧博设计:由 AUBE 欧博设计打造的深圳松元厦碉楼时光公园经过近两年的设计与施工,于 2022 年 5 月正式开园。作为深圳首个碉楼主题社区公园,其独特古朴的外形在周围高楼林立的现代建筑群中备受瞩目,百年碉楼文化与丰富的社区活动使公园成为周边居民争相打卡的社区邻里生活中心与社区文化中心。碉楼时光公园的建成不仅提升了周边社区环境,也让碉楼的历史印记重新回归社区生活,为游客与片区居民带来全新的文化生活体验。
AUBE CONCEPTION: Designed by AUBE Conception, Shenzhen Songyuanxia Diaolou Time Park has officially opened in May 2022 after nearly two years of design and construction process. As the first Diaolou themed community park in Shenzhen, the project has attracted much attention due to its unique quaint form against the forest of modern skyscrapers nearby, while the century-old Diaolou culture and rich community activities have made the park a neighborhood focus and
community cultural center of great popularity with the locals. The completion of Diaolou Time Park not only upgrades the environment of its adjoining community, but also reestablishes the historical imprint of Diaolou back to community life, bringing a new cultural and living experience to the neighborhood and visitors.
▽主广场人视 Main plaza perspective

松元厦碉楼时光公园位于深圳市龙华区观湖街道松元厦社区,毗邻观澜生态文化区与麓湖科技文化片区,是连接观澜街道与观湖街道的文化腹地。其所在观湖街道地处龙华区东部,为龙华区行政中心。辖区历史悠久,人文荟萃,坐拥 32 处不可移动文物点,现存客家碉楼 22 座,是龙华区天然的文物古建筑“博物馆”。近年来,观湖街道围绕龙华区“一圈一区三廊”发展格局,以打造辐射深莞中部地区的深圳北部新中心为目标,加快构建新一代信息技术为核心,智能制造、生命健康为支撑的智造经济体系,已然成为古老与现代、传承与发展兼收并蓄的魅力之都。
Shenzhen Songyuanxia Diaolou Time Park sits in the cultural hinterland connecting Guanlan Subdistrict and Guanhu Subdistrict, adjacent to Guanlan Ecological Cultural District and Luhu Science and Technology Cultural Area, in Songyuanxia Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen. Located in the east of Longhua District, Guanhu Subdistrict is the administrative center of the District. Centuried in history and rich in culture, the 32 Immovable Cultural Relics and 22 existing Hakka Diaolous have made Longhua District a natural “museum” of cultural relics and architectural heritage. In recent years, centered on the development paradigm of “One Circle, One Area, Three corridors” in Longhua District aiming to build a new center in northern Shenzhen that radiates the central Shenzhen-Dongguan district whilst accelerating the construction of a new generation of intelligent manufacturing economic system that concentrates on information technology as the core and supported by intelligent manufacturing as well as public health, Guanhu Subdistrict has undoubtedly become a charming urban gem that embraces all, from ancient to modern, from inheritance to development.
▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

项目占地约 3900 ㎡,北望背夫山,南临樟坑径河,东侧坐拥陈氏宗祠、数栋民居等文化遗产。公园主体由 5 座拥有百年历史的碉楼组成,分别为陈康发碉楼、陈和顺碉楼、陈道仁碉楼、陈显堂碉楼、永修碉楼。前四所均为返乡华侨修建,永修学堂则由国宝宫族裔捐钱修建,曾为全村人共同使用。2011 年松元厦社区进行旧村改造,出于保护历史文物的目的 , 除因暴雨倒塌的陈显堂碉楼外,其余 4座碉楼陆续于 2012 年底至 2013 年由各自村庄迁移至此,继而演变为深圳最具特色的碉楼主题广场。
Covering an area of approximately 3,900 ㎡ , the project faces Beifu Mountain in the north, overlooks Zhangkengjing River in the south, and there are various cultural heritage sites including Chen Family Ancestral Hall and several folk houses in the east. The park is mainly composed of 5 century-old Diaolous (“Diaolou”), namely Chen Kangfa Diaolou, Chen Heshun Diaolou, Chen Daoren Diaolou, Chen Xiantang Diaolou and Yongxiu Diaolou. The first four were all built by returned overseas Chinese, while the Yongxiu School once shared by the whole village was built with donations from the ethnic group of Guo Baogong. Following the start of Songyuanxia Community old village renovation in 2011, except for the Chen Xiantang Diaolou that collapsed due to heavy rain, the other 4 Diaolous were relocated here from their respective villages from the end of 2012 to 2013 for the purpose of protecting historical relics, hence forming the most distinctive Diaolou-themed square in Shenzhen.
▽拥有百年历史的碉楼 Century-old Diaolous

在公园的改造过程中,AUBE 欧博设计团队紧扣“让文化遗产重新回到人们生活”主题,对片区居民进行多次走访调研,试图在有限的空间中打开被尘封的碉楼记忆,塑造新文化范式碉楼主题公园。设计通过六大策略对公园空间进行重构:打开场地边界,梳理原本杂草丛生的社区环境,增强公园的可达性与视野开阔度;强化原有中心广场轴线,塑造历史厚重感;保留场地内的文物及长势良好的植被与大树,延续历史文化与自然生机;增设架空栈道,以无障碍方式沿碉楼外围连通公园游览路径;立足碉楼文化,增添故事景墙及地图铺装;挖掘文化内涵,重塑碉楼精神象征。
During the park’s renovation process, AUBE design team had made multiple visits to the locals and conducted surveys that focused on the theme of “bringing cultural heritage back to people’s everyday life”, and trying to rediscover the dusty memories of Diaolou within a limited space into a Diaolou-themed park with a new cultural paradigm. Six major design strategies are mapped out to reconstruct the park space: open the site boundary and rearrange the weedy community ground to enhance the accessibility and visibility of the park; highlight the axis of the original central square to evoke the sense of rich history; sustain the history, culture and natural vitality by preserving the cultural relics, well-grown vegetation and large trees on site; improve accessibility by adding elevated plank roads to connect the paths along the periphery of the Diaolous; set up landscape story walls and pavement maps based on the Diaolou culture; explore the connotation to reshape Diaolou’s role as a spiritual symbol.
▽场地林木得以保留 Preservation of existing trees on site

▽架空栈道 Stilted walkway

▽故事景墙及地图铺装 Feature wall and map paving

公园中最特别的存在当属消失的“第五碉楼”。2012 年,陈显堂碉楼不幸在暴雨中坍塌,设计采用抽象结构和玻璃丝印的技术,于广场中心将其复原,让陈显堂碉楼再一次展现在公众视野中,延续过去的时代印记。公园现存的四座碉楼在“第五碉楼”的玻璃映射中形成奇妙的时代对话,向前来参观的人们无声地诉说着城市的百年变迁与几代人的文化传承。
The most unique existence in the park falls on the disappeared “Fifth Diaolou”. In 2012, Chen Xiantang Diaolou unfortunately collapsed during a rainstorm. The design employs abstract structure and silk-screen printed glass to restore it in the center of the square, bring Chen Xiantang Dialou back to the public once again, passing on the imprint of the past era. The incredible dialogue reflected on the glass façade on the “Fifth Diaolou” among the existing four travels through time, becoming a silent narrator interpreting of the city’s century-old transformation and the cultural inheritance over generations to the visitors.
▽碉楼装置 Diaolou installation

▽负一层建筑主入口与后广场 Basement main entrance and back plaza

The original design concept of Diaolou Time Park is to “bring back Diaolou to community life and superimpose history and culture onto everyday living”. In order to enhance the sense of belonging and bring traditional culture and art back to the community, the design also proposes a revitalization plan for the four existing Diaolous on site. While satisfying the needs of different groups in their daily activities, the Diaolous are also utilized as a spatial vehicle, showcasing community life scenarios of dynamism and diversity. Hopefully, the relative actions including the repair and revitalization of cultural relics units will be enhanced in this way to truly integrate future community life with the Diaolou complex.
▽社区生活广场 Community living square

▽吧台与休闲界面 Bar counter and leisure interface

▽场地中的人文关怀细部 Details of humanistic care

作为 AUBE 欧博设计探索深圳传统村落文化遗产保护和活化的“微改造”实践性项目,深圳松元厦碉楼时光公园意图实现传统要素和现代功能的有机结合,让保留在松元厦旧村中的百年碉楼历史与中西合璧的深圳华侨文化在“活化”中重生。开园至今,公园深受周边居民及游客喜爱,孩子们围绕着碉楼嬉戏奔跑,老人们在林荫下、庭院中喝茶下棋,共享天伦之乐。一座座穿梭时代洪流的碉楼已成为与社区生活共生的时光剧场,新与旧、过去与现在,在这里相融相生。
As an AUBE work in practicing “micro-renovation” to explore the protection and revitalization of the cultural heritage of traditional villages in Shenzhen, Songyuanxia Diaolou Time Park intends to demonstrate the organic integration of traditional elements and modern functions, in which way the centuries-long Diaolou history kept in the Songyuanxia old village and the overseas Chinese culture that blends the East and the West are brought back to life in the act of “activation”. Since its opening, the park has been frequented by neighborhood residents and tourists with great affection. Around the Diaolous are children playing and chasing; under the shade of the trees and in the courtyard, the elderly are drinking tea and playing chess, enjoying the joy of the family. The new blurred into the old and the past fused with the present, the Diaolous that travel through the turbulent eras have become time theaters that will grow together with local community life.
▽主广场人视 Main plaza perspective

▽项目鸟瞰 Aerial view

【设计师创作手记】Designer’s Notes
深圳松元厦碉楼时光公园,在一个不到 4000 ㎡的公园,同时看到五座碉楼,这在深圳,甚至全国,都是独一无二的。场地里的植物与碉楼的完美融合,促使我们想去保护她们——做保护性改造;给我最深的记忆,是那四栋刻着时间痕迹的碉楼——那是松元厦族人曾经的集体记忆,同时我们想把倒塌的第五座碉楼用全新的方式重生,让松元厦的故事可以一直被延续下去……不仅如此,也希望,这里,重新成为社区的邻里中心,成为生活的日常,成为族人的链接,也成为深圳人感受碉楼文化的地方。
Shenzhen Songyuanxia Diaolou Time Park makes it possible to behold five Diaolous all at once in a park of less than 4000 ㎡ , which is unique in Shenzhen and even exceptional in China. The perfect integration of plants and Diaolous on site encouraged us to protect them – to carry out protective renovation; what impressed me the most is the four Diaolous engraved with the traces of time – the collective memory of the Songyuanxia people. Meanwhile, we intend to recreate the collapsed fifth Diaolou in a new way, so that Songyuanxia’s story can be passed on to the future generations. Beyond that, we also hope that this place will resume its role as the community neighborhood center, the everyday routine, the link between the people, and also a place for Shenzhen citizens to experience the culture of Diaolou.
▽设计师手绘草图 Designer’s freehand sketches
用地面积:3900 ㎡
总建筑面积:175 ㎡
景观面积:3700 ㎡
设计 / 竣工年份:2020/2022
Project Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Client: Shenzhen Longhua District Guanhu Subdistrict Office
Design Company: Shenzhen AUBE Architectural & Engineering Design Consultants Co., Ltd.
Design General Contractor: Shenzhen AUBE Architectural & Engineering Design Consultants Co.,
Design Scope: Landscape
Main Function: Community Cultural Park
Land Area: 3,900m²
Total Floor Area: 175 ㎡
Landscaped Area: 3,700 ㎡
Design | Completion Time: 2020|2022
Photographer: Zeng Tianpei
“ 设计把倒塌的第五座碉楼用全新的方式重生,让松元厦的故事可以一直被延续下去。”
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