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Thanks Changkong Creation for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by Changkong Creation.



Changkong Creation: Ascending the wide field, the wind for the breeze, the distant view of Langjing, the mountain for no boundaries, a corner with the mountain zigzag, and the mountain and living, a cage of smoke and fire, a corner of interest. Xiushan a color resides between the mountain cliffs, and the mountain without boundaries, everywhere with the common, beautifully blended.





XiuShanYiColor-Cliff Mountain Residence is located in Qingyuan Yingde, Guangdong Province, before the XiuShan, the setting sun reflected in the PenJieShan to form a color, as if the fairy out of the bath, look at the scholar knocked over the ink stone, the scholar wrote to the Royal Sword Immortal fell PenJie, the setting sun purple out of the ink stone bath, the case named “XiuShanYiColor”.





Autumn leaves and summer cicadas chirping low and drifting down in the evening breeze create a blurring of the boundaries of the seasons. Summer breeze and autumn coolness have no boundaries for me, and we have adopted this boundary-less design approach.





With no fixed stylistic boundaries, we delve into the subtle and profound dialectic between tradition and modernity.





We skillfully integrated the traditional literati and the long-established tea culture as background elements to infuse the whole design with a deep cultural heritage. This design concept profoundly reflects the fusion of respect for traditional culture and modern aesthetics, creating a space that is both culturally deep and modern. In such an environment, traditional literati and tea culture are not just static displays, they are given new life and become living art forms that interact with people and space.





For the choice of material, we want to feel as if waking up in the middle of the night, all the music is gone, the moon in the sky, hastiness to look around, feel a piece of the heart of the ethereal, as if it is a spiritual journey, we for this journey of the soul, we chose the natural material, which implies a sense of strength, ethereal inspiration, sense of relaxation, such as rustic wood, coarse stone, etc., as if they were telling the story of the ages, and for the space to add a They seem to tell the story of the years, and add a real and warm space.





A large number of white space has become the finishing touch in the design, just like the ethereal realm in Chinese paintings, giving people unlimited space for reverie. This kind of white space is not a simple vacancy, but a kind of carefully carved “nothing”, “nothing” against “something”, so that the limited entity in the infinite void can be extended and sublimated.





Room cleverly integrated into the local tea culture, the wall does not do extra decorative, borrowing a vegetarian tea white dyed wall, leaving white within the flavor of tea, tea ceremony six unique shape floating on the wall, quite a “gambling book consumed by the splash of tea incense” feeling, that is, to add the tea full of wall and with the mood of life of the human world, will be the ink and the log into the space, both elegant and humanistic atmosphere without losing the modern simple texture. Ink and logs are integrated into the space, which has both elegant humanistic flavor and modern minimalist texture.





The hot springs will be introduced into the interior, ink stone as a pool, quite a clear spring all out “ink stone bath”, to create a relaxed, comfortable, warm, stylish atmosphere.





The wabi-sabi beauty of the whole design style is a profound reflection on the pace of modern life, which advocates a simple and profound attitude towards life, allowing people to find a tranquil harbor and return to inner peace in the hustle and bustle of the world. The integration of modern elements, on the other hand, is a reinterpretation of traditional culture, allowing ancient culture to show new vitality in the contemporary context, and becoming a bridge between the past and the future.





The anthill building and its interior, within no boundaries, arbitrarily, zigzagging and zagging, with a little bit of some son of sparse and wild-like ease, the sense of relaxation is the most impressive, the grass and trees of the earth, listening to the wind and whispering, a landscape, a musical language, a tune, can make you become happy, relaxed, pleasant, serene, is your ‘medicine’.





What is even more surprising is the surrealism that permeate. When people are in different spaces, they will feel the quiet change of emotions, from the initial serenity to the joy that gradually emerges, as if it is a journey of the soul. Every detail, every use of material, every conversion of space is reasonable but unexpected, bringing endless surprises and touches.





Whether in the projection of light or in the touch of materials, people can feel the designer’s profound thinking and precise grasp of the relationship between nature and humanity, tradition and modernity, reality and surreality, making the XiuShanYiShi cliff mountain residence a unique and unforgettable spatial experience.





XiuShanYiSe, and the mountain a color, a few boundless ethereal, a few places on earth, a few chivalrous alone, a few scholarly spirit, a few lines of pen is casual green shirt LingQiu, the sunset purple smoke is walking sword Jianghu pine path old, and far away from the view is a cup of wine of the three mountains smoke and rain. That is the scenery, that is the realm, that is the host, that is the show mountain a color – cliff mountain dwelling.


▽设计图纸 Design drawing




项目名称:秀山一色 悬崖山居
项目地址:广东 清远
参与设计:周林华 李泉江 张定远

Project Name:Show Mountain One Color Cliff Mountain Residence
Project Address:Qingyuan, Guangdong
Project Status:Completed
Project Owner:Yingde City Xiushe Mountain Residence
Project Design:Changkong Creation
Organization Website:https://www.ckcz.cn/
Designer:Zhang Baohua
Design Area:1869.3㎡
Project Supervisor:Liu Sitang
Participating Designers:Zhou Linhua Li Quanjiang Zhang Dingyuan
Interior Construction:Guangdong Shiji Da Construction Group Co.
Fluid Building Construction:Yang Weineng
Furniture Design:Changkong Creation
Furniture Production:JOSHI Upholstery
Design time:2022.05
Completion time:2024.05
Copy Editor:Zhang Chao
Project Photography:River Photography




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