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Thanks ORCHARD DESIGN for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by ORCHARD DESIGN.
ORCHARD DESIGN:“巨人之路”的项目设计受自然现象启发,旨在探索当今过渡挤压的景观,以创造性的设计为圣弗朗西斯泽维尔学院打造进入新学习设施建筑的第一层空间。考虑到学校正不断发展的教育系统,该项目旨在展示一种独特、灵活和解释性的景观方法,它对于这个“通用的灵活学习区域”尤为重要。
ORCHARD DESIGN:Inspired by the natural phenomenon, the ‘Giant’s Causeway’ this project explores a transitional extruded landscape to creatively access the 1st level of a new learning facility St Francis Xavier College. Conscious of our evolving educational system, the project was intent on showcasing a unique, flexible and interpretative landscape approach, which was particularly important for this ‘General Purpose Flexible Learning Area’.

In what is intended to be a creative learning environment, the project’s portrayal of the Giant’s Causeway seeks to inspire the students to think differently, creatively and engage with a new and unfamiliar environment.

▼平面图 Plan

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