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L49:In the context of Thonglor area, The density of the Mixed-use area is attractive with activities of both Thai and foreigners, the landscape architecture design Must rely on the advantages and disadvantages of this area as a design problem with the unique characteristics of Thonglor Perfect with the concept “Open Peace”.

By creating distinctive elements Cut away from the outside and creating a peaceful area within a shady pocket park with vegetation and consisting of a waterfall wall that creating a relaxing sound drowned the outside chaos well.
▼轻奢优雅的品质入口形象设计 The light luxury and elegant entrance image design

▼入口门头材料细节 The material details of entrance

▼从人行道上看住宅入口夜景 Night view from the sidewalk

▼从对面街道看住宅入口夜景 Night view from the opposite sidewalk

▼进入住宅庭院看入口门头 View from the courtyard

▼住宅一层的水景庭院掩映在一片葱郁宁静之中 The waterscape courtyard on the ground floor of the residence is hidden in a lush and tranquil landscape.

▼瀑布墙流淌下来的汩汩水声帮人们隔绝了外界的纷乱嘈杂 The gurgling water flowing down from the waterfall wall helps people isolate themselves from the chaos and noise of the outside world.

While the garden areas on rooftops of the building act as peaceful areas and create a privacy which opens up a wide view into the surrounding atmosphere, recognizing the Skyline of Bangkok, and on the highest floor is a resting place with a swimming pool that can embracing with the view 360 degrees, which is designed to be able to exercise and meet the usage of every relaxation.

▼屋顶花园层为用户创造了私密的休闲空间 The garden areas on rooftops of the building creates a private leisure space for users.

▼开阔的景观视野,将城市天际线也纳入眼底 The city skyline is also included in the panoramic view of the landscape.

▼建筑顶层夜景鸟瞰 The night aerial view of top floor.

▼建筑顶层的无边界泳池可360度欣赏周围的景观 The infinity pool on the top floor offers 360-degree views of the surrounding landscape.

▼顶层的全景观景台同时也起到了一定的遮蔽作用 The panoramic viewing platform on the top floor also plays a role in shielding.

▼景观设计分析 The design analysis

▼地面层景观布局及流线分析 The ground floor layout and main circulation

▼设计概念 Planning Concept

▼主入口前场设计 Main Entrance Design

▼水景庭院设计 Pocket Garden Design

▼两个屋顶花园层设计 Roof Garden Design

▼建筑顶层无边界泳池设计 Sky Pool Design

项目名称:The Bangkok Thonglor
景观设计:Landscape Architects 49 Limited
首席设计师:Arrak Ouiyamaphan
设计团队:Charatporn Assavasoth / Witsarut Ditpae
客户:Land and Houses Public Company Limited
合作单位:Tandem Architects (2001) Co.,Ltd. (建筑设计)
图片:Rungkrit Charoenwat
Project name: The Bangkok Thonglor
Completion Year: 2019
Design Area: 3,000 sq.m.
Project location: Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Architecture: Landscape Architects 49 Limited
Website: www.L49.co.th
Lead Architects: Arrak Ouiyamaphan
Design Team: Charatporn Assavasoth / Witsarut Ditpae
Clients: Land and Houses Public Company Limited
Collaborators: Tandem Architects (2001) Co.,Ltd. (Architect)
Photo credits: Rungkrit Charoenwat
更多 Read more about: Landscape Architects 49 Limited