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SIURA Studio:在短短 15 个月内,一个环境退化、交通不便、洪涝灾害和社会问题频发的老旧公共公园摇身一变,成为深受当地社区欢迎的充满活力的公园。
SIURA Studio:In just 15 months, an ageing public park with degraded environment, disconnect accessibility, flooding issue and social problems was transformed into a vibrant park embraced by the local community.
▽公园改造前后对比 Comparison before and after

特贝特生态公园(Tebet Eco Park)位于印度尼西亚雅加达,是一个占地 7.3 公顷的公共公园振兴项目,旨在通过保护树木和改善蓝绿基础设施来积极恢复公园的生态。其生态景观设计通过河流的再自然化有效降低了洪害风险。这一新的城市更新项目营造了一个包容性的环境,为在自然环境中开展各种娱乐活动提供了便利。
Tebet Eco Park is a 7.3-hectare public park revitalization project located in Jakarta, Indonesia with focuses on an active regeneration of the site’s ecology with tree conservation and enhancing the blue green infrastructure. The ecological landscape design approach reduces the risk of flooding with river re-naturalization. The result of this new urban regeneration cultivates an inclusive environment that facilitates access to a wide offering of recreational activities in a natural setting.
▽公园区位及现状分析 Location and current situation of the park

▽建成后的公园 The completed park

水道再自然化 Renaturalized Waterway
公园被一条 714 米长的露天水道分割,由于上游集水区的径流未经过滤,该水道受到严重污染。加上气候变化极大地影响了无法预测的降雨量,因而在暴雨频发时,公园经常被淹没。 通过基于自然的系统来提高水力性能,是确保水道合理设计的关键战略。这条曾经受到严重污染的河道,如今已通过适应气候的方法重新焕发生机,成为一条活跃的水道。经过生态修复的河道种植了河岸植被,通过过滤和净化周围的径流改善了水质,并提高了该地区的生物多样性。宽阔蜿蜒的水道增加了水力容量,提供了具有弹性的洪泛区,并将多样化的原生河流生态系统带回了公园。
The park was divided by a 714m open drain which was heavily polluted due to unfiltered water runoff from the upstream catchment. During high storm events, the park is frequently flooded as climate change drastically affects the unpredicted rainfall. A key strategy to ensuring the waterways are appropriately designed through nature-based system to improve the hydraulic performance. The once highly polluted canal is now revitalized into an active waterway with a climate-adaptive approach. The ecologically restored river, planted with riparian vegetation, improves water quality by filtering and cleansing surrounding run-off and enhancing the site’s biodiversity. A wide and meandering waterway increases hydraulic capacity, provides resilient floodplain, and brings the diverse native river ecosystem back to the park.

可持续建设 Sustainable Construction
设计团队对现有的 1500 多棵树木进行了健康和价值评估调查。景观设计尽可能地减少对树木的干预,在保护珍贵树木的同时,也保护了场地的自然资源。从原有运河中挖掘出的材料,如石块和砍伐的树木原木都得到了重新利用,成为新公园建筑材料和设计元素的一部分。长势不佳的树木一部分被迁移到新的地方,一部分被重新利用,成为公园家具和游乐场元素的一部分。
Over 1500s existing trees were surveyed for the health and value assessment. The landscape design intervention is kept as minimal possible, preserving the valuable trees while also sustaining the natural resources of the site. The excavated materials such as the pre-existing canal’s stones and felled trees log was reused and upcycled as part of the new park construction material and design elements. The unhealthy trees were either relocated to a new location or reused as part of the park’s furniture and playground elements.

积极的社区计划 Active Community Programs
This collaborative approach together with the involvement of local communities and stakeholders for an innovation-driven and co-creation formulate the project’s goal. The active and passive space provides a wide range of recreational, educational, and social activities for the community. The revitalized blue-green open space is accessible by people from all ages and backgrounds, a park that truly provides social wellbeing for the local community.
▽游乐场 Playground

增强连通性 Enhanced Connectivity
特贝特生态公园的建成被认为是雅加达公共公园设计的一个重要里程碑,它将生态景观与休闲空间完美地结合在一起,为城市提供了更大的公平性,构建了一个人与自然和谐共处的生态系统。自特贝特生态公园建成以来,它已获得多个国际奖项,包括 2023 年 7 月新加坡总统设计奖的年度设计奖。
The initial park was separated by the river and busy traffic road segregating the pedestrian connectivity. As a public park, inclusive connectivity and accessibility for all people is essential. The infinity-shaped pedestrian bridge was designed to encounter pedestrian connectivity as a seamless pathway connects the separated parks. The striking color and meandering bridge were designed to avoid the existing trees and ensure minimum impact to the existing environment, inviting park users to explore the entire parks.
The completion of Tebet Eco Park was regarded as a significant milestone for public park design in Jakarta city that integrates the ecological landscape and recreational spaces seamlessly, providing a greater equity in the city, an ecosystem where human and nature can coalesce. Since the completion of Tebet Eco Park have received multiple international award including Design of The Year at President*s Design Award Singapore in July 2023.

▽公园夜景 Night view of the park

▽场地平面图 Site plan

▽水道两侧景观节点 Landscape points on both sides of the waterway

竣工时间:2022 年
项目地点:印度尼西亚 雅加达
景观设计:SIURA Studio
工作室名称:SIURA Studio
社交媒体账户:SIURA Studio IG:@SIURA.Studio
图片来源:SIURA Studio
视频链接:新加坡总统设计奖-年度设计 – https://youtu.be/HZ_S650M_rY
Archinesia – https://youtu.be/HBu7SWPwte0
Project Name: Tebet Eco Park
Completion Year: 2022
Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 73,000 sqm / 7.3 ha
Project Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Program / Use / Building Function: Public Park, Infrastructure, Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architects: SIURA Studio
Office Name: SIURA Studio
Office Website: www.siurastudio.com
Social Media Accounts: SIURA Studio IG: @siura.studio
Contact email: office@siurastudio.com
Firm Location: Singapore
Photo Credits: SIURA Studio
Video link: President*s Design Award Singapore – Design of the Year https://youtu.be/HZ_S650M_rY
Archinesia (Indonesian Architecture Chanel in Indonesian with English subtitle) https://youtu.be/HBu7SWPwte0
“ 该项目通过保护树木和改善蓝绿基础设施恢复了公园的生态,并营造了一个包容性的环境,为在自然环境中开展各种娱乐活动提供了便利。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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