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Thanks Mianshan Photography Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Photos provided by Mianshan Photography Studio.


面山空间摄影:  面山空间摄影工作室由摄影师丁宇豪发起创立。丁宇豪与王新睿是具有拍摄经验超过10年的摄影师兼伙伴,面山空间摄影倡导面山而立,面山而居,在尊重自然的理念下,抱着愚公移山精神,开拓更多的影像可能性。

Mianshan Photography Studio: Founded by photographer Yuhao Ding, Mianshan Photography Studio proposes the status of facing the mountains and musing.We, Yuhao Ding and Xinrui Wang as partner, have ploughed on photography over 10 years. Upholding the idea of reverence toward nature, We will continue to explore more possibilities of photography incessantly.


阳澄湖旅游集散中⼼Yangchenghu tourist distributing center


Though as a transportation junction, Yangchenghu tourist distributing center faces to the lake, presenting a serene memorable picture.


▼ 项目视频  Project video


▼ 整体鸟瞰  Have a bird’s eye view of whole

▼ 项目鸟瞰  The project have a bird’s eye view of

▼ 项目夜景  Project at night

▼ 构筑细节  Project at night


项目设计:隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所(Kengo Kuma & Associates)

Project design:  Kengo Kuma & Associates
Photography:Mianshan Photography Studio




苏州奥林匹克体育中⼼Suzhou Olympic Sports Center


Suzhou Olympic Sports Center is designed by following the Jiangnan aesthetics,namely,the mellow of the garden and the fortitude brought by the gentle laying stones.


▼ 项目视频  Project video


▼ 整体鸟瞰  Have a bird’s eye view of whole

▼ 夜景鸟瞰  At night have a bird’s eye view of

▼ 水景  Waterscape

▼ 树池广场  Tree pool square

▼ 广场艺术雕塑  Square Art Sculpture

▼ 体育场建筑  Stadium construction

▼ 体育场建筑细节  Stadium construction details

▼ 体育场内景  Inside the stadium

▼ 场馆细节  The venue details


项目设计:德国GMP建筑事务所(gmp Architekten)

Project design: gmp Architekten
Photography:Mianshan Photography Studio


审稿编辑 王琪 –  Maggie

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