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Thanks A Threshold for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by A Threshold.


A Threshold:这块 70′ x 40′ 的地块位于一个密集的城市街区,南面是一个狭窄的公园。地块上公寓大楼的主要居住者为学生和专业人士。

A Threshold:The 70’ x 40’ plot is situated in a dense urban neighbourhood and faces a narrow park to the South. The primary residents are students and professionals.


▽建筑外观 Architectural appearance



The density and narrow setbacks of the surrounding buildings resulted in section that draw light from above. Interconnected volumes allow light to penetrate through the building. These volumes become internal courts which house common activities such as reading and dining, while also forming pause points along the circulation of the building.


▽交错楼梯形成绿色步行空间和暂停点 Staggering Stairs Green Walk And Pause Points


▽室内共享公共空间 Indoor public space


▽结合采光体量设置的休息点 Rest point set in combination with lighting volume



A building envelops made of reclaimed Mangalore ridge tiles wraps itself around, shielding the interiors from the harsh sun and creating a comfortable internal environment while also acting as an acoustic and visual screen.


▽建筑围护结构有助于营造舒适的内部环境 Building envelope helps to create a comfortable internal environment


▽植物遮挡了刺眼的阳光,使室内空间保持舒适 Plants block the dazzling sunlight and keep the indoor space comfortable


回收的瓦片来自附近的一家工厂,瓦片被切割成 45 度的剖面,然后以每隔两英尺的方式被重复组装在低碳钢板框架中,形成具有视觉冲击力的建筑立面。

The reclaimed ridge tiles are sourced from a nearby factory and are cut into 45-degree profiles. They are then assembled in a framework of mild steel plates and repeated at two-feet intervals.


▽建筑维护结构设计概念 Design concept


​▽实物细节 Detail



The screen works on the principle of evaporative cooling and is an abstraction of traditional water jugs which are used to keep water cool during summer months.


▽结构降温工作原理 Working principle of structural cooling



A drip irrigation system efficiently supplies water to the planter boxes while also sprinkling water on the terracotta tiles, keeping the interiors cool.


▽滴灌系统 A drip irrigation system



 The vegetation grown along the façade helps create a biodiverse environment, attracting birds and insects, and becomes a model for buildings in the urban fabric.


▽建筑立面植物不断生长,创造了一个生物多样性的环境 The plants on the facade of the building keep growing, creating a biodiversity environment



▽建筑立面灯光 Lighting


▽设计图纸 Design drawing




项目名称:Terra Comb
项目地点:印度 卡纳塔克邦 班加罗尔 Jaya Prakash Nagar
竣工年份:2022 年
场地面积:265 平方米
总建筑面积:1096 平方米
客户:Prasad V
建筑设计:A Threshold
项目建筑师、设计团队:Avinash Ankalge、Harshith Nayak、Naresh Sivakoti、Karthik Krishna
Instagram:A Threshold(https://www.instagram.com/a_threshold_/)
结构顾问:C. Ramkumar- Rays Consulting Engineers
土木承包商和建筑商:Prasad V
景观设计:Divakar 和 A Threshold
图片来源:Anand Jaju,Studio Recall,Akhil,A Threshold

Project name: Terra Comb
Project location: Jaya Prakash Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Completion Year: 2022
Site Area: 265 sq.m.
Gross Built Area: 1096 sq.m
Client: Prasad V.
Architect’s Firm: “A Threshold”
Project Architects, Design Team: Avinash Ankalge, Harshith Nayak, Naresh Sivakoti, Karthik Krishna.
Instagram Profile: “A Threshold” (https://www.instagram.com/a_threshold_/)
Contact e-mail: avinash@athreshold.com, harshith@athreshold.com,
Structural Consultants: C. Ramkumar- Rays Consulting Engineers
Civil Contractors and Builder: Prasad V.
Landscape: Divakar and A Threshold
Photo Credits: Anand Jaju, Studio Recall, Akhil, A Threshold.



审稿编辑: SIM

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