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Thanks Bensley for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Bensley.
Bensley:Shinta Mani Wild是柬埔寨的特色全包式帐篷营地,位于南豆蔻雨林的中心地带。它是建筑师、室内设计师、景观设计师,还有环保主义者Bill Bensley的心血结晶。项目的开端源于政府决定出售用于采伐的土地,Bill Bensley与Sokoun Chanpreda(Shinta Mani基金会及其精品酒店集团的创始人,致力于增强柬埔寨人的自主权)共同收购了包括 875,000 棵树、4.5 公里长的野河和 3 个壮观的瀑布在内的土地,占地面积超过 865 英亩,使该地块免于用来开发钛矿。这片面积相当于中央公园的雨林廊道是东南亚目前最大也是最后一片大森林,为了保护其免遭偷猎和砍伐,我们打造了一个高收益、低影响的营地,通过与Shinta Mani基金会和非政府组织 “野生动物联盟”(Wildlife Alliance)合作,以可持续的方式保护森林及栖息于此的野生动物。
Bensley: Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection is Cambodia’s most unique all-inclusive tented camp experience, located in the heart of the South Cardamom rainforest. The brainchild of architect, interior designer, landscape architect and most of all conservationist Bill Bensley, it all started with a sale of government land designated for logging. Along with Sokoun Chanpreda (founder of the Shinta Mani Foundation and its group of boutique hotels dedicated to empowering Cambodians) Bill purchased some 875,000 trees, 4.5 kilometers of wild river and 3 magnificent waterfalls over 865 acres, saving it from becoming a titanium mine. In order to protect this corridor of rainforest the size of Central Park from poaching and logging – in what is now the biggest and last great forest in Southeast Asia – a high yield low impact camp was created, with the main mission being a sustainable way to protect the forest and its wildlife inhabitants through a collaboration with the Shinta Mani Foundation and the Wildlife Alliance NGO.

在Shinta Mani Wild住宿期间,客人可以在 15 顶豪华帐篷中自由选择一顶入住,每顶帐篷都经过精心设计,并按照Bill Bensley的最小干预流程沿河布置,力求实现对森林的保护并了解河谷的特质。每占地 66 英亩的森林就有一顶帐篷,值得一提的是在建造帐篷的过程中没有砍伐一棵树,游客在此可以真正沉浸在最美妙的户外活动中。每个帐篷都是独一无二的:1967年西哈努克国王和传奇人物Jackie O在柬埔寨的旅行故事,还有探险家、环保主义者、林间的珍稀动物以及努力保护森林的英雄们……都是Bill Bensley的设计灵感来源。
During their stay at Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection, guests select one of 15 luxury tents, each of which was meticulously designed and placed along the river through Bill’s process of minimal intervention, which seeks to preserve the forest and understand the idiosyncrasies of the river valley. There is one tent to every 66 acres of forest – and not a single tree was cut down in the building process – so guests are well and truly immersed in the greatest of great outdoors. Each tent is unique: Bill was inspired by King Sihanouk and the legendary Jackie O’s 1967 travels across Cambodia, as well as explorers, conservationists, the precious animals of this forest and the heroes who work hard to keep it safe.
▽营地平面 Camp Map

▽营地夜景 Night view

Bill着手设计的每顶帐篷都体现了杰奎琳·肯尼迪(Jackie Kennedy-Onassis)的柬埔寨野生动物园之旅,帐篷内配备了精致奢华的设施,有面向野河的露天浴缸,有私人管家,还有Bill和伴侣从欧洲古董市场淘来的古董,其内部装饰也都是独一无二的。
He set about designing each tent to be an embodiment of a Cambodian Safari trip with Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, complete with every last luxury, including an open-air bathtub facing the wild river, a private Bensley Butler and antiques sourced by Bill and his husband Jirachai in European antique markets for each tent’s one of a kind interiors.

从一开始,”野性”冒险家们就被推向了极限:Bill想让客人惬意地离开他们的舒适区,那为什么不将“抵达”作为“开端”呢?于是,Shinta Mani Wild就成为了他最喜欢的酒店作品之一。客人们从 7 层高的塔台上纵身一跃,沿着东南亚最长的滑索之一(长400 米),飞越茂密的豆蔻雨林、河流和咆哮的瀑布,最终抵达着陆区酒吧,在那里,总经理和Bensley探险管家会用一杯烈酒迎接他们!这也仅仅是探险的开始……
From the onset, Wild adventurers are pushed beyond their boundaries: Bill wanted to take guests comfortably out of their comfort zone, so why not start with the arrival? The result was one of his favorite hotel creations yet. Guests take a leap of faith from a 7-storey tower and fly along one of South East Asia’s longest zip lines (400m), over the dense Cardamom rainforest, a river and a roaring waterfall to arrive at the Landing Zone Bar, where they are greeted by the General Manager and Bensley Adventure Butlers with a stiff drink! That is only the start of the adventure…
▽滑索着陆 Zip-line Arrival

▽着陆区酒吧 Landing Zone Bar

Shinta Mani Wild的核心宗旨是保护这片广袤的森林免遭非法偷猎和砍伐,Bill通过Shinta Mani基金会与非政府组织 “野生动物联盟”(Wildlife Alliance)建立了合作伙伴关系,该组织的武装护林员会在森林中巡逻,并有能力起诉那些违法者。迄今为止,他们已经没收了 2700 多把电锯,保护了柬埔寨数百公顷珍贵的豆蔻雨林。Bill承诺为其建立一个护林站,并提供永久经济援助,”Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection”将贡献出一定比例的经营收入,全天候雇用 8 名护林员,这相当于每年可以保护 2000 公顷的森林,拯救 500 只野生动物。这是一项可持续发展的模式,希望能在世界范围内推广复制,让有影响力的人们明白“我们就是大自然”。游客也可以加入野生动物联盟武装护林员的日常巡逻中,护林员会手把手地教他们如何抓捕偷猎者和伐木者、救助和照顾那些需要帮助的野生动物、通过隐蔽摄影机研究当地野生动物、清除森林中的捕动物陷阱以及保护雨林。
Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection’s core purpose is to protect this vast expanse of forest from illegal poaching and logging. Bill formed a partnership through the Shinta Mani Foundation, with the Wildlife Alliance NGO, whose armed rangers patrol the forest and have the ability to prosecute offenders. To date they have confiscated over 2700 chainsaws, and protected hundreds of hectares of Cambodia’s precious Cardamom rainforest. Bill committed to building a ranger station and a lifetime of financial assistance – Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection dedicates a percentage of income to keep 8 rangers employed 24/7, equating to the protection of 2000 hectares of forest and 500 wild animals saved every year. It is a sustainable model which will hopefully be copied many times all over the world, teaching people with influence that we are nature. Guests are able to join the armed Wildlife Alliance rangers on their daily patrols, who teach them in a hands-on way about their work in catching poachers and loggers, rescuing and caring for wildlife in need, research into local wildlife by way of camera traps, clearing the forest of snares, and rainforest protection.
▽丛林帐篷 Wild Tents

▽瀑布帐篷 Waterfall Tents

▽双卧帐篷 Two Bedroom Tent

除了滑索和巡逻,这里还有适应各种喜好的活动,正如Bill所说:”我们有超级运动健将在 5 层楼高的汹涌瀑布上像翻筋斗一样的划皮艇和骑山地自行车,也有游客和我们的厨师一起在森林里觅食,或者只是呆在能俯瞰丛林的露天浴池里看书。在这里,每个人都能就近找到适合自己的活动,可以观鸟、认蝴蝶、玩探险船、觅食和学习烹饪课程、徒步旅行、划皮划艇、骑山地自行车、瀑布野餐、水疗、在营地的水池中游泳、河边钓鱼和放生、在瀑布边举行日落酒会等。河流水位较高的季节来临时,游客们会被带到山间平原,那里有一个由复古路虎车改装成的流动酒吧,欢迎游客们围着篝火畅饮和欣赏美景。
Beyond ziplining and patrolling, there are activities to suit every taste: as Bill says “We get super athletic guests doing somersaults off the 5-storey Raging Big Sisters Waterfall followed by kayaking and mountain biking – and those who go foraging for dinner in the forest with our chef or simply read a book in the outdoor bath which overlooks the jungle. There is something for everyone, but always within inches of one of the last great wildernesses.” Activities include birdwatching, butterfly identification, expedition boats, foraging and cooking class, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, waterfall picnics, the spa, swimming at the camp’s “Cistern” Pool, catch and release fishing and one of Bill’s favorites – tailgate sundowners at the waterfall! At other times of the year when the river is higher, guests are brought out to the mountain plains where a vintage Land Rover turned roving bar welcomes them for fireside drinks with a view.
▽游客体验 Guest Experiences

除了与”野生动物联盟”的合作外,Shinta Mani Wild项目还与基金会及当地社区合作,通过社区外联和环境教育向柬埔寨人宣传“保护比开采更有价值”的理念,这些宣传教育早在营地建成之前就已经开始了,一个经历过环境教育的社区将其环境背景下实现可持续的繁荣。Shinta Mani Wild有 120 名员工,其中 70% 来自当地村庄。在帐篷营地建成之前,有很多人都是偷猎者和伐木者,因为该地区几乎没有基础设施,而且工作机会也比较少。
Along with its partnership with Wildlife Alliance, Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection also works with the Shinta Mani Foundation and the local community, teaching Cambodians that conservation is more valuable than extraction through community outreach and environmental education programs – these started long before the camp was built. A community that is educated about its environment will be sustainability prosperous in that environment. Shinta Mani Wild employs 120 people, 70% of whom are from the local village. Many were poachers and loggers before the tented camp was built, as this region had little infrastructure and fewer opportunities to work.
▽户外泳池 Outdoor Pool

他们先是参与了营地的建设,树立起真正的主人翁意识和自豪感,然后又接受了Shinta Mani基金会的培训,在森林中建成了这个五星级豪华帐篷营地。如果这些员工愿意,他们可以在暹粒市通过集团及基金会的酒店管理学校接受更深入的教育培训,从而在这个机会寥寥无几的国家成为高薪专业人员。
They were first brought on board to help build the camp, instilling a real sense of ownership and pride, and then trained through the Shinta Mani Foundation to bring to life this five-star luxury tented camp in the middle of the forest. Should they desire, these employees can receive further education and training in Siem Reap through the other Shinta Mani hotels in the group, as well as the Foundation’s Hospitality School, allowing them to become well-paid professionals in a country where such opportunities are few.
▽户外用餐区 Outdoor Dining Area

Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection开怀迎接所有人群,从蜜月旅行者到疯狂的冒险者,甚至是那些可能没想到会喜欢它的人,比如Bill年过七旬的姐姐保持着最年长滑索者的纪录,她第一次尝试就滑了 5 个来回!在这里,游客们挑战自己的极限,与大自然重新建立联系,Bill Bensley希望当游客们离开此地时能感受到独特的自豪和喜悦,因为他们知道自己在这里发挥了作用,带来了改变,并将这种心态带回了家。
Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection welcomes one and all, from the honeymooners to the wildly adventurous types, and even those who might not have expected to love it – Bill’s sister in her late 70s at the time, holds the record for oldest zipper and did 5 rounds on her first try! It is an exhilarating immersion into the wild and the world of conservation, where guests push their limits, reconnect with nature, and – Bill hopes – leave feeling the unique pride and joy that comes with knowing they played a role here in making a difference, and take that mindset home with them.

▽楼层平面图 Floor Plan

项目名称:Shinta Mani Wild
地点:柬埔寨 Tmor Rung
Project name: Shinta Mani Wild – A Bensley Collection
Location: Cardamom Rainforest, Tmor Rung, Cambodia
Design Company: Bensley
“ 自然保护与营地旅游携手并进,雨林里的低影响帐篷营地开启一场独特旅程。”
审稿编辑: 阿毛
更多 Read more about: Bensley